
Contact and Advising


Undergraduate Advising/Registration Inquiries

Undergraduate students should use the Advising/Registration Inquiry Form (button below) for ALL registration and advising inquiries, including but not limited to requests to change Chemistry lab or lecture sections, requests dealing with STTs, and issues dealing with course prerequisites.

CHEM courses with two components, such as lectures and integrated labs or lectures and tutorials: students need to register into both lecture and lab sections in order to complete registration. Students who do not complete all components of registration (e.g. lecture section without a lab section) will be moved to the waitlist.

Do not email the Undergraduate Advisor or Undergraduate Program Coordinator directly for initial inquiries. The response to your email inquiry will be an automated statement to use the Advising/Inquiry Form.

Please do not use this Form to inquire about your status in a course waitlist. The Department's administrators can monitor the waitlist centrally and your inquiry delays everyone's registration, including your own. Your timetable will be verified and you will be placed if/when space becomes available in the course.

Requests are queued and processed from a Central system.

Please do not:

a) resubmit your inquiry (it doesn't speed up your ticket and it clogs the Central system without necessity, and anything you resubmit comes after your first ticket)
b) email someone else in the Department asking about your inquiry (you already have a ticket in the Advising system)
c) visit the Chemistry Main Office in person asking about your inquiry (you already have a ticket in the Advising system)

The Central system will notify you when your inquiry has been processed.

Please look over the answers to common advising/registration questions below, since the answer to your question may be there.

CHEM Transfer Credits

Transfer credit requests should be sent, with accompanying materials (see below) to your ES Advisor who will contact the UBC Transfer Office and then the Department. Student requests sent directly to the Department of Chemistry Advising Form or to specific faculty members will be ignored.

Transfer credits between institutions in British Columbia are articulated in the B.C. Transfer Guide. The UBC Central Administration (Enrolment Services) has historical information about the CHEM articulations between universities outside of British Columbia and UBC.

Previous articulations that are established will not be overwritten without strong and compelling evidence.

CHEM 123 at UBC-Vancouver contains 50% organic chemistry content, including the topics of bonding descriptions, resonance theory, functional groups, nomenclature, arrow formalisms, conformation of acyclic and cyclic hydrocarbons, stereochemistry, and fundamental reactions such as proton transfer processes (acidity-basicity) and substitution reactions at sp3 carbon atoms. Courses from other institutions that do not contain this content will not be articulated as CHEM 123.

For rapid processing, articulation requests shoud include the following:

(e.g. for a hypothetical University of XXXX, "Chem 100")

a) The course number of the UBC CHEM course under consideration (e.g CHEM 123)

b) An outline of the topics in the University of XXXXX, "Chem 100" course

c) The name, author, edition, and required chapters of any textbooks required for the University of XXXXX. "Chem 100" course

d) Copies of problem sets and answer keys used in University of XXXXX, "Chem 100"

e) Copies of sample midterm and final examinations used in University of XXXXX, "Chem 100"

Course Regulations and Instructor Expectations are not useful in the articulation of external courses.

My transfer credits are shown as a generic credit such as "CHEM 1st" or "CHEM 2nd". How does this translate to UBC courses?

A transfer value of 3 - 4 credits of CHEM 1st is roughly equivalent to CHEM 121 and you may register for the waitlist for CHEM 123 (the Department will try to place you). A transfer value of 6 - 8 credits of CHEM 1st is roughly equivalent to the introductory two semesters of chemistry at UBC. If you wish to take additional chemistry courses, you may register on the waitlists for 2nd year UBC courses (the Department will try to place you). CHEM 123 is particularly relevant as a prerequisite for CHEM 233 (and CHEM 203).

IMPORTANT NOTE: In some cases students may be permitted to enroll in CHEM 233 or CHEM 203 without its prerequisite, CHEM 123 or SCI 001. Students in those instances will have an alternative course or a generic transfer credit such as CHEM 1st on their academic record instead of CHEM 123. If a student in this situation then fails CHEM 233 or CHEM 203, it becomes MANDATORY for students to enroll in and pass the appropriate prerequisite course, CHEM 123, before they can reattempt CHEM 233 or CHEM 203.

Students Taking First-Year Courses offered by the Chemistry Department

Should I take CHEM_V 100 (3) or CHEM_V 111 (4)?

CHEM_V 100 (3) is designed for UBC-V students who do not have B.C. High School CHEM 11 in their academic background. CHEM_V 100 contains topics from B.C. High School CHEM 11 and CHEM 12, and has no associated lab component. It can serve as a prerequisite for CHEM_V 121.

CHEM_V 111 (4) is designed for UBC-V students who have B.C. High School CHEM 11 and appropriate High School MATH in their academic background. This Term 1 course has components of B.C. High School CHEM 12 and CHEM_V 121 (4). This course is a prerequisite for CHEM_V 123 (4).

Do I need to take the Department of Chemistry Basic Skills Test (BST) to take CHEM_V 100 (3)?

No – students do not need to take the BST to register in CHEM_V 100 (3). Students can register for the CHEM_V 100 (3) waitlist and the Department will move those students into the course if that course is appropriate for them.

Does CHEM_V 100 satisfy the requirements of Year 1 CHEM in the Faculty of Science?

CHEM_V 100 (3) satisfies the Foundational Requirement for the Faculty of Science. It does not satisfy Year 1 CHEM requirements. It does not satisfy “Laboratory Program” requirements.

Do I need to take the Department of Chemistry Basic Skills Test (BST) to take CHEM_V 111 (4)?

Students who are not in the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Applied Science are required to take the Chemistry BST and achieve a satisfactory score. The BST was designed to allow the Department to recommend and/or place students into CHEM_V 100 (3) or CHEM_V 111 (4) in order to allow students the best opportunity for academic success.

I haven't taken Grade 11 chemistry. Can I still register in CHEM_V 111 (4)?

Students who want to register into CHEM_V 111 who are not in the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Applied Science are required to take the UBC CHEM Basic Skills Test and achieve a satisfactory score.

The UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test (BST) assesses the readiness of students to take CHEM_V 111. More information about the Basic Skills Test can be found here: []

I have taken Grade 12 chemistry but it was a few years ago. Can I register in CHEM_V 111 instead of taking CHEM_V 121?

All students with Grade 12 chemistry take CHEM_V 121 rather than CHEM_V 111. The Department has developed high school review materials that are posted on its website.

If 5 (five) or more years has lapsed since you took high school chemistry, you would be permitted to take CHEM_V 111. You will need to contact the Department for assistance with registration since CHEM 12 on your record will prevent you accessing CHEM_V 111.

I have only taken Grade 11 chemistry. Can I register in CHEM_V 121 instead of taking CHEM_V 111?

No, students with B.C. Grade 11 should register into CHEM_V 111.

I am interested in the HONS specializations.

Students that select the MAJ CHEM specialization will have their academic records reviewed by the Undergraduate Advisor in the summer before their second year. Students with sufficient academic standing with the correct amounts of academic credits will be invited to join the HONS specializations. Students who meet the requirements for HONS can also contact the Advisor through the Advising/Registration Inquiry Form.

For students considering HONS CHEM BIOC, these decisions are usually made before the second year of academic study.

For students considering HONS CHEM BIOL, the BIOL specialization moves students into the HONS specialization between Year 2 and Year 3 Standing. These students should ensure that they follow the prescribed course loads as described in the UBC Calendar so that they can easily transfer to the HONS specialization later.

Non-CHEM, BIOC Students Taking Second-Year Courses in Chemistry

Can I enroll in CHEM_V 203 or CHEM_V 233 without CHEM_V 123 from UBC-V?

Parts of CHEM_V 123-V (organic chemistry) introduces the topics of bonding descriptions, resonance theory, functional groups, nomenclature, arrow formalisms, conformation of acyclic and cyclic hydrocarbons, stereochemistry, and fundamental reactions such as proton transfer processes (acidity-basicity) and substitution reactions at sp3 carbon atoms.

This is prerequisite knowledge for CHEM_V 233 and CHEM_V 203 and, historically, students without this background knowledge have not been academically successful.

Students with 6-8 credits (2 semesters/terms) of Year 1 CHEM transfer credit are usually allowed by the Department to enroll in Year 2 organic courses. Students with AP credit are strongly advised to take CHEM_V 123.

CHEM_V 154 (3) does not satisfy the prerequisite requirements for CHEM_V 233, CHEM_V 235 or CHEM_V 203. Students who transfer from APSC to SCIE take CHEM_V 121 and CHEM_V 123.

I passed a course previously but want to take it again to get a higher grade.

It is a Faculty of Science regulation that students may NOT repeat a course for higher standing. If you are registered in a Chemistry course in order to obtain higher standing, YOU WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE WITHOUT NOTIFICATION.

Can I register for CHEM_V 203 if my specialization is not Chemistry (CHEM) or Biochemistry (BIOC)?

No, these courses are available exclusively to students in majors, combined majors, honours and combined honours specializations in Chemistry and Biochemistry. No exceptions are made.

What is the difference between CHEM_V 233, 235 and CHEM_V 203, 213, 245?

CHEM_V 233, 235 is the track for Life Sciences majors (Organic Chemistry for Biological Sciences). CHEM_V 203, 213, 245 are the courses needed for Chemistry and Biochemistry specializations. The course content within CHEM_V 203, 213, 245 is both more comprehensive and detailed, and are presented and assessed at a higher level relative to CHEM_V 233, 235.

Do I have to take CHEM_V 235 in the same term as CHEM_V 233?

No. but students who take both CHEM_V 233 and CHEM_V 235 in Term 1 can more smoothly transfer into programs such as MAJ CHEM BIOL.

The lecture capacity of CHEM_V 233 is more than double that of the laboratory course CHEM_V 235. It is thus necessary that approximately half of the students in CHEM_V 235 take this course after completion of CHEM_V 233. There is absolutely no detriment to taking the laboratory course subsequent to the lecture course. Indeed, it may be more suitable for many students to have been exposed to the lecture material beforehand. They will thus have a better understanding of the theory that underlies the experiments being performed in CHEM_V 235.

If I have passed CHEM_V 233 and then decide to switch into a Chemistry degree program, will I have to take second year organic chemistry (CHEM_V 203)?

In some cases, yes; it mainly depends on your CHEM 233 grade. Students with 76% or higher in CHEM_V 233 and completion of CHEM_V 235 are able to take CHEM_V 213 and CHEM_V 245. If possible, students considering this degree program switch should consult the CHEM_V 235 instructor prior to the start of the course.

Students who wish to transfer that do not achieve a grade of 76% in CHEM_V 233 take CHEM_V 203 in the following year for credit. The credit for their earlier CHEM_V 233 grade will not be applied to their graduation credits.

Do I really have to have taken a Year 1 Mathematics course to register in CHEM_V 205?

Yes, the official prerequisite to CHEM_V 205 is both a course in differential calculus (e.g. MATH_V 100 or equivalent) and two semesters of general chemistry. A course in integral calculus (e.g. MATH_V 101 or equivalent) is recommended.

CHEM, BIOC Students taking Second-Year Courses in Chemistry

Students in CHEM and combined CHEM specializations should take all courses described in the UBC_V Calendar. For the MAJ CHEM specialization, these are CHEM_V 203, CHEM_V 208, CHEM_V 211, CHEM_V 213, CHEM_V 245, MATH_V 200 and either MATH_V 221/STAT_V 200. The Department has reserved seats in each of the CHEM courses for specific specializations (e.g. CHEM, CHEB, BIOC etc.) in order to optimize timetables and allow students to access important Year 2 CHEM requirements. It may be that seats for your specialization have been reserved in a specific term (for CHEM_V 211) or day of the week (for CHEM_V 203 laboratory or CHEM_V 245).

Students who do not take the described Year 2 program as in the UBC_V Calendar may not have important prerequisite courses to take Year 3 courses. Specifically, Year 3 lab courses (CHEM_V 315, CHEM_V 325) need a combination of CHEM_V 208, CHEM_V 211, CHEM_V 213 and CHEM_V 245. These prerequisites are important and will not be waived.

Students who do not complete the Year 2 programs as described in the UBC_V Calendar will likely have their academic progress delayed by at least one (1) academic year.

Can I enroll in CHEM_V 203 or CHEM_V 233 without CHEM_V 123 from UBC-V?

Parts of CHEM_V 123 (organic chemistry) introduces the topics of bonding descriptions, resonance theory, functional groups, nomenclature, arrow formalisms, conformation of acyclic and cyclic hydrocarbons, stereochemistry, and fundamental reactions such as proton transfer processes (acidity-basicity) and substitution reactions at sp3 carbon atoms.

This is prerequisite knowledge for CHEM_V 233 and CHEM_V 203 and, historically, students without this background knowledge have not been academically successful.

Students with 6-8 credits (2 semesters/terms) of Year 1 CHEM transfer credit are usually allowed by the Department to enroll in Year 2 organic courses. Students with AP credit are strongly advised to take CHEM_V 123.

CHEM_V 154 (3) does not satisfy the prerequisite requirements for CHEM_V 233, CHEM_V 235 or CHEM_V 203. Students who transfer from APSC to SCIE take CHEM_V 121 and CHEM_V 123.

I’m in a CHEM or BIOC specialization. Should I take CHEM_V 233 and hopefully earn 76% or take CHEM_V 203?

The Department of Chemistry strongly recommends that CHEM, BIOC spec students take CHEM_V 203. This is the course that is designed for CHEM and BIOC spec students.

  1. The laboratory component of CHEM_V 203 more directly leads into CHEM_V 245.
  2. There are many topics in CHEM_V 203 that are not covered in CHEM_V 233. For example, hydroboration-oxidations of alkenes and Grignard reactions with carbonyl compounds are two examples of quite a few reactions that are not covered in CHEM_V 233 that are common organic reactions that will be expected knowledge in CHEM_V 213.
I wish to register for a course, but it would create a conflict in my timetable. What should I do?

Conflicts are not permitted in the Faculty of Science. You must choose between the courses, or wait for space to open in a section that fits your timetable.

The Faculty of Science has procedures in place for students who wish to request conflicting courses within a timetable. These situations must be carefully managed – usually instructor and Department permission followed by permission from the Dean’s Office is required.

Can you move a chemistry course so that I can add another course that would cause a timetable conflict?

Timetable conflicts will not be allowed. If you have another course that you wish to add which will be in conflict with a course in which you are currently registered, you will have to drop your current registration and place yourself on the waitlist for the course. Add the new course and wait for possible re-registration in the original course. As with any waitlisted situation, placement is not guaranteed.

I am interested in the HONS specializations.

Students that select the MAJ CHEM specialization will have their academic records reviewed by the Undergraduate Advisor in the summer before their second year. Students with sufficient academic standing with the correct amounts of academic credits will be invited to join the HONS specializations. Students who meet the requirements for HONS can also contact the Advisor through the Advising/Registration Inquiry Form.

For students considering HONS CHEM BIOC, these decisions are usually made before the second year of academic study.

For students considering HONS CHEM BIOL, the BIOL specialization moves students into the HONS specialization between Year 2 and Year 3 Standing. These students should ensure that they follow the prescribed course loads as described in the UBC Calendar so that they can easily transfer to the HONS specialization later.

Repeating Courses

I have to repeat a course with a lecture and laboratory component. I previously passed the laboratory but not the lecture. Do I need to repeat the laboratory?

No, as long as you received a satisfactory mark (determined by the laboratory director) for the laboratory, you do not need to retake the laboratory component.

  1. Register for both a lecture section and a laboratory section.
  2. Place yourself on the waitlist for the XMT (laboratory-exempt) laboratory section.
  3. Department admin will review the XMT waitlist and move you into the XMT laboratory section if you are eligible. Your previous grade in the laboratory will be reused.
I passed a course previously but want to take it again to get a higher grade.

It is a Faculty of Science regulation that students may NOT repeat a course for higher standing. If you are registered in a chemistry course in order to obtain higher standing, YOU WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE WITHOUT NOTIFICATION.

I have taken CHEM_V 203, but transferred to another specialization that requires CHEM 233_V & CHEM_V 235. Do I need to retake these courses?

No, CHEM_V 203 satisfies UBC-V’s graduation requirements for CHEM_V 233 & CHEM_V 235.

I have taken CHEM_V 203, failed the lecture but passed the laboratory component. Do I need to take CHEM_V 235?

No, you can contact the Department through the Advising website and when your academic record is confirmed, your transcript will be labelled CHEM_235 XMT.

There is no grade available for “CHEM_V 235 XMT” unless you opt to take the course with its specific assessments.

Course Waitlists

Course waitlists are handled automatically by the WorkDay Student registration system. Students can place themselves onto section waitlists and the system will automatically notify students by email when a seat is available in their selected waitlisted section. No response to this automated email correspondence within 24 h will result in the student losing this seat.

The Department of Chemistry has placed seats in reserve in specific Year 1 and Year 2 lectures and laboratories to enable effective timetables for students in different Faculties and Departments across campus. As the registration season matures into late August or early September, some of these seats are converted into general seats. Thus, waitlist movement or clearance may take until the first week of classes to complete.

The Department of Chemistry prioritizes the placement of students who need courses for academic progression over those who want to optimize their timetable. The Department cannot override section capacity.

It is normal that some courses and sections have high demand and enrollment. Waitlist movement for those sections may not occur. Placement is not guaranteed.

It is important to note that the WorkDay Student waitlist administration is automated. Students will be notified immediately when a seat is available. Contacting the Department by phone, email or the Advising Website will not accelerate the waitlist process.

I am interested in a specific course and/or section.

If you are interested in a specific course or section that is full, you can place yourself on that waitlist. The automated WorkDay Student registration system will contact you when an eligible seat is available.

Department admin will oversee the waitlist – we can see when a student is on the waitlist and has indicated that they are interested in a course or section. The waitlist management is automated – students will receive an email as soon as an eligible seat is available.

If I am on a waitlist, what is the likelihood that I will get into the course?

Seats will be assigned to waitlisted students if/when seats become available. (Seats can become available through factors such as students dropping the course, students fail prerequisite courses, etc.)

Waitlist management is automated. You will be contacted if a seat becomes available.

How will I know if I get into a course for which I am on the waitlist?

WorkDay Student will contact you with an offer to join the course with a 24 h response requirement.

How soon will seats be assigned from the waitlist?

As the registration season matures from June to July to August, specific reserved seats may be converted into general seats. The majority of waitlist movement occurs in late August and early September.

I am interested in waitlists for T2 courses.

Courses such as CHEM_V 123 (4) or CHEM_V 213 (4) have specific T1 prerequisites. The Department often waits for the results of December examinations to see how that affects laboratory room capacities. As such, these waitlists are often not settled until January.

Why was I dropped from the waitlist for a course?

There are two major reasons for being dropped from a waitlist. If you lack the prerequisites for the course, you will be dropped from the waitlist. If your timetable will not allow a complete registration in a course you will be dropped from the waitlist. For example, although your timetable may be compatible with a lecture section, you have other courses blocking every possible laboratory offering and thus cannot have a complete registration in the course.

Why was I put back onto a waitlist after I added the lecture for a course?

This situation almost invariably happens for courses that have both a lecture and a laboratory component. Once waitlisting becomes common due to capacity issues in courses, there may be a mismatch between any remaining lecture sections and compatible laboratory sections. Students must add themselves to both a lecture and a laboratory to complete their registration in a course. If only the lecture is added and no compatible laboratory is available, registration is incomplete. The Department will not overbook laboratories and thus the student is moved to the waitlist.

Why was I placed in the T2 section of CHEM_V 211 when I had waitlisted for the T1 offering of the course?

CHEM_V 211 is one of only two chemistry courses (CHEM_V 235 is the other) that are offered in both semesters of winter session. It is assumed that a waitlisted student's priority is to get into the course. Whenever possible the requested term is provided. Once the course is full and placement depends on other students dropping their registration, we still will continue to try and get everyone into the course, but this may mean registration in the other term. An alternate term placement will only be done if it does not create a conflict nor exceed the number of permitted credits for that term. If you are registered in the alternate term and wish to only be considered for registration in the term indicated, drop your lecture and place yourself back on the appropriate waitlist. Contact the Department to confirm that you wish placement, should space become available, only in the term indicated. As with any waitlisted situation, placement is not guaranteed.

I'm waitlisted for a Term 2 course (e.g. CHEM_V 123 or CHEM_V 213), but am fully registered in the Term 1 prerequisite course (e.g. CHEM_V 121 or CHEM_V 203). Do I have any priority to be placed into the Term 2 course?

All students who successfully complete a first-term course which is a prerequisite course for a second-term course in the same year level will eventually be moved from the waitlist for the second-term course. This change in registration will not normally happen until late in December when the results of the prerequisite course become available.

What are my chances of being moved from the waitlist for CHEM 203_V or CHEM_V 213?

For students outside of CHEM and BIOC, these chances are low. There is a very high demand for these key courses in both the Chemistry and Biochemistry programs. There is an absolute limit to the capacity of these courses.


Do I have to take the courses in my specialization exactly as they are listed in the calendar?

Every Chemistry specialization has both courses that are key prerequisites for future offerings, and courses that build breadth. The calendar listing provides one way to complete all the required courses in four years of study. However, it is possible to take courses in a different sequence, especially if five years of study is being used. Note especially that entry into Chemistry specializations requires only first year MATH and CHEM courses. It is NOT required that all the courses listed in first year be completed before admission to a program is sought.

What is the difference between biochemistry and chemical biology/biological chemistry?

According to Wikipedia, biochemistry is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms while chemical biology is the application of chemical techniques, tools, and analyses, and often compounds produced through synthetic chemistry, to the study and manipulation of biological systems. Roughly speaking, biochemists study the complex signaling and chemical processes in cells to understand the basis for life. Chemical biologists/biological chemists use knowledge of synthetic chemistry to change or study molecules involved in biochemical processes with the goal of trying to understand the detailed chemical mechanisms at play. For example, a biochemist might ask, "What proteins and pathways are needed to produce glucose?" while a chemical biologist might ask, "How do enzymes in those pathways synthesize compounds under ambient conditions?".

What average do I need for admission to Chemistry specializations?

The precise minimum average for admission varies among Chemistry specializations, and even from year to year. However, generally speaking, an average above 70% is usually sufficient for admission.

How many students are accepted into Chemistry specializations?

Typically, the Department admits 100-150 students in total to Chemistry (pure and combined) programs. In preparation for the specialization selection process, seats are assigned to each Chemistry program based upon historical enrolments. This helps the Department sort through various logistical issues, such as the preparation of standard timetables. The key point to remember though is that these initial seat allocations CAN and DO change once student choices are known. In other words, if the demand for a particular program is greater than originally estimated, the Department creates additional seats to help meet this demand. Due to lecture and laboratory capacity, there are limits on the total number of admitted students summed over all the Chemistry programs. However, this aggregate limit does not usually become a factor in the admission process for a student. In almost every case, qualified students are admitted to the Chemistry program of their choice.

What are the types of practical experience students get in a CHEM specialization?

Laboratory experience is a critical component of a Chemistry education for two main reasons: i) most chemical advances are based on experiment, and ii) a wide range of techniques and principles are needed to be a chemist. Furthermore, a combined program involving chemistry may also involve building laboratory skills in another scientific discipline. These skills can prove very valuable after graduation when looking for employment or graduate studies. Generally, laboratory courses are designed to build a set of skills in both techniques and instrumentation, specific to the particular program.

If I graduate in a combined program, can I pursue post-graduate opportunities in either of the combined disciplines?

Yes. For example, graduating in the Chemical Biology program allows you to pursue employment or graduate studies in either biology, chemistry or chemical biology. All Chemistry combined programs are designed to allow students to pursue post-graduate opportunities in either of the combined disciplines. One has to remember though that combined programs target a specific area. So, for example, a graduate in Chemical Physics has a very strong background to pursue atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, physical chemistry or theoretical chemistry but a much weaker background to pursue relativistic physics, cosmology or synthetic organic chemistry. It is assumed the interests of students lie in the areas targeted by the combined programs. Students with broad interests in a specific discipline usually do not choose combined programs.

If I have passed CHEM 233 and then decide to switch into a Chemistry degree program, will I have to take second year organic chemistry (CHEM 203)?

In some cases, yes; it mainly depends on your CHEM 233 grade. Students with 76% or higher in CHEM 233 and completion of CHEM 235 are able to take CHEM 213 and CHEM 245 without first taking CHEM 203. If possible, students considering this degree program switch should consult the CHEM 235 instructor prior to the start of the course. Students who take CHEM 233 and CHEM 235 in Term 1 can more smoothly transfer into programs such as MAJ CHEM BIOL.

I am interested in the HONS specializations.

Students that select the MAJ CHEM specialization will have their academic records reviewed by the Undergraduate Advisor in the summer before their second year. Students with sufficient academic standing with the correct amount of academic credits will be invited to join the HONS specializations. Students who meet the requirements for HONS can also contact the Advisor through the Advising/Registration Inquiry Form.

For students considering HONS CHEM BIOC, these decisions are usually made before the second year of academic study.

For students considering HONS CHEM BIOL, the BIOL specialization moves students into the HONS specialization in their third year. These students should ensure that they follow the prescribed courseloads as described in the UBC Calendar so that they can easily transfer to the HONS specialization later.

Questions About Co-Op, Studying Abroad

Should I check with UBC Chemistry Department Advisor before studying abroad through Go Global?

Yes, checking in with the Department Advisor is an excellent option. Honours students in CHEM specializations will have to pay special attention to the timing of their third year lab courses, CHEM 3x5, and CHEM 319, 329, in order to fulfill their graduation requirements.

What is the most common challenge for students studying abroad in terms of course matching?

The most common challenge for course matching is finding equivalents to CHEM 3x5. CHEM 315 or CHEM 335 is one four hour lab section per weeks for 10-12 weeks. CHEM 325 or CHEM 345 are two four hour lab sections per week for 10 -12 weeks. CHEM 3x5 has experiments in a number of fields, so keep that in mind when selecting courses.

What is the biggest challenge to graduation in the CHEM specilalizations for students in Co-Op or Abroad Study?

The biggest challenge is schedule the third year requirements. It is crucial to take and finish CHEM 3x5 before students move on to fourth year labs.

Students cannot take CHEM 325 and CHEM 345 at the same time (co-scheduled). Generally, students cannot take CHEM 345 and CHEM 445/CHEM 449 at the same time (co-scheduled). Students who would like to take CHEM 445 or CHEM 449 in conjunction with a third-year lab will need to have a greatly reduced courseload/credit count to demonstrate that the course workload is achievable before permission would be granted by the Undergraduate Advisor.

I am interested in the Chemistry International Three-Two program.

The Chemistry international Three-Two program will undertake three years of study at UBC, and then complete two years of study at a partner institution in Europe.

Students in this program must satisfy eligibility requirements for graduate programs, hence a high academic average is required.

Students must be registered in a CHEM MAJ or HONS specialization. Students in combined programs may not satisfy graduation requirements for either the UBC B.Sc. or the European M.Sc. degree without additional coursework at UBC.

Questions Relevant to Senior Students (Research, Degree Navigator)

Can students take CHEM 345 or CHEM 445 (or CHEM 449) in the same term?

No, generally, students cannot take CHEM 345 and CHEM 445/CHEM 449 at the same time (co-scheduled). Students who would like to take CHEM 445 or CHEM 449 in conjunction with a third-year lab will need to have a greatly reduced courseload/credit count to demonstrate that the course workload is achievable before permission would be granted by the Undergraduate Advisor.

What research options are available for undergraduate students?

UBC Chemistry is globally recognized, and one of the tenets of our department is to provide many opportunities for students to undertake research investigations in an academic laboratory.

Generally, research opportunities are focused towards students in their third year of undergraduate study or above. These students have a more substantial academic track record, and have completed all of the foundational course that are required to begin to learn to do effective work in an academic research laboratory. While exceptions are possible, students who experiences are limited to CHEM 123 or CHEM 235 or CHEM 245 simply do not have as complete a background that is necessary to be competent and successful in the research laboratory.

Summer: Excellent students in CHEM specializations can apply for NSERC Undergraduate Research Assistantship Awards , as well as other student assistantships. Students in the summer after their third year of study may consider CHEM 448 (3 or 6 credits), taken as a CREDIT/FAIL course. CHEM 448 cannot be used to replace any specific requirements in a student's graduation requirements, except as "General Electives".

Fourth Year/Graduating Year: Students in the HONS specialization are required to undertake a CHEM 449 thesis project under the direction of a faculty member. Students in a MAJ specialization can take on a CHEM 449 thesis project with the permission of the Undergraduate Advisor. These students usually will have course averages in CHEM subjects that are over 82%.

Students in the MAJ specialization could also undertake a CHEM 445 RLE (Research as a Learning Experience) project for 3 or 6 credits in their fourth year. Students enroll in CHEM 445, and will be offered a selection of research options. This is a competitive process as there may be limited number of RLE projects that are available. Students can also seek out a Department faculty member to act as a CHEM 445 RLE advisor. Students are required to participate in a presentation session at the end of the Winter Session.

I am a first year/second year student and I can't wait to do research! Why do third year students get preferential treatment?

Third year students have taken more course and have more relevant experience. In a one to one comparison, these students have a more substantial track record. Students in their first and second year can try to volunteer in a research lab, but understand that factors well outside the student's control will affect decisions. If a faculty member says no, it is not because of you, but rather a bunch of other factors (timing, project availability).

A good option is to consider a NSERC summer position after year 2 at another Canadian institution! UBC undergraduates are strong candidates, and department often save a set of NSERC USRA's for external candidates.

What is CHEM 445 RLE?

CHEM 445 (Research as a Learning Experience) is a way for MAJ students to get exposure to academic research. Students register directly for CHEM 445. The CHEM 445 coordinator will set up a list of research projects. The number of research projects is usually less than the number of total students in CHEM 445. There is a selection process to fit students to a research project (done in September). Students can also directly approach research faculty members to supervise a CHEM 445 project. The expectations for CHEM 445 are not as substantial as for CHEM 449.

I am in my graduating year. I don't see any problems with my Degree Navigator progress. I want the Chemistry Advisor to assure me.

The Degree Navigator that the Chemistry Advisor sees is the same as the one that you see. There is no good reason for the Advisor to check it. If all your graduation requirements are checked off, then you will be ready to graduate! Congratulations!

I have problems with Degree Navigator.

Contact the Chemistry Advisor with your problem with Degree Navigator. The Advisor will double-check your account and then send changes to Science Advising.

Molly Wang (Undergraduate Program Coordinator)

Office: Chemistry Main Office (CHEM D223)

Phone: 604-822-5710

For all inquiries, please complete the Advising/Registration Inquiry Form

Dr. Gregory Dake (Undergraduate Advisor)

Phone: 604-822-9121

For all inquiries, please complete the Advising/Registration Inquiry Form