Our Department


Chemistry Stores



Chemistry Stores is open for customers Monday through Friday from 9:00am-11:30am and 12:30pm-4:00pm. Closed on UBC Statutory Holidays.

  1. The store is self-serve. You can walk in, browse through items on shelves and pick out your own items. Just like at the grocery store.
  2. Checkout will go faster if you enter an order in Planon ahead of time. This not required. Item can be adjusted, added and/or removed from an order at checkout.
  3. There is a map of Stores showing the layout of shelving locations above the long counter in the main room. There is also a computer near the water cooler that can be used to search items and their shelf locations. If you have already placed an order, ask at the front desk for a print out of your order which will show shelf locations for items.
  4. Ask for staff assistance to collect ethanol or any items in locked cabinets.
  5. Bring your own carts if you have them and remember to use secondary containment for all solvents purchased.
  6. Once you have collected your items, bring them to the front counter/computer and have a staff person review and complete your order. Do not take anything out of Stores without first going through this checkout step!
  7. Chemistry customers only: Workday orders/package pickups are still from the 2nd row of shelves in the chemical room. Remember to sign the packing slip and leave it in one of the bins at either end of the row. Also check the freezer/fridge for items that require cold storage (packing slips will be taped to the front of the fridge or freezer).

Opening Hours

  • Stores customers: 9:00am-11:30am, 12:30-4:00pm
  • ThermoFisher Supply Centre: 9:00am-11:30am, 12:30-4:00pm

Stock orders

  • If you would like to speed up your checkout time place an order in Planon before shopping. Login with your CWL at this link>. If you do not have access (please check by trying to log in first), find the authorization form on the Standing Account tab of this website. Only current Employees in Workday can gain access to Planon, due to the integrations. For those not classified as employees in Workday, you are welcome to shop in person on after being authorized .
  • If you are authorized on an account in Planon but have lost access to Planon (due to a Workday appointment ending) you can still shop in person.
  • All items are listed in the Planon product store. Quantities on hand can be reviewed for all items in the product store by clicking on the item information.
  • Please review this guide before your first order for help answering simple questions. Customer Quick Order Instructions
  • Additional instructions for placing an order within the product store: STO 124 Requesting Stock Items from Product Store
  • Customers will no longer be notified when an order is ready. Simply place the order and come to Chem Stores at your earliest convenience. You will be able to collect your items from the store and add to your order as needed.

Other Stores Items

  • Dry ice pickup (for UBC customers who need the Stores key) will only be available during the opening times above. All necessary items are now located on the long counter in the main Stores room. Dry ice deliveries will continue on the M/W/F schedule.
  • The laundry bin will be placed in the hallway for collection of lab coats to be laundered. Please continue to send an email with quantity and contact information as per usual process (see services tab on this website for more information). Make sure coats are clearly/permanently labelled.
  • Distilled water is available. Ask customer service inside Stores for details.

ThermoFisher Supply Centre

  • Pick up is available during the hours of 9:00am-11:30am, 12:30-4:00pm
  • If preferred, phone or email Elkie at biosupply@chem.ubc.ca, (604) 827-2534 if you are planning on picking up an order that day. This will allow her to put aside your order and lessen the amount of time you will need to wait after arriving.
  • For stocked products, please contact Elkie for confirmation it is in stock before arriving. Once confirmed, and whenever feasible, please place online orders for stocked products before arriving to the service window and reference your order # when picking up. If Elkie normally places orders for you, please call her with payment details before arriving.


Chemistry Stores stocks more than 200 chemicals, deuterated solvents, dry ice, reusable and disposable glassware, plasticware, safety products such as personal protective equipment and spill control products, filtration products, assorted tubing, pipettors, and other miscellaneous scientific supplies. We are located on the lower floor of Chemistry B Block, South Wing, Room B170 - 2036 Main Mall (see map below or go to Wayfinding at UBC: Chemistry Block B, Room B170 - 2036 Main Mall).

Anyone holding a UBC account can set up a standing account at Chemistry Stores with the appropriate forms (see Standing Account tab on this website for appropriate forms). Our customers must have an account within the UBC Finance system.

Chemistry Stores offers a limited range of non-chemical products for sale by credit card to the public. Please contact Monica below for more information.

Stockroom Open for Customers

We are open for customer in-person shopping.

Monday to Friday
9:00 am - 11:30 am; 12:30pm - 4:00 pm

Closed on UBC recognized statutory holidays.


Manager, Stores Operations 604-822-5364 kbutton@chem.ubc.ca
George Kamel Buyer 604-822-2614 acq@chem.ubc.ca
Alex Moya Inventory/Accounts 604-822-6849 alexmoya@chem.ubc.ca
Elkie Menchions Supply Center 604-827-2534 biosupply@chem.ubc.ca
Jack Lu Shipper/Receiver 604-822-3003 shiprec@chem.ubc.ca
Monica Villanueva Customer Service 604-822-3865 mvillanueva@chem.ubc.ca
General Inquiries General Inquiries 604-822-3865 storz@chem.ubc.ca










Access Map













Driving Instructions for Couriers/Deliveries:

Approach from the north side of campus. Come south on East Mall from NW Marine Drive or Chancellor Blvd. Continue south on East Mall, pass through the signs indicating only Emergency and Service Vehicles. Turn right at Volkoff Lane. Continue straight for pallet deliveries or turn left, then right to reach Chemistry Stores Receiving for small parcel deliveries.






















standing account

Standing Account Information

New customers who would like to be authorized to make purchases from Chemistry Stores and have access to the Chemistry Product Store in Planon will need to fill out one of the forms below. The customer’s manager or supervisor must email the form to storesaccounts@chem.ubc.ca to authorize the customer. If purchases will be made on a grant then the Principal Investigator or Grant Manager must authorize the customer by email. A person must be active in Workday before they can be given access to Planon.

Chem Product Stores Access Form - New Customer(updated October 2022)

Use this form to set up a new grant, or change a grant, with many users on a single form. Please complete all information so that all users can be authorized:

Chem Product Store Access Form – New Grant(updated October 2022)


Quick Guide Ordering Information

Please review this guide before your first order for help answering simple questions. If you have further questions please send them to storz@chem.ubc.ca.

Customer Quick Order Instructions

stock items

Stock Items

Item Code Description Unit of Measure
DT00527D acetone-d6,1g,CIL,99.9 atom %D,ampoule Ampoule
DT00527D-PK acetone-d6,1g,CIL,99.9 atom %D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT00529F acetone-d6,10g,CIL,99.9 atom %D,bottle Bottle
DT00641A acetonitrile-d3,1g,CIL,99.8 atom %D,ampoule Ampoule
DT00641A-PK acetonitrile-d3,1g,CIL,99.8 atom %D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT006867 acetonitrile-d3,1mL,ALDRICH,99.8 atom %D,ampoule Ampoule
DT006867-PK acetonitrile-d3,1mL,ALDRICH,99.8 atom %D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT10685J benzene-d6,1g,CIL,99.6 atom %D,ampoule Ampoule
DT10685J-PK benzene-d6,1g,CIL,99.6 atom %D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT10686K benzene-d6,1mL,ALDRICH,99.6 atom% D,ampoule Ampoule
DT10686K-PK benzene-d6,1mL,ALDRICH,99.6 atom% D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT10687L benzene-d6,10g,CIL,99.6 atom %D,bottle Bottle
DT106910 benzene-d6,10g,ALDRICH,99.6 atom% D Bottle
DT21217C chloroform-d1,50g,CIL,99.8 atom %D Bottle
DT21218D chloroform-d1,100g,CIL,99.8 atom %D Bottle
DT28794E deuterium oxide,1mL,ALDRICH,99.9 atom %D,ampoule Ampoule
DT28794E-PK deuterium oxide,1mL,ALDRICH,99.9 atom %D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT28975U deuterium oxide,100g,CIL,99.9 atom %D Bottle
DT28992L deuterium oxide,100g,ALDRICH,99.9 atom %D Bottle
DT32687P DMSO-d6,1g,CIL,99.9 atom %D,ampoule Ampoule
DT32687P-PK DMSO-d6,1g,CIL,99.9 atom %D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT32688G DMSO-d6,1mL,ALDRICH,99.9 atom %D,ampoule Ampoule
DT32688G-PK DMSO-d6,1mL,ALDRICH,99.9 atom %D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT32689R DMSO-d6,10g,CIL,99.9 atom %D,bottle Bottle
DT32691H DMSO-d6,10g,ALDRICH,99.9 atom %D Bottle
DT58144L methanol-d4,1g,CIL,99.8 atom %D,ampoule Ampoule
DT58144L-PK methanol-d4,1g,CIL,99.8 atom %D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT58188L methanol-d4,1mL,ALDRICH,99.8 atom% D,ampoule Ampoule
DT58188L-PK methanol-d4,1mL,ALDRICH,99.8 atom% D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT59323L methylene-d2 chloride,1g,CIL,99.9 atom %D,ampoule Ampoule
DT59323L-PK methylene-d2 chloride,1g,CIL,99.9 atom %D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT59324M methylene-d2 chloride,0.75ml,ALDRICH,99.9 % D,ampoule Ampoule
DT59324M-PK methylene-d2 chloride,0.75ml,ALDRICH,99.9 % D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT59325N methylene-d2 chloride,5g,CIL,99.9 atom %D,bottle Bottle
DT59358M methylene-d2 chloride,10g,ALDRICH,99.9 % D Bottle
DT81406T tetrahydrofuran-d8,1mL,ALDRICH,99.5 atom %D,ampoule Ampoule
DT81406T-PK tetrahydrofuran-d8,1mL,ALDRICH,99.5 atom %D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT92249P toluene-d8,1g,CIL,99.6 atom %D,ampoule Ampoule
DT92249P-PK toluene-d8,1g,CIL,99.6 atom %D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
DT925043 toluene-d8,1mL,ALDRICH,99.6 atom% D,ampoule Ampoule
DT925043-PK toluene-d8,1mL,ALDRICH,99.6 atom% D,pack (10 ampoules) Pack
EQ000341 labels,SELF-ADHESIVE,3/4" x 1/2",pack Pack
EQ000344 labels,SELF-ADHESIVE,1-3/4" x 1/2",pack Pack
EQ000355 labels,SELF-ADHESIVE,4x2 inch,pack Pack
EQ000366 labels,for 5mm NMR/EPR tubes,pack Pack
EQ006700 blades,single edge razor,each Each
EQ006700-BOX blades,single edge razor,box (100 each) Box
EQ006712 blades,double edge razor,each Each
EQ006712-PK blades,double edge razor,pack (10 each) Pack
EQ006855 blades,for rotary cutter,45mm,each Each
EQ006872 cutter,rotary,for cutting aluminium TLC plates,45mm Each
EQ010064 surge suppressor,-ISOBAR-,4 AC outlet(s) 120 V Each
EQ013951 paper,weighing,3in.x 3in. PK/500 Pack
EQ018101 goggles,vented,clear lens,CLAS Each
EQ018122 goggles,clear lens,GoggleGear Each
EQ018884 faceshield,headgear only Each
EQ018886 faceshield,for healthcare professionals Each
EQ018896 faceshield,.080in.,W96,CLR,Propionate Each
EQ020101 rings,cork,30mmx 80mm od,each Each
EQ020102 rings,cork,60mmx110mm od,each Each
EQ020103 rings,cork,90mmx140mm od,each Each
EQ020105 rings,cork,150mmx210mm od,each Each
EQ028501 tissue wipers,1-ply KIMWIPES 4.4 x 8.4in,pack Pack
EQ033903 seal,vacuum,KD22,for Büchi® Rotavapor R114/124,each Each
EQ033916 seal,vacuum,KD34,for Büchi® Rotavapor R200/205,each Each
EQ033935 seal,vacuum,front sealing,for Büchi® Rotavapor R200/205,each Each
EQ034002 clamps,ground joint,metal,B24,each Each
EQ034171 earplugs,hearing protection,pair Pair
EQ03439G carrier,bottle,SAFETY Each
EQ034604 paper,benchkote,46cm wide,meter Meter
EQ034609 paper,benchkote,92cm wide,meter Meter
EQ036501 filter paper,#01,4.25cm Pack
EQ036502 filter paper,#01,5.50cm Pack
EQ036503 filter paper,#01,7.00cm Pack
EQ036504 filter paper,#01,9.00cm Pack
EQ036505 filter paper,#01,11.0cm Pack
EQ036506 filter paper,#01,12.5cm Pack
EQ036507 filter paper,#01,15.0cm Pack
EQ036508 filter paper,#01,18.5cm Pack
EQ036554 filter paper,Whatman #40,11.0c Pack
EQ036992 filter paper,Whatman,#41,11.0c Pack
EQ037001 filter paper,Whatman,#42,7.0cm Pack
EQ037003 filter paper,Whatman,#42,12.5c Pack
EQ037004 filter paper,Whatman,#42,15.0cm,pack Pack
EQ038509 balloons,9",each Each
EQ038509-PK balloons,9",pack (144 each) Pack
EQ038801 bulbs,drop,natural,1ml - 1 doz Pack
EQ038804 bulbs,drop,2ml,each Each
EQ038804-PK bulbs,drop,2ml,pack (72 each) Pack
EQ038832 bulbs,pipet&syringe,60ml Each
EQ038871 bulbs,pipette filler Each
EQ039651 pestle,porc,f/90mm mort. Each
EQ039652 pestle,porc,f/115mm mort. Each
EQ039653 pestle,porc,f/130mm mort. Each
EQ039654 pestle,porc,f/80mm mort. Each
EQ039702 mortar,porcelain,80x53mm Each
EQ039704 mortar,porcelain,90x70mm Each
EQ039705 mortar,porcelain,115x70mm Each
EQ039706 mortar,porcelain,130x80mm Each
EQ043201 tape,carton,CLR,48mm x 100M Roll
EQ043211 applicators,cotton tip,6inch,PK/100 Pack
EQ043301 tape,masking,24mm x 55M Roll
EQ043601 tape,autoclave Roll
EQ043712 tape,colored labeling,25mm x 13M,roll Roll
EQ045201 glass,filter fibre,CORNING 395,pack (1lb) Pack
EQ045248 cotton balls,pack/300 Pack
EQ047012 pipe (tubing) cleaner brushes,3mm x 50ft Roll
EQ049405 paper,test,litmus blue,vial Vial
EQ049406 paper,test,litmus,neutral,vial Vial
EQ049408 pH paper,wide range,vial (100 strips) Vial
EQ049414 pH test strips,pH range 0-14.0,pk/100 strips Pack
EQ049801 stoppers,rubber,solid,#00 Each
EQ049802 stoppers,rubber,solid,#0 Each
EQ049803 stoppers,rubber,solid,#01 Each
EQ049804 stoppers,rubber,solid,#02 Each
EQ049805 stoppers,rubber,solid,#03 Each
EQ049806 stoppers,rubber,solid,#04 Each
EQ049807 stoppers,rubber,solid,#5 1/2 Each
EQ049808 stoppers,rubber,solid,#05 Each
EQ049809 stoppers,rubber,solid,#6 1/2 Each
EQ04980A stoppers,rubber,solid,#06 Each
EQ04980C stoppers,rubber,solid,#08 Each
EQ04980D stoppers,rubber,solid,#09 Each
EQ04980E stoppers,rubber,solid,#10 Each
EQ04980F stoppers,rubber,solid,#11 Each
EQ04980G stoppers,rubber,solid,#12 Each
EQ04980H stoppers,rubber,solid,#13 Each
EQ04980K stoppers,rubber,solid,#07 Each
EQ04980M stoppers,rubber,solid,#14 Each
EQ049901 stoppers,rubber,1hole #00 Each
EQ049902 stoppers,rubber,1hole,#0 Each
EQ049903 stoppers,rubber,1hole,#01 Each
EQ049905 stoppers,rubber,1hole,#03 Each
EQ049908 stoppers,rubber,1hole,#05 Each
EQ050001 stoppers,rubber,2hole,#0 Each
EQ050002 stoppers,rubber,2hole,#00 Each
EQ050003 stoppers,rubber,2hole,#01 Each
EQ050004 stoppers,rubber,2hole,#02 Each
EQ050005 stoppers,rubber,2hole,#03 Each
EQ050006 stoppers,rubber,2hole,#04 Each
EQ050007 stoppers,rubber,2hole,#05 Each
EQ050008 stoppers,rubber,2hole,#06 Each
EQ050501 stoppers,cork #000 Each
EQ050502 stoppers,cork, #00 Each
EQ050503 stoppers,cork,#0 Each
EQ050504 stoppers,cork,#01 Each
EQ050505 stoppers,cork,#02 Each
EQ050506 stoppers,cork,#03 Each
EQ050507 stoppers,cork,#04 Each
EQ050508 stoppers,cork,#05 Each
EQ050509 stoppers,cork,#06 Each
EQ05050A stoppers,cork,#07 Each
EQ05050C stoppers,cork,#09 Each
EQ05050D stoppers,cork,#10 Each
EQ05050E stoppers,cork,#11 Each
EQ05050F stoppers,cork,#12 Each
EQ05050G stoppers,cork,#13 Each
EQ05050H stoppers,cork,#14 Each
EQ05050J stoppers,cork,#16 Each
EQ05050K stoppers,cork,#17 Each
EQ05050L stoppers,cork,#18 Each
EQ05050M stoppers,cork,#19 Each
EQ05050N stoppers,cork,#20 Each
EQ05050P stoppers,cork,#22 Each
EQ05050R stoppers,cork,#24 Each
EQ05050T stoppers,cork,#08 Each
EQ05050U stoppers,cork,#15 Each
EQ050526 stoppers,cork,#26 Each
EQ051181 syringe,GLASS,10cc,Luer-Lock,each Each
EQ051182 syringe,GLASS, 2cc,Luer-Lock,each Each
EQ05128C syringe,dispo.3ml,rubber plunger,Luer-Lok tip,BD,each Each
EQ05128C-PK syringe,dispo.3ml,rubber plunger,Luer-Lok tip,BD,pack (200 each) Pack
EQ051315 needles,26G,1inch,stainless steel,LUERLOK,each Each
EQ051355 needles,22G,1inch,stainless steel,LUERLOK,each Each
EQ05136E syringe,dispo.10ml,rubber plunger,Luer-Lok tip,BD,each Each
EQ05136E-PK syringe,dispo.10ml,rubber plunger,Luer-Lok tip,BD,pack (200 each) Pack
EQ051377 needles,20G,1.5inch,stainless steel,LUERLOK,each Each
EQ051397 needles,18G,1.5inch,stainless steel,LUERLOK,each Each
EQ051398 needles,18G,2inch,stainless steel,LUERLOK,each Each
EQ05149B needles,single use,18G,1.5 inch Box
EQ05154C bar,spin,EGG-shaped,64mm(2 1/2 x 3/4") Each
EQ051553 thermometer,B10,-10 to +110C,76mm imm. Each
EQ051555 thermometer,B10,-10 to +150C,75mm imm. Each
EQ051556 thermometer,B10,-10 to +250C,75mm imm. Each
EQ051561 bars,spin,MICRO,8 x 1.5mm Each
EQ051562 bars,spin,MICRO,1/2 x 1/8in(12.7 x 3mm) Each
EQ051563 bars,spin,MICRO,10 x 3 mm Each
EQ051601 bars,spin,POLYGONAL,12X4.5mm Each
EQ051602 bars,spin,OCTAGONAL,1/2 x 5/16 inch Each
EQ051603 bars,spin,OCTAGONAL,1x5/16in Each
EQ051604 bars,spin,OCTAGONAL,1 1/2 x 5/16inch Each
EQ051621 magnetic stir bar retrievers,1 Each
EQ05260A syringe,dispo.1ml,rubber plunger,slip tip,BD,each Each
EQ05260A-PK syringe,dispo.1ml,rubber plunger,slip tip,BD,pack (200 each) Pack
EQ05261L syringe,dispo.1ml,rubber plunger,Luer-Lok tip,BD,each Each
EQ05261L-PK syringe,dispo.1ml,rubber plunger,Luer-Lok tip,BD,pack (100 each) Pack
EQ053207 bags,plastic,7"x7-7/16",1.75 mil,double zipper,storage bag,pack (50 each) Pack
EQ053210 bags,plastic,10-9/16"x10-3/4",1.75 mil,zipper,storage,pack (50 each) Pack
EQ053601 batteries,alkaline,sz AA,each Each
EQ053602 batteries,alkaline,sz C,each Each
EQ053603 batteries,alkaline,sz D,each Each
EQ053609 batteries,alkaline,9 volt,each Each
EQ05360D batteries,alkaline,AAA,1.5 volts,each Each
EQ053632 tape,electric,PVC,3/4INX60FT Roll
EQ054061 spatulas,micro,round end Each
EQ054062 spatulas,PTFE-coated,one round and one flat end Each
EQ054063 spatulas,mcro,1-shp,1-`V' Each
EQ054064 spatulas,mcro,1-tap,1-rnd,8 in. Each
EQ054065 spatulas,mcro,spoon,SS blade,each Each
EQ054077 spatula,mcro,1-rnd,1sq,7in. Each
EQ054091 spatulas,semi-micro,1-tap,1-rnd,7 in. Each
EQ054101 spatulas,w/spoon,23cm Each
EQ054151 spatulas,scoopula,17cm Each
EQ055010 syringe,HAMILTON, 100 ul,each Each
EQ055025 syringe,HAMILTON, 250 ul,each Each
EQ055050 syringe,HAMILTON, 500 ul,each Each
EQ05557T clamps,3-prong,17cm,dual adjus Each
EQ055701 clamps,3-prong,22cm,dual adjustment Each
EQ055703 clamps,3-prong,27cm,dual adjustment Each
EQ055769 clamps,2-prong,utility,flat,with locknut Each
EQ056095 tubing,latx,ambr,1/2x1/8in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ056102 tubing,latx,ambr,1/4x1/16in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ056103 tubing,latx,ambr,1/8x1/32in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ056112 tubing,latx,ambr,3/8x1/8in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ056501 tubing,rubber,1/2x1/8in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ056507 tubing,rubr,blk,3/8x1/8in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ056508 tubing,rubr,blk,3/8x5/16in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ056811 clamp-holders,regular Each
EQ058001 applicator sticks,each Each
EQ058013 pinchcock,open jaw,19mm OD Max Each
EQ05807H pinchcock,closed jaw,19mm OD M Each
EQ058301 rings,extension type Each
EQ058302 rings,open,Alum,flexframe Each
EQ058303 plate,support,cast iron Each
EQ059102 tubing,rubr,red,1/4x1/16in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ059108 tubing,rubr,red,1/4x3/16in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ059108-PK tubing,rubr,red,1/4x3/16in.,pack (12 feet) Pack
EQ059501 brushes,centfg tube,15ml Each
EQ059551 brush,hand sweeping Each
EQ059701 brushes,beaker,tufted end,50cm Each
EQ059711 brushes,flask,swivel,31cm TOTA Each
EQ059721 brushes,cylinder,60mm dia x 30inch TOTAL length Each
EQ059741 brushes,buret,14cm x 90cm TOTA Each
EQ059751 brushes,test tube,13mm dia x 76mm head Each
EQ059752 brushes,test tube,19mm dia x 8 Each
EQ059753 brushes,test tube,tftd end,25cm Each
EQ061001 tubing,pvc,ID:1/8in.,wall thickness:1/16in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ061003 tubing,pvc,ID:1/4in.,wall thickness:1/16in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ061010 tubing,vacuum,rubber,1/2x3/8in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ061011 tubing,vacuum,rubber, 5/8x3/8in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ061012 tubing,vacuum,rubber,7/16x5/16 in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ061013 tubing,vacuum,rubber,13/16x3/8 in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ063001 tubing,tygon, 1/4 x 1/8 in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ063002 tubing,tygon,1/4x1/16in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ063003 tubing,tygon, 1/4 x 3/16in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ063004 tubing,tygon,1/8X1/16in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ063005 tubing,tygon, 3/4 x 1/8 in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ063006 tubing,PVC, 3/8 x 1/4 in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ063007 tubing,tygon, 3/8 x 1/8 in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ063008 tubing,tygon, 3/16x1/16in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ063009 tubing,tygon, 5/16x1/8 in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ063009-BOX tubing,tygon, 5/16x1/8 in.,box (50 feet) Box
EQ06300A tubing,tygon, 5/16x1/16in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ06300C tubing,TYGON,1/2 x 3/32 inch,centimeter Centimeter
EQ06300C-BOX tubing,TYGON,1/2 x 3/32 inch,box (50 feet) Box
EQ063014 tubing,inner-braided,1/4x3/32in.,centimeter Centimeter
EQ064513 racks for OD 13mm test tubes Each
EQ064516 racks for OD 16mm test tubes Each
EQ06453C racks for 15ml and 50ml centrifuge tubes Each
EQ064546 racks for 0.6ml,1.5ml,15ml and 50ml centrifuge tubes Each
EQ06462V support stand,13x20 cm Each
EQ066250 clamps,hose,screw,3/8in. Each
EQ066251 clamps,hose,screw, 1/2in. Each
EQ066252 clamps,hose,screw, 3/4in. Each
EQ066253 clamps,hose,screw,1in. Each
EQ066254 clamps,hose,screw,2in. Each
EQ066622 gas lighter,hooded Each
EQ066651 flint-tips,for gas lighter, 5 per set Set
EQ067351 adapters,filter,neoprene,#1 Each
EQ067352 adapters,filter,neoprene,#2 Each
EQ067353 adapters,filter,neoprene,#3 Each
EQ067354 adapters,filter,neoprene,#4 Each
EQ067355 adapters,filter,neoprene,#5 Each
EQ067356 adapters,filter,neoprene,#6 Each
EQ067761 forceps,dissecting,curved,fine Each
EQ067762 forceps,dissecting,straight,fine tip,each Each
EQ06821E thermometer,-10 to +260C,-EVERSAFE-fluid,76mm Imm. Each
EQ06897R thermometer,-20 to +110C,-EVERSAFE- fluid,76mm imm. Each
EQ069401 tubes,mailing,7 x 1 3/4 inches Each
EQ069402 tubes,mailing,6 3/4 x 2 1/4 in Each
EQ069403 tubes,mailing,7 1/2 x 3 1/8 in Each
EQ070333 sleeves,joint,teflon,b19,each Each
EQ070334 sleeves,joint,teflon,b24,each Each
EQ070601 caps,NMR tube,5mm,pk/100 Pack
EQ070615 caps,for Bruker SampleJet NMR tubes,5mm,each Each
EQ07063C caps,for GC-MS 2mL vials,screw,blue,PTFE/red silicone septa,PK/100 Pack
EQ070691 tags,shipping,each Each
EQ070701 tubing,poly,0.38mm/1.09mm,centimeter Centimeter
EQ070702 tubing,poly,0.58mm/.965mm,PE50,centimeter Centimeter
EQ070703 tubing,poly,0.76mm/1.22mm,centimeter Centimeter
EQ070704 tubing,poly,0.86mm/1.27mm,centimeter Centimeter
EQ070705 tubing,poly,1.14mm/1.57mm,centimeter Centimeter
EQ070706 tubing,poly,1.57mm/2.08mm,centimeter Centimeter
EQ070707 tubing,poly,1.67mm/2.42mm,centimeter Centimeter
EQ071508 strap,with buckle,for gas cylinder holder,each Each
EQ071801 holder,for gas cylinder,BENCH-CLAMP type,each Each
EQ072201 film,lab,PARAFILM M,2in.x 250' Each
EQ072202 film,lab,PARAFILM,4in.x 125' Each
EQ07320G sponges,cellulose,YELLOW,each Each
EQ076921 blades,stanley knife,each Each
EQ077501 pumps,aspirator,3in.,metal Each
EQ077503 pumps,aspirator,brass,5.5in. Each
EQ07791R rubber policemen,to fit 1/8 in Pack
EQ077951 rubber policemen,to fit 3/16 i Pack
EQ078561 dustpan Each
EQ079501 thermometer,-2 to +300C,precision,total imm. Each
EQ079502 thermometer, -20 to +110C,total imm. Each
EQ079905 belts,v,34x1/2,4L340 Each
EQ07990A belts,v,42x1/2,4L420 Each
EQ07990D belts,v,33x1/2,4L330 Each
EQ080001 towels,paper,single fold,pack Pack
EQ080001-CS towels,paper,single fold,case (16 packs) Case
EQ080701 mask,N95,3M 1860,surgical,each Each
EQ080702 mask,N95,3M 1870+,flat fold,each Each
EQ080704 mask,N95,W/SEAL,MED/LG,Honeywell 14110391,each Each
EQ080705 mask,N95,W/SEAL,SMALL,Honeywell 14110390,each Each
EQ080706 mask,N95,3M 1860S,surgical,each Each
EQ080800 mask,N95,3M 8210,each Each
EQ080805 mask,N95,3M 8511,with exhalation valve,each Each
EQ080806 mask,N95,3M 9210+,each Each
EQ080807 mask,R95,3M 8247,each Each
EQ080808 mask,P95,3M 8271,each Each
EQ080809 mask,N95,3M 9211+,flat fold,with exhalation valve,each Each
EQ080810 mask,N95,3M 8110S,SMALL,each Each
EQ080811 mask,N95,3M 9205+,AURA,flat fold,each Each
EQ080823 mask,disposable,protective,3 ply,PK/50 Pack
EQ081950 lamps,projector,EXR,300W,82V Each
EQ081957 lamps,proj. ELH,300W,120V Each
EQ082441 tape,teflon,1/2x520in,4mil thick Roll
EQ082801 spatulas,scraper,R&S blad Each
EQ085011 sharps container,1 qt. RED pla Each
EQ087700 gloves,rubber,# 10,X-LARGE,yellow,reusable Pair
EQ087701 gloves,rubber,#9,LARGE,yellow,reusable Pair
EQ087702 gloves,rubber,#8,MEDIUM,yellow,reusable Pair
EQ087703 gloves,rubber,#7,SMALL,yellow,reusable Pair
EQ087801 tissues,facial,WHITE,pack Pack
EQ087801-CS tissues,facial,WHITE,case (36 pack) Case
EQ087870 gloves,nitrile rubber,# 10,(XL),green,reusable Pair
EQ087871 gloves,nitrile rubber,# 11,(XXL),green,reusable Pair
EQ087876 gloves,nitrile rubber,#  6,XS,green,reusable Pair
EQ087877 gloves,nitrile rubber,#  7,SMALL,green,reusable Pair
EQ087878 gloves,nitrile rubber,#  8,MEDIUM,green,reusable Pair
EQ087879 gloves,nitrile rubber,#  9,LARGE,green,reusable Pair
EQ088333 gloves,thin cotton,for ladies,pair Pair
EQ088337 gloves,thin cotton,for men,pair Pair
EQ088441 gloves,neoprene,100%,size 9,LARGE Pair
EQ088442 gloves,neoprene,100%,size 8,MEDIUM Pair
EQ088551 gloves,COTTON,protective Pair
EQ08856E gloves,leather Pair
EQ100706 septa,white rubber for  5mm,each Each
EQ100706-PK septa,white rubber for  5mm, pack (100 each) Pack
EQ100749 septa,white rubber,smooth,b14,each Each
EQ100749-PK septa,white rubber,smooth,b14, pack (50 each) Pack
EQ100757 septa,white rubber,smooth,b10,each Each
EQ100757-PK septa,white rubber,smooth,b10, pack (100 each) Pack
EQ100765 septa,white rubber,smooth,b19,each Each
EQ100765-PK septa,white rubber,smooth,b19, pack (100 each) Pack
EQ101451 septa,white rubber,smooth,b24,each Each
EQ101451-PK septa,white rubber,smooth,b24, pack (100 each) Pack
EQ124410 septa,RED,serrated,b10,SUBA-SEAL,each Each
EQ124410-PK septa,RED,serrated,b10,SUBA-SEAL,pack (100 each) Pack
EQ124591 septa,RED,serrated,b14,SUBA-SEAL,each Each
EQ124591-PK septa,RED,serrated,b14,SUBA-SEAL, pack (100 each) Pack
EQ124621 septa,RED,serrated,b19,SUBA-SEAL,each Each
EQ124621-PK septa,RED,serrated,b19,SUBA-SEAL,pack (100 each) Pack
EQ124664 septa,RED,serrated,22mm, ALDRICH,each Each
EQ124664-PK septa,RED,serrated,22mm,ALDRICH,pack (100 each) Pack
EQ125281 septa,BLUE,serrated,24mm, ALDRICH,each Each
EQ125281-PK septa,BLUE,serrated,24mm,ALDRICH,pack (100 each) Pack
EQ133206 cartridges,water filter,20 mic Each
EQ133509 cartridges,water filter,50 mic Each
EQ21237C connectors,hose,for condensers Each
EQ21999R eyewear retainer,for safety glasses Each
EQ30609F basic first aid kit Each
EQ30613B bandaids, 3/4X3 inch, package of 100 Pack
EQ30634A wipes, antimicrobial,each Each
EQ30644G gauze pads, 4X4 inch, STERILE,each Each
EQ31007V clamps,2-prong,20cm,flat jaw,single adjustment Each
EQ38338M glove liners,COTTON,SMALL/MEDIUM,pair Pair
EQ38346L glove liners,COTTON,MEDIUM/LARGE,pair Pair
EQ39390L forceps,student style Each
EQ42053B glasses,safety,-CUSTOM BRIDGE- Each
EQ42058G glasses,safety,OTG 3001, Over the glasses Each
EQ42069U glasses,safety,Uvextra AntiFog Each
EQ42089K glasses,safety,-SKYLINE-,black Each
EQ421011 gloves,UltraSense,XS,nitrile,single use,box (100 each) Box
EQ421012 gloves,UltraSense,SM,nitrile,single use,box (100 each) Box
EQ421013 gloves,UltraSense,MD,nitrile,single use,box (100 each) Box
EQ421014 gloves,UltraSense,LG,nitrile,single use,box (100 each) Box
EQ421015 gloves,UltraSense,XL,nitrile,single use,box (100 each) Box
EQ421121 gloves,KC,XS,nitrile,box (100 each) Box
EQ421132 gloves,KC,SMALL,nitrile,box (100 each) Box
EQ421143 gloves,KC,MEDIUM,nitrile,box (100 each) Box
EQ421154 gloves,KC,LARGE,nitrile,box (100 each) Box
EQ421165 gloves,KC,XL,nitrile,box (90 each) Box
EQ421181 gloves,RoyalTouch300,XS,nitrile,box (300 each) Box
EQ421182 gloves,RoyalTouch300,SMALL,nitrile,box (300 each) Box
EQ421183 gloves,RoyalTouch300,MEDIUM,nitrile,box (300 each) Box
EQ421184 gloves,RoyalTouch300,LARGE,nitrile,box (300 each) Box
EQ421185 gloves,RoyalTouch300,XL,nitrile,box (250 each) Box
EQ421206 gloves,BLUE nitrile,VWR,XS,single use,CS/10BOX Box
EQ421217 gloves,BLUE nitrile,VWR,SM,single use,box (100 each) Box
EQ421228 gloves,BLUE nitrile,VWR,MD,single use,box (100 each) Box
EQ421239 gloves,BLUE nitrile,VWR,LG,single use,box (100 each) Box
EQ42128E gloves,BLUE nitrile,VWR,XL,single use,box (100 each) Box
EQ421292 gloves,BLACK nitrile,VWR,SM,single use,box (100 each) Box
EQ421293 gloves,BLACK nitrile,VWR,MD,single use,box (100 each) Box
EQ421294 gloves,BLACK nitrile,VWR,LG,BLACK nitrile,single use,box (100each) Box
EQ421295 gloves,BLACK nitrile,VWR,XL,BLACK nitrile,single use,box (100 each) Box
EQ421307 gloves,EVOL.ONE,latex,sz SMALL,box (100 each) Box
EQ421318 gloves,EVOL.ONE,latex,sz MEDIUM,box (100 each) Box
EQ421329 gloves,EVOL.ONE,latex,sz LARGE,box (100 each) Box
EQ42136E gloves,EVOL.ONE,latex,sz EXTRA Lg,box (100 each) Box
EQ421515 gloves,KEEPKLEEN/Diamond Grip,latex,XS,box (100 each) Box
EQ421526 gloves,KEEPKLEEN/Diamond Grip,latex,SM,box (100 each) Box
EQ421537 gloves,KEEPKLEEN/Diamond Grip,latex,MD,box (100 each) Box
EQ421548 gloves,KEEPKLEEN/Diamond Grip,latex,LG,box (100 each) Box
EQ421559 gloves,KEEPKLEEN,latex,XL,box (100 each) Box
EQ422207 gloves,OPEX/Medicom Safetouch,vinyl,sz small,box (100 each) Box
EQ422308 gloves,OPEX/Medicom Safetouch,vinyl,sz medium,box (100 each) Box
EQ422409 gloves,OPEX/Medicom Safetouch,vinyl,sz large,box (100 each) Box
EQ42245E gloves,OPEX,vinyl,sz EXTRA Lg,box (100 each) Box
EQ425107 gloves,size 7,open fingers,cut resistant,pair Pair
EQ425118 gloves,size 8,open fingers,cut resistant,pair Pair
EQ425129 gloves,size 9,open fingers,cut resistant,pair Pair
EQ425210 gloves,size 10,open fingers,cut resistant,pair Pair
EQ426006 gloves,size 6,chemical/cut resistant,nitrile,pair Pair
EQ426017 gloves,size 7,chemical/cut resistant,nitrile,pair Pair
EQ426028 gloves,size 8,chemical/cut resistant,nitrile,pair Pair
EQ426039 gloves,size 9,chemical/cut resistant,nitrile,pair Pair
EQ426110 gloves,size 10,chemical/cut resistant,nitrile,pair Pair
EQ45591L boots covers,latex,-BATA-,HAZ- Pair
EQ49023F lamps,projector,FXL,410W,82V Each
EQ49399V lamp,projector,EVD,400W,36V Each
EQ500301 lab-coat,XXS,100% white cotton w/snaps Each
EQ500321 lab-coat,XS,100% white cotton w/snaps Each
EQ500341 lab-coat,SM,100% white cotton w/snaps Each
EQ500381 lab-coat,MED,100% white cotton w/snaps Each
EQ500421 lab-coat,LRG,100% white cotton w/snaps Each
EQ500461 lab-coat,XL,100% white cotton w/snaps Each
EQ500481 lab-coat,XXL,100% white cotton w/snaps Each
EQ510519 holder,for gas cylinder,WALL-MOUNT type,each Each
EQ57374N napkins,paper,single ply,WHITE,pack Pack
EQ58600G needles,single use,21g,2 inch Box
EQ58604N needles,single use,22g,4 inch Box
EQ58696V needles,single use,16g,1 1/2 inch Box
EQ58697W needles,single use,19g,1 inch Box
EQ58699Y needles,single use,20G,1 1/2 inch Box
EQ60200G pipetman,GILSON,G P200G Each
EQ629643 extension cord,INDOOR,15' Each
EQ671004 cups,specimen,4oz,PP,each Each
EQ672675 stir-sticks, 1000 per BOX Box
EQ67767U tips,pipette,1250uL,pack (1000 each) Pack
EQ67768E tips,pipette,1000uL,pack (1000 each) Pack
EQ67832N tips,pipette,BULK,0.1-10uL,pack (1000 each) Pack
EQ67897Y tips,pipette,BULK,200uL, pack (1000 each) Pack
EQ68656S pipetman,-GILSON-,NEO starter kit Kit
EQ68770P pipetman,-GILSON-,NEO P2N Each
EQ68772R pipetman,-GILSON-,NEO P10N Each
EQ68774T pipetman,-GILSON-,NEO P20N Each
EQ68775U pipetman,-GILSON-,NEO P100N Each
EQ68776V pipetman,-GILSON-,NEO P200N Each
EQ68778X pipetman,-GILSON-,NEO P1000N Each
EQ71988U glasses,safety,-GENESIS-,blue Each
EQ723111 cartridge,organic vapour,for 3M masks,each Each
EQ723122 cartridge,organic vapour/acid gas,for 3M masks,each Each
EQ723133 cartridge,formaldehyde/organic vapour,for 3M masks,each Each
EQ723174 filter,3M P100 particulate,style 7093,for 3M masks,each Each
EQ72400A cartridge,organic vapor/acid gas,for SURVIVAIR, pack (2 each) Pack
EQ72811S mask,FACEPIECE,3M 7501,small,each Each
EQ72812M mask,FACEPIECE,3M 7502,medium,each Each
EQ72813L mask,FACEPIECE,3M 7503,large,each Each
EQ72970M mask,FACEPIECE,S-AIR,medium,each Each
EQ72994S mask,FACEPIECE,S-AIR,small,each Each
EQ72999L mask,FACEPIECE,S-AIR,large,each Each
EQ80808L sharps container,2 gal. RED plastic Each
EQ83383M sponge-scrubber pad, PK of 5 EA Pack
EQ85840M syringe,dispo. all PP/PE, 1 ml,Luer-Slip,each Each
EQ85840M-PK syringe,dispo. all PP/PE, 1 ml,Luer-Slip,pack (100 each) Pack
EQ85841N syringe,dispo. all PP/PE, 3 ml,Luer-Slip,each Each
EQ85841N-PK syringe,dispo. all PP/PE, 3 ml,Luer-Slip,pack (100 each) Pack
EQ85843P syringe,dispo. all PP/PE, 5 ml,Luer-Slip,each Each
EQ85843P-PK syringe,dispo. all PP/PE, 5 ml,Luer-Slip,pack (100 each) Pack
EQ85845R syringe,dispo. all PP/PE,10 ml,Luer-Slip,each Each
EQ85845R-PK syringe,dispo. all PP/PE,10 ml,Luer-Slip,pack (100 each) Pack
EQ85847T syringe,dispo. all PP/PE,20 ml,Luer-Slip,each Each
EQ85847T-PK syringe,dispo. all PP/PE,20 ml,Luer-Slip,pack (100 each) Pack
EQ85848U syringe,dispo. all PP/PE,30 ml,Luer-Slip,each Each
EQ85848U-PK syringe,dispo. all PP/PE,30 ml,Luer-Slip,pack (50 each) Pack
EQ85849V syringe,dispo. all PP/PE,50 ml,Luer-Slip,each Each
EQ85849V-PK syringe,dispo. all PP/PE,50 ml,Luer-Slip,pack (30 each) Pack
EQ85893K syringe,dispo.30ml,rubber plunger,Luer-Lok tip,BD,each Each
EQ85893K-PK syringe,dispo.30ml,rubber plunger,Luer-Lok tip,BD,pack (56 each) Pack
EQ85894V syringe,dispo.5ml,rubber plunger,Luer-Lok tip,BD,each Each
EQ85894V-PK syringe,dispo.5ml,rubber plunger,Luer-Lok tip,BD,pack (125 each) Pack
EQ85896X syringe,dispo.60ml,rubber plunger,Luer-Lok tip,BD,each Each
EQ85896X-PK syringe,dispo.60ml,rubber plunger,Luer-Lok tip,BD,pack (40 each) Pack
EQ85951P syringe filter,0.22um,33mm,PES,-GP- Pack
EQ85957V syringe filter,0.22um,33mm,PVDF,-GV- Pack
EQ85963S syringe filter,0.45um,33mm,PVDF,-HV- Pack
EQ859662 syringe filter,0.2um,25mm,PTFE,FISHER,each Each
EQ85968F syringe filter,0.2um,13mm,PTFE,SILICYCLE,each Each
EQ859693 syringe filter,0.2um,13mm,PTFE,FISHER,each Each
EQ88635R tape,duct,grey,48mm x 55m Roll
EQ902001 electric powerbar, 6 outlets,3' cord Each
EQ911053 twist-tie wire,with cutter Each
EQ94000A thermometer,fridge/freezer,dua Each
EQ94502P tubes,PCR,0.2ml,cs/1000 Case
EQ94616N tubes,microcentrifuge,0.6 ml,pk/1000 Pack
EQ95515M tubes,microcentrifuge,1.5ml,NATURAL,pack/500 Pack
EQ99878M cable ties,each Each
GL005001 flasks,erlenmeyer,  25ml Each
GL005002 flasks,erlenmeyer,50ml Each
GL005003 flasks,erlenmeyer,125ml Each
GL005004 flasks,erlenmeyer,250ml Each
GL005005 flasks,erlenmeyer,500ml Each
GL005006 flasks,erlenmeyer,1000ml Each
GL005007 flasks,erlenmeyer,2000ml Each
GL005009 flasks,erlenmeyer,4000ml Each
GL005402 beakers,griffin,graduated,10ml,each Each
GL005403 beakers,griffin,graduated,30ml,each Each
GL005404 beakers,griffin,graduated,50ml,each Each
GL005405 beakers,griffin,graduated,100ml,each Each
GL005406 beakers,griffin,graduated,150ml,each Each
GL005407 beakers,griffin,graduated,250ml,each Each
GL005408 beakers,griffin,graduated,400ml,each Each
GL005409 beakers,griffin,graduated,600ml,each Each
GL00540A beakers,griffin,graduated,1000ml,each Each
GL00540C beakers,griffin,graduated,3000ml,each Each
GL00540D beakers,griffin,graduated,4000ml,each Each
GL00540E beakers,griffin,graduated,2000ml,each Each
GL006125 glass rods for stirring,1/8 inch x 5 inch,each Each
GL006316 glass rods for stirring,3/16 inch x 6 inch,each Each
GL006410 glass rods for stirring,1/4 inch x 10 inch,each Each
GL007401 funnels,bcnr,porcln, 43mm Each
GL007402 funnels,bcnr,porcln, 56mm Each
GL007403 funnels,bcnr,porcln, 83mm Each
GL007701 dishes,crystling, 70x50mm Each
GL007702 dishes,crystallizing, 80x40mm Each
GL007703 dishes,crystling, 90x50mm Each
GL007704 dishes,crystling,100x50mm Each
GL007705 dishes,crystling,150x75mm Each
GL007706 dishes,crystling,170x90mm Each
GL008101 flasks,volumetric,1ml Each
GL008103 flasks,volumetric,5ml Each
GL008104 flasks,volumetric,10ml Each
GL008105 flasks,volumetric,25ml Each
GL008106 flasks,volumetric,50ml Each
GL008107 flasks,volumetric,100ml Each
GL008108 flasks,volumetric,200ml Each
GL008109 flasks,volumetric,250ml Each
GL00810A flasks,volumetric,500ml Each
GL009331 dishes,petri,w/cover, 60x15mm,GLASS,set Set
GL009332 dishes,petri,w/cover,100x15mm,GLASS,set Set
GL009333 dishes,petri,w/cover,150x20mm,GLASS,set Set
GL009334 dishes,petri,w/cover,150x15mm,GLASS,set Set
GL010101 cylinders,graduated,10 ml,each Each
GL010102 cylinders,graduated,class B,25 ml,each Each
GL010103 cylinders,graduated,class B,50 ml,each Each
GL010104 cylinders,graduated,class B,100 ml,each Each
GL010105 cylinders,graduated,class B,250 ml,each Each
GL010106 cylinders,graduated,class B,500 ml,each Each
GL010107 cylinders,graduated,class B,1000 ml,each Each
GL010112 cylinders, grad. plastic base,25 ml,each Each
GL01011P cylinders,grad. plastic base,10 ml,each Each
GL010551 funnels,buchner, 15ml C Each
GL010552 funnels,buchner, 15ml F Each
GL010553 funnels,buchner, 15ml M Each
GL010554 funnels,buchner, 30ml C Each
GL010555 funnels,buchner, 30ml F Each
GL010556 funnels,buchner, 30ml M Each
GL010557 funnels,buchner, 60ml C Each
GL010558 funnels,buchner, 60ml F Each
GL010559 funnels,buchner, 60ml M Each
GL01055A funnels,buchner,150ml M Each
GL011751 funnels, 50mm stem, 35mm diameter,each Each
GL011752 funnels, 65mm stem, 50mm diameter,each Each
GL011753 funnels, 65mm stem, 65mm diameter,each Each
GL011754 funnels, 75mm stem, 75mm diameter,each Each
GL012102 funnels,powder, 60mm diameter Each
GL012104 funnels,powder,100mm diameter Each
GL012105 funnels,powder,150mm diameter Each
GL01210A funnels,powder, 80mm diameter Each
GL013201 flasks,filtering,  25ml Each
GL013202 flasks,filtering,  50ml Each
GL013203 flasks,filtering, 125ml Each
GL013204 flasks,filtering,250ml Each
GL013205 flasks,filtering, 500ml Each
GL013206 flasks,filtering,1000ml Each
GL013207 flasks,filtering,2000ml Each
GL013208 flasks,filtering,4000ml Each
GL016011 funnels,separatory,pear,250ml,PTFE stopcock Each
GL016502 funnels,dropping,cyl,50ml,b14 Each
GL018901 flasks,dewar, 350ml Each
GL018902 flasks,dewar, 665ml, POPE Each
GL018904 flasks,dewar,1000ml,POPE Each
GL019301 flasks,dewar,HDPE,1 litre Each
GL020501 flasks,RB2N,b24-14, 250ml Each
GL020503 flasks,RB2N,b24-19, 250ml Each
GL020504 flasks,RB2N,b24-19, 500ml Each
GL022001 flasks,RBSN,b10, 5ml Each
GL022002 flasks,RBSN,b10,10ml Each
GL022021 flasks,RBSN,b14,  5ml Each
GL022022 flasks,RBSN,b14, 10ml Each
GL022023 flasks,RBSN,b14, 25ml Each
GL022024 flasks,RBSN,b14, 50ml Each
GL022025 flasks,RBSN,b14,100ml Each
GL022421 flasks,RBSN,b24,25ml Each
GL022422 flasks,RBSN,b24,50ml Each
GL022423 flasks,RBSN,b24,100ml Each
GL022424 flasks,RBSN,b24,250ml Each
GL022425 flasks,RBSN,b24, 500ml Each
GL022426 flasks,RBSN,b24,1000ml Each
GL022427 flasks,RBSN,b24,2000ml Each
GL023301 flasks,RB3NA,b14s,   50ml Each
GL023601 adapters,exp,14-19 Each
GL023602 adapters,exp,14-24 Each
GL023603 adapters,exp,19-24 Each
GL023651 adapters,reducing,b14-19 Each
GL023652 adapters,reducing,b14-24 Each
GL023653 adapters,reducing,b19-24 Each
GL023656 adapters,reducing,b24-34 Each
GL024421 flasks,RB3NA,b24-19,250ml Each
GL024422 flasks,RB3NA,b24-19,500ml Each
GL024423 flasks,RB3NA,b24-19,1000ml Each
GL025201 flasks,erlenmeyer,b14,25ml Each
GL025202 flasks,erlenmeyer,b14,50ml Each
GL025203 flasks,erlenmeyer,b19,25ml Each
GL025204 flasks,erlenmeyer,b19,50ml Each
GL025205 flasks,erlenmeyer,b24,250ml Each
GL025206 flasks,erlenmeyer,b19,125ml Each
GL025207 flasks,erlenmeyer,b24,125ml Each
GL025601 flasks,RB3NP,B24-19,250ml Each
GL026402 stopper,glass,b10/19 Each
GL026403 stopper,QF,cylind.b14/23 Each
GL026404 stopper,QF,cylind.b19/26 Each
GL026405 stopper,QF,cylind.b24/29 Each
GL026601 flasks,RBSN,b19, 25ml Each
GL026602 flasks,RBSN,b19, 50ml Each
GL026603 flasks,RBSN,b19,100ml Each
GL026604 flasks,RBSN,b19,250ml Each
GL026605 flasks,RBSN,b19,500ml Each
GL027611 adapters,rec,vert/vac,b24 Each
GL028006 adapters,reducing,bushing,b14-24 Each
GL028007 adapters,reducing,bushing,b19- Each
GL028009 adapters,reducing,bushing,b24- Each
GL030221 funnel,PLY,61mmST,55mmDIA Each
GL030222 funnel,PLY,65mmST,66mmDIA Each
GL030233 funnel,PP,150mm,powder Each
GL030251 beakers,polymethylpentene(PMP),50ml,each Each
GL030252 beakers,polymethylpentene(PMP),100ml,each Each
GL030602 bottle,wash,LDP,250ml,top Each
GL030603 bottle,wash,LDP,500ml,top Each
GL030604 bottle,wash,LDP,wm,500ml Each
GL030605 bottle,wash,LDP,wm,1000ml Each
GL031001 condensers,liebig,b10 Each
GL031002 condensers,liebig,b19 Each
GL031003 condenser,liebig,b24 Each
GL031004 condensers,liebig,b14,screw th Each
GL031111 condensers,air,b10 Each
GL031442 tubes,drying,straight Each
GL031451 connectors,poly,T,3/16in. ID tubing Each
GL031471 connectors,poly,Y,1/8in.id tub Each
GL031472 connectors,poly,Y,1/4in.id tub Each
GL035301 tubes,capillary,one end sealed,vial Vial
GL035302 tubes,capillary,both ends open,vial Vial
GL038002 tubes,culture,KMX,16x150mm,reusable,each Each
GL038401 tubes,test,10 x  75mm,reusable,each Each
GL038402 tubes,test,12 x 75mm,reusable,each Each
GL038403 tubes,test,13 x 100mm,reusable,each Each
GL038404 tubes,test,18 x 150mm,reusable,each Each
GL038405 tubes,test,25 x 150mm,reusable,each Each
GL041111 vials,0.5dram,12x35mm,with screw cap,each Each
GL041111-PK vial,0.5dram,12x35mm,with screw cap,pack (144 each) Pack
GL041112 vials,1dram,15x45mm,with screw cap,each Each
GL041112-PK vials,1dram,15x45mm,with screw cap,pack (144 each) Pack
GL041113 vials,2dram,17x60mm,with screw cap,each Each
GL041113-PK vials,2dram,17x60mm,with screw cap,pack (144 each) Pack
GL041114 vials,3dram,19x65mm,with screw cap,each Each
GL041114-PK vials,3dram,19x65mm,with screw cap,pack (144 each) Pack
GL041115 vials,4dram,22x65mm,with screw cap,each Each
GL041115-PK vials,4dram,22x65mm,with screw cap,pack (144 each) Pack
GL041116 vials,6dram,23x85mm,with screw cap,each Each
GL041116-PK vials,6dram,23x85mm,with screw cap,pack (144 each) Pack
GL041117 vials,8dram,25x95mm,with screw cap,each Each
GL041117-PK vials,8dram,25x95mm,with screw cap,pack(72 each) Pack
GL041118 vials,11dram,28x102mm,with screw cap,each Each
GL041118-PK vials,11dram,28x102mm,with screw cap,pack (72 each) Pack
GL043005 pipets,measuring,2 ml in 1/100 Each
GL043102 pipets,volumetric,1ml Each
GL043103 pipets,volumetric,2ml Each
GL043104 pipets,volumetric,3ml Each
GL043105 pipets,volumetric,4ml Each
GL043106 pipets,volumetric,5ml Each
GL043107 pipets,volumetric,10ml Each
GL043108 pipets,volumetric,20ml Each
GL04310A pipets,volumetric,50ml Each
GL04310C pipets,volumetric,100ml Each
GL04310E pipets,volumetric,25ml Each
GL044501 vials,w/stoppers,1dram,14x45mm,each Each
GL044501-PK vials,w/stoppers,1dram,14x45mm,pack (72 each) Pack
GL044503 vials,w/stoppers,3dram,21x50mm,each Each
GL044503-PK vials,w/stoppers,3dram,21x50mm,pack (72 each) Pack
GL044504 vials,w/stoppers,4dram,25x52mm,each Each
GL044504-PK vials,w/stoppers,4dram,25x52mm,pack (72 each) Pack
GL044505 vials,w/stoppers,5dram,27x55mm,each Each
GL044505-PK vials,w/stoppers,5dram,27x55mm,pack (72 each) Pack
GL044701 bottle,nm,amber,round,32oz Each
GL046204 bottle,w/dropper,60ml,clear,round Each
GL047370 watchglasses, 25mm,polished ed Each
GL047371 watchglass beaker cover, 50mm,each Each
GL047373 watchglass beaker cover, 75mm,each Each
GL047378 watchglass beaker cover,150mm,each Each
GL048112 burette,TEFLON stopcock,50ml Each
GL070201 slides,microscope,1x3",box (72 each) Box
GL070231 coverglasses,squares,18mm x 18mm,No.1,pack (1 oz.) Pack
GL07055F tubes,NMR,Norell,300 MHz,5mm x 7in.,each Each
GL07055F-PK tubes,NMR,Norell,300 MHz,5mm x 7in.,pack (25 each) Pack
GL075077 tubes,NMR,Norell,400 MHz,5mm x 7in.,each Each
GL075077-PK tubes,NMR,Norell,400 MHz,5mm x 7in.,pack (5 each) Pack
GL075079 tubes,NMR,Wilmad,300 MHz,5mm x 9in.,each Each
GL075079-PK tubes,NMR,Wilmad,300 MHz,5mm x 9in.,pack (5 each) Pack
GL076657 tubes,NMR,Wilmad,600 MHz,5mm x 7in.,each Each
GL076657-PK tubes,NMR,Wilmad,600 MHz,5mm x 7in.,pack (5 each) Pack
GL077257 tubes,NMR,Deuterotubes,auto-sampler,5mm x 7in.,each Each
GL077257-PK tubes,NMR,Deuterotubes,auto-sampler,5mm x 7in.,pack (100 each) Pack
GL077357 tubes,NMR,Deuterotubes,300 MHz,5mm x 7in.,each Each
GL077357-PK tubes,NMR,Deuterotubes,300 MHz,5mm x 7in.,pack (5 each) Pack
GL077457 tubes,NMR,Deuterotubes,400 MHz,5mm x 7in.,each Each
GL077457-PK tubes,NMR,Deuterotubes,400 MHz,5mm x 7in.,pack (5 each) Pack
GL077517 tubes,NMR,1.7mm x 103.5mm,each,for high throughput use with SampleJet Each
GL078601 funnels,separatory,pear,125ml,PTFE stopcock Each
GL078605 funnels,separatory,pear,500ml,PTFE stopcock Each
GL08595C cover,f/dessicator,125mm Each
GL087601 pipets,pasteur,disposable,5.75in.,pack (200 each) Pack
GL087602 pipets,pasteur,disposable,9in.,pack (200 each) Pack
GL087734 pipets,LDPE,bulb draw 3.4mL,each Each
GL087734-PK pipets,LDPE,bulb draw 3.4mL,pack (500 each) Pack
GL09512Q boats,weighing,SMALL,SQUARE,anti-static,each Each
GL09512Q-PK boats,weighing,SMALL,SQUARE,anti-static,pack (500 each) Pack
GL10638C bottle,media,NM,1000ml Each
GL106525 bottle,media,WM, 250ml Each
GL106550 bottle,media,WM, 500ml Each
GL106590 bottle,media,WM,1000ml Each
GL10696G bottle,gas washing,250ml Each
GL10809C bottles,NM,clear,round,120 ml Each
GL11365A bottle,WM,amber,round,32 ounce Each
GL113901 boats,weighing,SMALL,HEX,polystyrene,each Each
GL113901-PK boats,weighing,SMALL,HEX,polystyrene,pack (500 each) Pack
GL113902 boats,weighing,MEDIUM,HEX,polystyrene,each Each
GL113902-PK boats,weighing,MEDIUM,HEX,polystyrene,pack (500 each) Pack
GL113903 boats,weighing,LARGE,HEX,polystyrene,each Each
GL113903-PK boats,weighing,LARGE,HEX,polystyrene,pack (500 each) Pack
GL11608A bottle,NM,amber,round,240 ml,with cap Each
GL116204 bottle,WM,amber,round,120 ml,capped Each
GL129901 bottle,polyprop,nm,  30ml Each
GL129902 bottle,polyprop,nm,60ml Each
GL129903 bottle,polyprop,nm,250ml Each
GL129904 bottle,polyprop,nm,1000ml Each
GL12990F bottle,polyprop,nm,125ml Each
GL12990K bottle,polyprop,nm,500ml Each
GL130211 bottle,polyprop,wm 125ml Each
GL130222 bottle,polyprop,wm,250ml Each
GL130531 bottle,polyprop,wm,500ml Each
GL130532 bottle,polyprop,wm,1000ml Each
GL130701 bottle,wash,LDP,wm,125ml Each
GL130702 bottle,wash,LDP,wm,250ml Each
GL132105 can,jerry,5L Each
GL132110 can,jerry,10L Each
GL134014 clamps for ground joints,b14,P Each
GL134019 clamps for ground joints,b19,P Each
GL134024 clamps for ground joints,b24,POLYACETAL Each
GL151281 flow-watchman Each
GL153441 disconnects,tubing size A Set
GL153442 disconnects,tubing size B Set
GL177502 pumps,aspirator,polypropylene Each
GL21825C connectors,poly,T,1/4in.id tub Each
GL281015 dishes,petri,disposable,100x15mm,VWR,sleeve (20 set) sleeve
GL28137F dishes,petri,disposable,60x15m,sleeve (20 set) sleeve
GL28150B dishes,petri,disposable,150x15mm,VWR,sleeve (20 set) sleeve
GL32242M bottles,wash,RTK,METHYLENE CHLORIDE,500ml,each Each
GL32930E bottles,wash,RTK,ETHANOL,500ml Each
GL32992M bottles,wash,RTK,METHANOL,500ml Each
GL33061A bottles,wash,RTK,ACETONE,500ml Each
GL351024 bottles,spray,24oz Each
GL46778G inserts,250uL glass conical w/bottom spring,pack (100 each) Pack
GL68543K pipets,serological,5ml,STERILE,pack (50 each) Pack
GL68551J pipets,serological,10ml,STERILE,pack (50 each) Pack
GL68566P pipets,serological,25ml,STERILE,pack (25 each) Pack
GL700203 policeman,TEFLON, 20cm    NORT Each
GL94300G tubes,capillary,3in.x 0.4mm,for spotting,vial Vial
GL94507J tubes,culture,12x 75 mm,single use,pack (250 each) Pack
GL94510D tubes,culture,13x100mm,single use,pack (250 each) Pack
GL94513G tubes,culture,16x150mm,single use,pack (250 each) Pack
GL94600D tubes,capillary,6in.x 0.4mm,for spotting,vial Vial
GL95015A tubes,conical,15ml,Fisher,Racked,w/cap,PP,sterile,PK/50 Pack
GL95050B tubes,conical,50ml,Fisher,Racked,w/cap,PP,sterile,PK/25 Pack
GL951615 tubes,conical,15ml,Nunc,Bulk,w/cap,PP,sterile,PK/50 Pack
GL951650 tubes,conical,50ml,Nunc,Bulk,w/cap,PP,sterile,PK/25 Pack
GL95397R tubes,conical,15ml,FALCON,w/cap,PP,sterile,PK/50 Pack
GL95398S tubes,conical,50ml,FALCON,w/cap,PP,sterile,PK/25 Pack
GL955432 tubes,test,25 x 200mm,reusable,each Each
GL97868W vials,scintillation,w/ white screw caps,20mL,each Each
GL97868W-PK vials,scintillation,w/ white screw caps,pack (100 each) Pack
GL97870P vials,for LC-MS,multiple injections,pack (100 each) Pack
GL97872L vials,for OA-MS only,single injection,pack (100 each) Pack
GL97880G vials,for GC-MS,2mL,clear,screw,pack (100 each) Pack
GS08090T argon (AR-T),99.996% (Chemistry Only) Each
GS18150D carbon dioxide solid = DRY ICE Pound
GS448600 liquid helium Liter
GS44860T helium (HE4.5-T),99.995%  (Chemistry Only) Each
GS46840T hydrogen (HY4.5-T),99.995%  (Chemistry Only) Each
GS56144K air,compressed (AIBR-K),USP (Chemistry Only) Each
GS642000 liquid nitrogen,BULK,liter (minimum 10L/order) Liter
GS64230T nitrogen (NI-T),99.995% (Chemistry Only) Each
GS64648T nitrogen,PP (NI4.8-T),pre-purified,99.998% (Chemistry Only) Each
GS67770K oxygen (OX-K),99.5% (Chemistry Only) Each
IN033405 aluminium chloride,crystal 500 Each
IN051005 ammonium acetate 500g Each
IN052505 ammonium carbonate 500g Each
IN052805 ammonium chloride,certified,500g Each
IN055151 ammonium hydroxide,concentrated 2.5L Each
IN05515E ammonium hydroxide,concentrated 500mL Each
IN056305 ammonium nitrate,ACS,500g Each
IN058605 ammonium sulphate 500g Each
IN097405 barium chloride, crystal 500g Each
IN139225 bromine,100g Each
IN165205 calcium chloride dihydrate 500g Each
IN166901 calcium hydride,100g Each
IN264505 cupric nitrate 500g Each
IN265705 cupric sulphate 500g Each
IN394505 ferric nitrate 500g Each
IN398205 ferrous sulphate heptahydrate,500g Each
IN466505 hydrobromic acid 48% 500mL Each
IN466825 hydrochloric acid,SIGMA-ALDRICH,concentrated 2.5L Each
IN469105 hydrogen peroxide,30% 500mL Each
IN487405 iodine,100g Each
IN535402 lithium,wire 25g Each
IN536072 lithium aluminum hydride (LAH) 25g Each
IN547402 magnesium ribbon, 25g Each
IN54742K magnesium metal,turnings 500g Each
IN548505 magnesium chloride hexahydrate,500g Each
IN551805 magnesium sulphate,heptahydrate,500g Each
IN55180A magnesium sulphate,anhydrous,500g Each
IN55182A magnesium sulphate,anhydrous, 2kg Each
IN557005 manganese sulphate 500g Each
IN631903 nickel chloride crystal 500g Each
IN632705 nickel nitrate 500g Each
IN639302 nitric acid,concentrated 2.5L Each
IN715302 phosphoric acid (ortho) 2.5L Each
IN716505 phosphorus pentoxide 500g Each
IN716601 phosphorus tribromide 100g Each
IN738405 potassium bicarbonate 500g Each
IN739500 potassium bromide IR grade 25g Each
IN739505 potassium bromide,99+%,500g Each
IN73970A potassium carbonate,anhydrous,500g Each
IN739805 potassium chlorate,reagent,ACS,500g Each
IN739905 potassium chloride 500g Each
IN742257 potassium hydride 75g Each
IN742295 potassium hydroxide pellets 500g Each
IN742301 potassium hydroxide pellets 1kg Each
IN742605 potassium iodide 500g Each
IN743205 potassium nitrate,ACS,crystal,500g Each
IN744105 potassium permanganate,500g Each
IN744205 potassium persulphate 500g Each
IN744504 potassium phosphate dibasic 500g Each
IN744605 potassium phosphate monobasic,500g Each
IN826101 silver nitrate,certified ACS 1 Each
IN83080K sodium metal,100g Each
IN830902 sodium acetate, crystal 500g Each
IN83090A sodium acetate,anhydrous 500g Each
IN832701 sodium bicarbonate,ACS 500g Each
IN833205 sodium bisulphite 500g Each
IN833255 sodium bisulphite,meta 500g Each
IN833602 sodium borohydride 25g Each
IN833615 sodium borohydride 100g Each
IN83400A sodium carbonate anhyd 500g Each
IN834301 sodium chloride, 10kg Each
IN834303 sodium chloride,3 kg,certified ACS Each
IN83430T sodium chloride (Pickling Salt),2 lb Each
IN837585 sodium hydroxide pellets 500g Each
IN838003 sodium hydroxide solution 1N 100mL for dilution to 0.1N Each
IN838705 sodium iodide 500g Each
IN840605 sodium nitrate, ACS 500g Each
IN842105 sodium phosphate,dibasic,ANHYDROUS,500g Each
IN84215H sodium phosphate dibasic heptahydrate,500g Each
IN842205 sodium phosphate,monobasic,500g Each
IN84490A sodium sulphate,anhydrous,500g Each
IN84492A sodium sulphate,anhydrous,2.5k Each
IN84510A sodium sulphite,certified ACS,500g Each
IN846805 sodium thiosulphate pentahydrate,500g,ACS Each
IN856205 stannous chloride,ACS,500g Each
IN876405 sulphur sublimed powder 500g Each
IN876925 sulphuric acid,SIGMA-ALDRICH,concentrated 2.5L Each
IN978205 zinc granules,ACS,500g Each
IN982705 zinc sulphate 500g Each
OR004302 acetic acid,(glacial) 2.5L Each
OR004401 acetic anhydride, 1KG Each
OR004405 acetic anhydride, 500mL Each
OR005200 acetone,HPLC,1L Each
OR005202-GLL acetone,certified ACS,refill,gallon (3.7L) safety can Gallon
OR005202-LTR acetone,certified ACS,refill,liter Liter
OR005600 acetonitrile,HPLC,1L Each
OR00572H acetonitrile,HPLC,4L,SIGMA-ALDRICH Each
OR007305 acetylacetone 500mL Each
OR056705 ammonium oxalate 500g Each
OR085501 L-ascorbic acid 100g Each
OR106900 benzene,SPECTRANALYZED 1L Each
OR106921 benzene,ACS,1L,SIGMA-ALDRICH Each
OR110005 benzoic acid 500g Each
OR110905 benzophenone 250g Each
OR113805 benzyl alcohol 500mL Each
OR114405 benzyl chloride,500g Each
OR144101 N-bromosuccinimide 250g Each
OR15044M 2-butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone),1L Each
OR152401 butyl alcohol 1L Each
OR152501 sec-butyl alcohol 1L Each
OR152601 tert-butyl alcohol 1L Each
OR154805 2-chloro-2-methylpropane (tert-butyl chloride),500mL Each
OR156331 n-butyllithium 1.6M in hexanes Each
OR181700 carbon disulphide,spectro,1L Each
OR18231H carbon tetrachloride,HPLC 1L Each
OR21120B chlorobenzene,1L,certified Each
OR212000 chloroform,HPLC,1L Each
OR212184 chloroform,ACS,4L,SIGMA-ALDRICH Each
OR216251 chlorotrimethylsilane,500mL Each
OR230705 citric acid,anhyd. 500g Each
OR272801 cyclohexane,ACS certified 1L Each
OR29702B DIBAL-H 1.0 M in hexanes 100mL Each
OR303971 1,2-dichloroethane,ACS certified,500mL Each
OR308101 diethylamine,reagent,1 L Each
OR318005 diisopropylamine,99+%,500mL Each
OR323300 N,N-dimethylformamide,Spectro,1L Each
OR323304 N,N-dimethylformamide,ACS,4L Each
OR324901 dimethyl sulphoxide 1L Each
OR330001 p-dioxane 500mL Each
OR337505 EDTA disodium salt 500g Each
OR347601 EDTA (..tetraacetic acid) 500g Each
OR368500 ethyl acetate,HPLC,1L Each
OR368502-GLL ethyl acetate,certified ACS,gallon (3.7L) safety can Gallon
OR368502-LTR ethyl acetate,certified ACS,refill,liter Liter
OR368684 ethyl acetate,HPLC,4L,SIGMA-ALDRICH Each
OR368952 ethanol,100% PURE,anhydrous,liter,refill Liter
OR368995 ethanol,95%,liter,refill Liter
OR371381 ethyl ether,anhydrous, 1L Each
OR371564 ethyl ether,anhydrous, 4L,SIGMA-ALDRICH Each
OR373105 ethylenediamine,99%,500mL Each
OR373504 ethylene glycol 4L Each
OR37362T ethylene glycol dimethyl ether,500mL Each
OR375301 ethyl iodide (iodoethane) 100g Each
OR409501 formaldehyde,37% solution,1 L Each
OR409805 formic acid,500mL,ACS Each
OR429003 glucose (dextrose anhyd),certified ACS,3kg Each
OR431904 glycerin (glycerol) 4L Each
OR452100 n-heptane, HPLC 1L Each
OR456300 hexanes,HPLC,1L Each
OR45632H hexanes,HPLC,4L,SIGMA-ALDRICH Each
OR456484 hexanes,ACS,4L,SIGMA-ALDRICH Each
OR480701 imidazole,100g Each
OR489691 iodomethane,100g Each
OR505101 isooctane 1L Each
OR553801 malonic acid 100g Each
OR581400 methanol,HPLC,1L Each
OR58140K methanol,HPLC,4L,SIGMA-ALDRICH Each
OR58140L methanol,LC-MS,4L Each
OR581411 methanol,1L,reagent Each
OR581444 methanol,4L,POLY,certified ACS Each
OR593200 methylene chloride,HPLC,1L Each
OR593584 methylene chloride,4L,SIGMA-ALDRICH,ACS Each
OR596051 methyllithium, 1.6M  ALD 100mL Each
OR674501 oxalyl chloride,100g Each
OR683105 paraformaldehyde 500g Each
OR691300 n-pentane,HPLC 1L Each
OR691301 n-pentane,SPECTRO 1L Each
OR69130R pentane,HPLC,4L Each
OR697302-GLL petroleum ether,35'- 60',certified ACS,gallon (3.7L) safety can Gallon
OR697302-LTR petroleum ether,35'- 60',certified ACS,refill,liter Liter
OR703805 phenol,100g,ACS Each
OR704001 phenolphthalein 100g Each
OR734905 polyethylene glycol 400 1L Each
OR739601 potassium tert-butoxide 100g Each
OR761290 2-propanol,HPLC,1L Each
OR761311 2-propanol,ACS,1 L Each
OR761344 2-propanol,ACS,4L,POLY Each
OR761505 propionic acid 500mL Each
OR763001 propyl alcohol 1L Each
OR775201 pyridine,ACS,1L Each
OR841005 sodium oxalate,ACS certified,500g Each
OR868102 sucrose,ACS,500g Each
OR890331 tetrabutylammonium fluoride (1M in THF),100mL Each
OR892901 tetrahydrofuran,OMNISOLVE,1L Each
OR892904 tetrahydrofuran,ACS,4L Each
OR894451 N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine,50mL Each
OR922500 toluene,HPLC,1L Each
OR922501 toluene,1 L,certified ACS Each
OR922504 toluene,4L,certified ACS Each
OR922901 p-toluenesulphonic acid,100g Each
OR931901 trichloroethylene 500mL Each
OR934201 triethylamine,reagent grade,1L Each
OR93453A trifluoroacetic acid,100mL,ALD Each
OR935382 trifluoroacetic anhydride 100g Each
OR941011 triphenylphosphine 100g Each
OR941521 tris base,for molecular biology,1kg Each
OR952505 urea 500g Each
OS000022 correction fluid,liquid paper,white, 22ml Each
OS000101 clips,foldback,1 5/8in. wide Each
OS000121 clips,paper,REGULAR,1 1/4in.,pack/100 Pack
OS000143 staples,standard,5000/pk Pack
OS000181 rubber bands,0.25lb/pk,#64/#19 Pack
OS000211 tape,3/4in.,REFILL,33Metres Roll
OS000212 tape,19mmX32.9m,dispenser Roll
OS000661 pens,overhead,BLACK,permanent,,FINE Each
OS000664 pens,overhead,RED,permanent,FINE Each
OS000805 pens,HI-LITER,fluor. yellow,desk style Each
OS000832 marker,Giant-Size,BLACK,permanet,fine,each Each
OS000953 pens,ballpoint,RED,medium point Each
OS105550 transparency roll,10.5in x 50f Roll
OS108107 laminating pouches,letter size(8.5"x11"),3mil Sheet
OS108118 laminating pouches,menu size(12"x18"),3mil Sheet
SP003904 glue,5 minute epoxy Pack
SP006602 handsoap,liquid,Soft Soap,221mL,W/PUMP Each
SP00661R handsoap,liquid,REFILL,1.47L Each
SP006681 cleaner,glassware,EXTRAN 300, 1L Each
SP00669A cleaner,glassware,EXTRAN 300,4L Each
SP008795 starch,soluble 500g Each
SP035604 alumina,FISHER,basic 500g Each
SP035605 alumina,FISHER,neutral 500g Each
SP035606 alumina,FISHER,acidic 500g Each
SP051001 leak detector`SNOOP',8 oz Each
SP051061 grease,high-vacuum,150g/tube,DOW CORNING Tube
SP05554M silica gel TLC plates on aluminium,F254,20×20cm,MERCK,box (25 plates) Box
SP06530F aluminium foil,12in. x 50 ft. Roll
SP065601 cleanser Each
SP07101M grease,apiezon M,25g/tube Tube
SP07102L grease,apiezon L,50g/tube Tube
SP07102N grease,apiezon N,25g/tube Tube
SP07125L grease,apiezon L,25g/tube Tube
SP07870R wire,copper,18gauge,/roll Roll
SP082101 brasso,metal polish,142 ml/can Each
SP105170 cleaner,glassware,FISHER,FL-70 Each
SP146254 buffer conc soln pH  4.00 1L Each
SP146257 buffer conc soln pH 7.00 500mL Each
SP17370P spill pillows Each
SP181307 carbon,decolor. (neutral) 500g Each
SP19153T filter aid,CELITE 545, 2.5kg Each
SP191555 filter aid,CELITE 545 500g Each
SP195500 soda lime,self-indicating,4-8 Each
SP200001 oil,silicone bath oil DOW-CORN, Gallon bottle Each
SP20050P-2L oil,silicone bath oil DOW-CORN,2L bottle Each
SP27073T cleaner,for cleaning windows and hard surfaces,765mL Each
SP343242 drierite,w/indicator 8 mesh,5 lb Each
SP343244 drierite,w/indicator 8 mesh,1 lb Each
SP343252 drierite,white,5 lb Each
SP343254 drierite, (white) 8 mesh, 1 lb Each
SP401645 florisil,100-200 mesh 500g Each
SP401655 florisil,60-100 mesh 500g Each
SP42500L grease,KRYTOX LVP,high vacuum,DUPONT Tube
SP441196 bleach,liquid,5-6 percent Each
SP450775 hengar granules,4 mesh 500g Each
SP452375 hand lotion,moisturizing cream Each
SP50501T glue,epoxy,Devcon Pack
SP549962 oil,for vacuum pump,4L,#19 Each
SP59144X cleaner,Mr.CLEAN Each
SP606634 molecular sieves,3A,500g Each
SP60664P molecular sieves,4A 500g Each
SP606658 molecular sieves,5A,500g Each
SP614500 calcium chloride,anhydrous,for desiccators,500g Each
SP647314 mercury vapour suppressant,-ME Each
SP69700H oil,paraffin,heavy,1L Each
SP69700L oil,paraffin,light 1L Each
SP810885 sand,washed 500g Each
SP823212 silica gel G60, 70-230 mesh, SILICYCLE 1kg Kilogram
SP823222 silica gel F60, 230-400 mesh,SILICYCLE 1kg Kilogram
SP823255 silica gel,self-ind,ACS,500g,each Each
SP87016W sealant,silicone,CLEAR,80mL,tube Tube
SP999422 absorbent for acid spills,SHAKER,each Each
SP999431 absorbent for caustic spill,SHAKER,each Each
SP999441 absorbent for solvent spill,SHAKER,each Each

solvent dispensing

Solvent Dispensing

Chemistry Stores dispenses four types of solvent from large drums into smaller containers. The five solvents dispensed are:

  • 100% Ethanol (pure un-denatured grade, 200 proof)
  • 95% Ethanol
  • Acetone (ACS grade)
  • Ethyl Acetate (ACS grade)
  • Petroleum Ether (ACS grade)

Solvents will be dispensed into stainless steel containers or CSA approved plastic safety cans (gasoline jerry cans), provided by the customer.

If you do not have these containers, only ethanol can be dispensed into a 1L glass bottle (which can be purchased from Chemistry Stores). Fire regulations prohibit us from dispensing into larger than 1L glass bottles. If you want any of the others solvents consider purchasing the HPLC grade solvent in 1L (or 4L for Ethyl Acetate) containers which we also stock. Or consider purchasing safety containers from standard scientific suppliers.

Empty containers must be dropped off before 11:30 am to be filled that same day.

Filled containers can be picked up after 2:00 pm.

When picking up a container of ethanol, please bring a signed Ethyl Alcohol Dispensing Request form. The form can be printed : Ethyl Alcohol Dispensing Request PDF, or obtained from Chemistry Stores when you drop off your container.

Please note: Person picking up solvent must be an authorized user on the Journal Voucher/Speedchart used to purchase the solvent.

dry ice

Dry Ice

Dry ice is available in Room B162 by self serve. Customers must have a standing account at Chemistry Stores to collect dry ice.

For JV customers, please follow these steps for collecting dry ice:

  1. Bring insulated container to Chemistry Stores, use scale to determine tare weight of container.
  2. Collect cryo gloves and key from Chemistry Stores.
  3. Walk to end of hall, unlock dry ice room (B162). CAUTION: Always keep door open while collecting dry ice.
  4. Wear cryo gloves, collect amount of dry ice required. Options are 10lb slabs or small nuggets.
  5. Return to Chemistry Stores, replace key and gloves.
  6. Weigh full container, subtract tare weight to determine weight of dry ice collected.
  7. See staff at front desk to create your bill/checkout. The binder will no longer be used to record collected dry ice. Orders will be created at time of pick up.

If you require more than 15lbs of dry ice on any given day, please email your order two days before you would like to pick up. Send an email to storz@chem.ubc.ca with the following info:

Group Name

Date Requested

Your Name

Phone #

Request Qty in lbs

Choose one: Nuggets, 10lb slabs or solid block.

Shipments are delivered on Mondays, Wednesday and Friday each week (if Stat holiday, delivery is moved to next business day).

Please Note: Chemistry Stores is not responsible for orders that are not picked up on the dry ice delivery day.

Chemistry Stores is closed all Statutory Holidays, Saturday and Sundays.

Customers should not remove dry ice bags from B162. They are reused. 

Liquid Nitrogen

Liquid Nitrogen Filling

Nitrogen will be available for non-chemistry customers daily from 9:00AM-11:30am and 12:30pm-4:00pm in the nitrogen dispensing room (D128) in the main Chemistry building.

Non-chemistry customers wishing to purchase liquid nitrogen must be preauthorized. There are three options:

  1. Frequent users can request to have a dispensing fob issued. Contact Mohamad Rezaei to arrange for a fob to be created for your group.
  2. Go to Chemistry Stores and ask to purchase liquid nitrogen. They will process the transaction and provide you with a printed receipt. You can give that receipt to the dispensing technician as your proof of purchase.  Stores is open between 9:00AM-11:30am and 12:30pm-4:00pm.
  3. Order N2 in Planon at least one day prior to coming to get N2. Instructions for using Planon can be found on the Notice tab.

               a. Liquid nitrogen can be found by searching ‘nitrogen’ under Description.

               b. The screen below is an example of what you want to get to when ordering N2.











               c. After you place the order, go to Stores to pick up the order receipt.

               d. Bring a copy of the receipt to give to the dispensing technician.



Technicians                              (Chemistry Mechanical Shop):    604-822-9467

Billing issues                            (Mohamad Rezaei)                        604-822-2253     mohamad.rezaei@ubc.ca

Order/account questions      Stores                                              604-822-3865     storz@chem.ubc.ca



Chemistry Stores has a shipping service that is available to all UBC account holders. This service will provide courier and freight services as well as proper documentation for the shipping of most types of goods including vendor returns, repairs and hazardous goods. A handling fee will be charged to JV customers.

Shipping Hazardous Chemicals

Please fill out either the Chemical Shipping Form or the Chemical Shipping Form for JV Users.

For all international non-hazardous chemical shipments, including those to the U.S., a letter of compliance must be included. Please see attached letter outline for proper wording of the letter.

In addition, ALL chemical shipments to the U.S. must also have a TOXIC SUBSTANCE CONTROL ACT PART 707 (TSCA) CERTIFICATION (TSCA) form included.

Goods Being Shipped on Dry Ice

Due to the sensitive nature of goods being shipped on dry ice, please contact Shipping Dept. 24 hours prior to shipping.  

Shipping Non-Chemical Goods

Fill out the Non-Chemical Shipping Form.

Once the necessary forms are complete, please bring them and your shipment to Chemistry Stores Shipping Department and talk to one of our shippers. If no one is available, please leave direct contact information.


Laundry Service for Lab Coats

Soiled lab coats can be dropped off in the bin at Chemistry Stores to be laundered. Customers must have a standing account with Chemistry Stores to have coats cleaned. JV customers must email biosupply@chem.ubc.ca with the following information when dropping off lab coats (one email per speedchart/group of lab coats:

Group Name (that will be on the lab coats)

Your Name


Number of coats dropped off to be laundered.


If you work with biological materials, coats must be autoclaved before dropping off for laundering.


Please note: Each lab coat must be marked (use permanent marker) with

    PI/Group name

    Your name

    Make sure we can identify the owner of the lab coat easily – if there is no identifiable name then they cannot be returned.


Coats are picked up once per week. The cleaned coats are returned about two weeks later. Once ready for pickup from Stores, the group will be notified by email and coats will be placed in the package pickup area in the chemical room.


Chemistry Stores will not be responsible for lost or misplaced lab coats.


Supply Center



Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of $17 billion and more than 50,000 employees in 50 countries. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our customers accelerate life sciences research, solve complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productivity. Through our premier brands – Thermo Scientific, Applied Biosystems, Invitrogen, Fisher Scientific and Unity Lab Services – we offer an unmatched combination of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and comprehensive support.

Applied Biosystems™ instruments and reagents have been trusted in the lab for over 20 years by the world's top scientists. Researchers who demand efficiency, accuracy and gold-standard technology use Applied Biosystems™ integrated systems for sequencing, flow cytometry and real-time, digital and end point PCR—from sample prep to data analysis.

Invitrogen™ instruments and reagents are some of the most-cited products for genetic engineering, amplification, purification, quantification and analysis. From TOPO™ Cloning Kits and high-quality SuperScript™ and Platinum™ enzymes, to Dynabeads™ separation technologies and GeneArt™ Gene Synthesis, Invitrogen™ cell and molecular biology technologies are designed to help ensure that the time you invest in your research is efficient and is rewarded with the reliable results you’re counting on.

On UBC campus we operate a Supply Centre which is stocked with the hundreds of items that the research community uses most often.

Order Pickup Hours:

9:00 am - 11:30 am; 12:30pm - 4:00 pm

Chemistry Stores
Lower floor of Chemistry B Block, South Wing
Room B170 - 2036 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
Wayfinding Map

Online Ordering











Elkie Menchions
Supply Center Host

Anastasia Kuzmin
Supply Center Specialist

Angie Jansen
Bioscience Account Manager