Shared Instrument Facility (SIF)
The SIF is a multi-instrument facility featuring a broad range high tech scientific instruments, servicing both teaching and research.
Our primary focus is on providing services for the Chemistry Department; however we have the capability to service external academic and industry clients. Please contact the Lab Director for more information.
Ben Herring
Office: B352
Location: RM B353
The Shared Instrument Facility
Department of Chemistry
2036 Main Mall,
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V6T 1Z1
Tel: (604) 822-4211
Fax: (604) 822-2847
Atomic force microscope (AFM)
The Nanosurf EasyScan 2 AFM is a scanning microscope system, capable of performing nanometer-scale measurements in air. This AFM module can be used with both solid and liquid samples operated with static mode or dynamic mode.

Digital Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)
Netzsch DSC214 Polyma with 19 sample autosampler and equipped with a Liquid Nitrogen cooling system enabling -170°C to 600°C. For determining the temperatures corresponding to the heat flows of thermal transitions such as glass transitions, melts, crystallizations, and curing.
- Operated with Proteus™ software
- Uses Aluminium sample pans

Circular dichroism/optical rotary dispersion spectrophotometer (CD/ORD)
The Jasco J-815 CD spectrophotometer is capable to measure the optical activity of chiral compounds from 163-1100 nm and has an air cooled Xenon arc lamp or water cooled Xenon lamp.
- Sample type: solid or liquid samples
- Measurement from 163 – 1100 nm
- Operated with Spectra Manager software

Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
The Agilent Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrophotometer is used to measure the emission of light from samples in four modes: fluorescence, phosphorescence or chemi/bio luminescence. The Xenon flash lamp is used for the instrument to provide superior sensitivity, high signal-to noise, and fast kinetics.

Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) with attenuated total reflectance (ATR)
PerkinElmer Frontier FT-IR is used to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption of a solid, liquid or gas. The FT-IR offers flexible system configurations in the near, near-mid, mid-far and far infrared regions, and support an extensive range of applications.
- Can be used to measure liquid, solid or gas samples
- The user should bring their own gas cell while measuring gas samples
- Characterize novel materials
- Fast analysis time

GC-Mass Spectrometer
The Agilent 6890N gas chromatograph with the 5975B mass detector with an EI source. Operated with MassHunter.
- Can be used in split or splitless mode
- Equipped with a 7683B autosampler with 100 vial capability
- HP-5MS (30M X 0.25mm I.D. with 0.25um film) installed
- NIST library available

HPLC with Diode Array Detector (DAD)
The Agilent 1260 Quaternary HPLC system has a pressure range up to 600bar enabling the use of small particle size columns for better resolution and faster separations. Operated with ChemStation.
- equipped with a G1313A vial sampler with 100ul sample loop
- several reverse phase columns of varying lengths, diameters, and pore sizes

HPLC-Mass Spectrometer
Combines the fast separation and resolution of the 1260 HPLC with the mass selectivity of the Agilent 6120B single quadrupole mass detector using ESI. Operated with ChemStation.
- Excellent for routine mass determination
- Extended sensitivity in SIM mode for quantitation
- Equipped with a G1313B vial sampler and 100ul sample loop

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer
Bruker Avance-III 300 NMR is a state-of-the-art NMR spectrometer is operating at 300mHz for 1H and 13C observation. This instrument is fully capable of performing any 1D or 2D NMR experiment possible on a 2-channel NMR spectrometer.
- Only accept drop in appointment for departmental users
- For external users, please contact the NMR Facility for measuring or submitting NMR samples
For high resolution NMR spectroscopy, please contact the High-Resolution NMR Analytical Services and Research Support Facility.

Jasco P-2000 polarimeter can be used to measure the angel of rotation caused by passing polarized light through an optically active substance. It has analytical wavelengths from UV-Vis to NIR.
- Cell sample capacity: 1.0-1.2ml

UV/Vis spectrophotometer
The UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer detects in the 175-3300 nm range and can extend its near infrared (NIR) range to 3300 nm.

Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA)
Netzsch TGA209 F1 Libra ceramic micro furnace with thermobalance capable of measurements up to 1100°C with an operating range of 30°C to 1100°C. For determining thermal stability and mass loss.
- Uses Alumina crucibles
- Operated under Nitrogen or Air atmosphere
- Capable of DTA like analysis via c-DTA©
- Operated with Proteus™ software

Our primary focus is on providing services for the Chemistry Department; however we have the capability to service external academic and industry clients. Please contact the Lab Director for more information.
Prior to work, all users have to complete BOTH instrument-specific and Chemical Safety Training — no exceptions. Please call or e-mail to arrange a time with us for training on the listed instruments,
- Atomic force microscope (AFM)
- Capillary electrophoresis chromatograph (CE)
- Circular dichroism/optical rotary dispersion spectrophotometer (CD/ORD)
- Fluorometer
- Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) with attenuated total reflectance (ATR)
- Gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS)
- Liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer (LC-MS)
- Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer (NMR)
- Polarimeter
- Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC)
- Three UV/Vis spectrophotometers - one with NIR capabilities
- Spectrometer
For Chemical Safety training, please contact the department Safety Program Administrator
Access available only to Chemistry Department users. All users need to reserve the instruments through the instrument booking site https://wapps.chem.ubc.ca/sif or contact the Lab Director.
Contact the Lab Director for the fee schedule.
General Rules for Working in the Shared Instrument Facility
- Booking is done through the online system, except for NMR (drop-in service);
- Do not bring any biohazardous, radioactive or toxic materials;
- Bench surfaces must be left clear of glassware, garbage and spills;
- Waste must be decontaminated and disposed of;
- If the gas cylinder pressure is under 500 psi, please bring up a new one and write it in the logbook or ask SIF technician to replace it for you. Do not leave gas cylinders completely empty.
- Removing their work materials from workstations as tasks are completed
- Sign the log book for all the SIF instruments after use;
- Login/logout from Windows will keep track of time spend on the instrument (billing), therefore remember to logout.