News & Events


Two Chemistry Faculty Members Awarded Prestigious Killam Research Prize

Congratulations to Associate Professor Tao Huan and Professor Takamasa Momose for being honored as recipients of the prestigious UBC Killam Research Prize, with Professor Huan recognized in the early-career category and Professor Momose in the established-career category. This esteemed award celebrates their exceptional research and significant scholarly...

Dr. Laurel Schafer Receives UVic Presidents' Alumni Award

Dr. Laurel Schafer has been named a recipient for the University of Victoria Presidents’ Alumni Award. This award is presented by University of Victoria's President and the President of the UVic Alumni Association (UVAA) to distinguished alumni. This award recognizes the outstanding lifetime accomplishments of alumni who have either:

  • earned national or international regard
  • had a significant local impact...

2024 Chemistry Alumni Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2024 UBC Chemistry Alumni Award winners, Dr. Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay (Alumni Award of Distinction) and Dr. Erika Siren (Young Alumnus Award)!

Alumni Award of Distinction | Dr. Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay, PhD '89

This award recognizes an alumnus whose accomplishments are of such excellence that they provide inspiration and leadership to students and other alumni. The recipient has shown significant leadership either in their...

Dr. Hein Receives R. U. Lemieux Award

Congratulations to Professor Jason Hein for being awarded the R. U. Lemiuex Award from the Chemical Institute of Canada! The R. U. Lemieux Award is presented to an organic chemist who has made a distinguished contribution to any area of organic chemistry and who is currently working in Canada.


Dr. Hudson Receives Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring

Congratulations to Associate Professor Zachary Hudson for receiving the 2024 Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring!

The Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring recognizes outstanding mentorship of numerous graduate students over many years. A champion of his students, Dr. Hudson has been consistently recognized as an outstanding graduate student mentor. His unwavering support and infectious enthusiasm for science...

Dr. Huan Receives the Fred Beamish Award

Congratulations to Associate Professor Tao Huan for receiving the Fred Beamish Award from the Canadian Society of Chemistry.

The Fred Beamish Award is presented to an individual who demonstrates innovation in research in the field of analytical chemistry, where the research is anticipated to have significant potential for practical applications....

Dr. Nichols Receives Two Peter Wall Research Awards

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Eva Nichols on being awarded two Peter Wall Research Awards!

The first project, led by Dr. Nichols, is titled “An Artificial Photosynthesis Device to Generate Green Methanol Fuel from CO2”. This innovative initiative is a collaborative effort with Dr. Alexander Uhl (UBC-O) and Dr. Eric Lees (UBC-V).

The second project, “Development of Organic Redox Flow Batteries for Clean Renewable Energy Storage Applications”, sees Dr. Nichols partnering...

Congratulations Undergraduate RLE Award Winners!

Congratulations for Eileen Wallgrove and Conrad Belzberg for receiving the Undergraduate Chemistry Society Research Laboratory Experience Excellence Award! Both have made outstanding contributions towards undergraduate research in the department. 

Congratulations UTA Award Recipients!

Congratulations to Bridget Henson, Jared Litman, Ujas Acharya, Abigail Marie Anada, Ying Cai and Trista Yu for receiving this year's Undergraduate TA awards. This award is given to undergraduate TAs who go above and beyond when teaching students taking our courses. Their exceptional dedication, leadership, and passion when engaging and helping our students is invaluable in supporting our teaching mission.

Congratulations Richard Kil!

UBC Chemistry Lecturer Richard Kil has received the Killam Teaching Prize! This award is presented to those who have been recognized for their outstanding teaching, research and service to the community. Congratulations Richard!

Read more here.



Congratulations Dr. Zachary Hudson!

Associate professor Zachary Hudson has been awarded the Nova Macromolecular Science and Engineering Division (MSED) Early Career Award by the Canadian Society for Chemistry. The award aims to recognize the research achievements of a Canadian polymer scientist or engineer within the early stages of their career as a Principal Investigator or government/industry scientist.

Congratulations Dr. Hudson!

Congratulations Dr. Ehsan Hamzehpoor!

Congratulations to Dr. Ehsan Hamzehpoor, a member of Dr. Mark MacLachlan's research group, for winning both the Killam and Banting Post-Doctoral Fellowships!

Read more about his acceptional work here.

Congratulations Dr. Tao Huan!

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Dr. Tao Huan for receiving the Metabolites 2023 Young Investigator Award! This is an outstanding achievement as a rising star in the field of metabolomics.

Read more here.

Dr. Ilsa Cooke Receives LAD 2024 Early Career Award

Assistant Professor Dr. Ilsa Cooke has been awarded the The Laboratory Astrophysics Division (LAD) of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) 2024 Early Career Award. The LAD Early Career Award is given to an individual who has made significant contributions to the field within 10 years of receiving their PhD.

Dr. Cooke has made significant contributions to the discovery of new molecules in space, providing a detailed understanding of their reaction mechanisms, thermodynamics, and...

2023 Alumni Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2023 UBC Chemistry Alumni Award winners, Dr. Mark Namchuk (Alumni Award of Distinction) and Dr. Love-Ese Chile (Young Alumnus Award)!


Alumni Award of Distinction | Dr. Mark Namchuk, PhD '93

This award recognizes an alumnus whose accomplishments are of such excellence that they provide inspiration and leadership to students and other alumni. The recipient has shown significant leadership either in their professional...

Congratulations 2023 Graduate Student Award Winners!

Last week at our November 2023 Alumni Reunion, we announced this years Graduate Student Award winners- Congratulations to you all! Our winners are as follows:

F.J. Nicholson Scholarship – Brian Low

Arthur S. Hawkes Scholarshp in Chemistry – Rajneesh Bains

Ed Shuter Scholarship – Seth Keenan

Edward Piers Memorial Award in Organic Chemistry – Ryoga Hojo

Brian and Jane James Graduate...

Dr. Allan Bertram Receives UBC 2023 Distinguished University Scholar Award

Congratulations to Dr. Allan Bertram for being named as a UBC Distinguished University Scholar for 2023!

The Distinguished University Scholar program takes place every two years and recognizes members of UBC Faculty who have distinguished themselves as exceptional scholars. An adjudication panel recommends the individuals, who are then have the designation conferred by the President.

Dr. Bertram is an outstanding and innovative scholar whose accomplishments have had a...

Chemistry LST Wins the Safety Achievement Award

Congratulations to the Chemistry Local Safety Team (LST) for being awarded The Safety Achievement Award this year at Safety Day!

Specifically, the award recognized the 2-point seismic upgrades for large equipment housed in the Chemistry Complex, such as chemical fridges, compressed gas cylinders, liquid nitrogen Dewar’s, etc. Over 175 upgrades with the collaboration of the CHEM Machine Shop, Building Operations and the CHEM LST were done since the start of the project. This is a major...

Congratulations to the Graduate Research Symposium Poster Winners

Congratulations to the poster prize winners of the Chemistry Graduate Research Symposium 2023! 


Chie Nakayama - Poster Title: Infrared Depletion Spectroscopy of Methyl Lactate in Superfluid Helium Droplets

Seiya Ota - Poster Title: Pt Chemistry with a Twist: Extended π-Conjugated Ligands in Cyclometalated Complexes

Siyuan Xie - Poster Title: Exploring Metal-Metal Cooperation in CO2 Electrocatalysis: From Surface...

Congratulations Raksha Kandel!

Raksha Kandel (PhD student in the MacLachlan group) won first prize for her poster at the International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC) held June 25-29, 2023 in Reykjavik, Iceland. The photo shows Raksha receiving her award from Sir J. Fraser Stoddart, 2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry.

Congratulations Raksha!