The main goal of AMPEL, the Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Laboratory, is to bring together top level basic and applied research groups working at the forefront of research on materials and devices in a collaborative environment sharing both their expertise and the most modern research facilities.
Visit AMPEL.
Quantum Materials Laboratory
George Sawatzky
Our research program involves the fabrication as well as the theoretical and spectroscopic study of novel complex systems and nanostructured materials. The goal is to develop new approaches and understanding in the quantum theory of solids, and define new pathways for the fabrication of materials and structures with innovative physical properties.
- Electronic Structure of Solids
- ARPES on Complex Systems
- Oxide MBE
Spectroelectrochemical Laboratory
Dan Bizzotto
Dedicated to studying surface chemistry that occurs on an electrochemical interface.
- Lipid Modified Electrode Surfaces
- Fuel Cell Catalysis
- Electrodeposited Cu films
Pulsed Laser Deposition
Andrew MacFarlane
At AMPEL, the MacFarlane group uses Pulsed Laser Deposition to synthesize thin films and heterostructures of inorganic oxides, such as high temperature copper oxide superconductors, collossal magnetoresistance manganese oxides, and battery materials, such as LiCoO2. In this technique a high power pulsed ultraviolet laser is used to ablate a target material. The ablation plume is then condensed on a substrate as a thin film.
The films are then used in research at TRIUMF, using beta-detected NMR. Students working in these projects gain experience in thin film growth and characterization, preparation of crystal surfaces, and many aspects of solid state chemistry.
Interfacial Analysis & Reactivity Laboratory (IARL)
Keith Mitchell
This laboratory has a range of techniques for characterizing surfaces and interfaces of materials with regard to composition, structure and reactivity. The equipment includes X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning Auger microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, as well as Raman and FTIR spectroscopies and electrochemical methods. Current research emphasizes:
- Novel metal-chalcogenide catalysts for PEM fuel cells;
- Coating chemistry of Mg and Al alloys in relation to interfacial adhesion and corrosion protection.
In addition to pursuing this research, the IARL welcomes other users from universities, industry and government to take advantage of our equipment and services.