Research & Teaching Faculty

Avrainvilloside, a 6-deoxy-6-aminoglucoglycerolipid from the green alga Avrainvillea nigricans

TitleAvrainvilloside, a 6-deoxy-6-aminoglucoglycerolipid from the green alga Avrainvillea nigricans
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsAndersen, RJ, Taglialatela-Scafati, O
JournalJournal of Natural Products
Date PublishedSep
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number0163-3864
KeywordsGLYCEROGLYCOLIPIDS, inhibitors

Fractionation of the organic extract obtained from the Dominican green alga Avrainvillea nigricans led to the isolation of avrainvilloside (2), a new glycoglycerolipid bearing the extremely rare 6-deoxy-6-aminoglucose moiety. The structure of avrainvilloside has been established on the basis of spectroscopic data and methanolysis/GC-MS analysis.

URL<Go to ISI>://000232169900027