Export 8833 results:
Branton, G. R. ; Frost, D. C. ; Herring, F. G. ; McDowell, C. A. ; Stenhouse, L. A. The Ionization Potentials Of Ammonia And Ammonia-D(3). Measured By Photoelectron Spectroscopy, And An Indo Calculation Of These Values. Chemical Physics Letters 1969, 3, 581-584.
Brion, C. E. Negative Ion Formation In The Hexafluorides Of Sulphur, Selenium And Tellurium. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics 1969, 3, 197 - 202.
Buckingham, A. D. ; Burnell, E. E. ; de Lange, C. A. N.m.r. Studies Of 1,1-Difluoroethylene In Nematic Solvents. Molecular Physics 1969, 16, 299 - 302.
Buckingham, A. D. ; Burnell, E. E. ; de Lange, C. A. N.m.r. Studies Of 1,4-Cyclohexadiene Oriented In A Nematic Solvent. Molecular Physics 1969, 16, 521 - 524.
Burnell, E. E. ; de Lange, C. A. N.m.r. Studies Of Pyridazine And Pyridine Oriented In A Nematic Phase. Molecular Physics 1969, 16, 95 - 97.
.AD, B. U. C. K. I. N. G. H. ; Burnell, E. E. ; CA, D. E. L. A. N. G. E. A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study Of Ethyl Fluoride Dissolved In A Nematic Liquid Crystal. MOLECULAR PHYSICS 1969, 16.
Buckingham, A. D. ; Burnell, E. E. ; de Lange, C. A. A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study Of Spiropentane Dissolved In A Nematic Solvent. Molecular Physics 1969, 17, 205 - 207.
Brion, C. E. ; OLSEN, L. A. R. Threshold Electron-Impact Excitation Of 5S Electron In Xenon. PHYSICAL REVIEW 1969, 187, 111-&.
Brion, C. E. ; Eaton, C. R. ; Olsen, L. A. R. ; Thomas, G. E. Threshold Excitation And Ionization Of Xenon By Electron Impact. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 1969, 3, 600-602.
Brion, C. E. ; THOMAS, G. E. Cross Section For Production Of Singly Ionized Helium By Electron Impact At Low Energies. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 1968, 20, 241-&.
Brion, C. E. ; Eaton, C. R. Detection Of Monoenergetic Electron Impact Excitation Of Helium Using The Sulphur Hexafluoride Negative Ion. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics 1968, 1, 102 - 104.
Buckingham, A. D. ; Burnell, E. E. ; de Lange, C. A. The Determination Of Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Anisotropies Of Solutes In Liquid-Crystal Solvents. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1968, 90, 2972 - 2974.
Frost, D. C. ; Herring, F. G. ; McDowell, C. A. ; Mwstafa, M. R. ; Sandhu, J. S. The Ionization Potentials Of Carbon Tetrafluoride As Determined By Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Chemical Physics Letters 1968, 2, 663-664.
Brion, C. E. ; STEWART, W. B. Mass Spectrometric Analysis Of Oxygen. NATURE 1968, 217, 946-&.
Fyfe, C. A. ; McDowell, C. A. Molecular Motion Is Solid Tropylium Salts. Chemical Physics Letters 1968, 2, 170-172.
Buckingham, A. D. ; Burnell, E. E. ; de Lange, C. A. ; Rest, A. J. N.m.r. Studies Of 3,3,3-Trifluoropropyne Dissolved In Different Nematic Liquid Crystals. Molecular Physics 1968, 14, 105 - 109.
Buckingham, A. D. ; Burnell, E. E. ; de Lange, C. A. N.m.r. Studies Of Dimethyl-Acetylene And Perfluorodimethylacetylene In Nematic Solvents. Molecular Physics 1968, 15, 285 - 290.
Buckingham, A. D. ; Burnell, E. E. ; de Lange, C. A. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra Of Hydrogen In A Nematic Phase. Chemical Communications (London) 1968, 1408b.
Brion, C. E. ; PADDOCK, N. L. Phosphonitrilic Derivatives .13. Fragmentation Patterns Of Phosphonitrilic Chlorides. JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY A -INORGANIC PHYSICAL THEORETICAL 1968, 388-&.
Brion, C. E. ; PADDOCK, N. L. Phosphonitrilic Derivatives .14. Fragmentation Patterns Of Phosphonitrilic Fluorides. JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY A -INORGANIC PHYSICAL THEORETICAL 1968, 392-&.
Brion, C. E. ; Thomas, G. E. A Versatile “Monoenergetic” Electron Impact Spectrometer For The Study Of Inelastic Collision Processes. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics 1968, 1, 25 - 39.
Burnell, E. E. Chemical Shift Anisotropies From Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies Of Oriented Molecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1967, 89, 3341 - 3341.
Bullock, E. ; Burnell, E. E. ; Gregory, B. Nonequivalence Of Methylene Protons In Asymmetric Ethyl Ethers. Chemical Communications (London) 1967, 193.
Brion, C. E. ; OLDFIELD, D. J. ; PADDOCK, N. L. Huckel-Type Interactions In Phosphonitrilic Derivatives. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 1966, 226-&.
Brion, C. E. An Improved Mass Spectrometer Photoionization Source. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 1966, 38, 1941-&.