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Porter, G. B. ; Rest, A. J. Photochemistry Of Inorganic Complex-Ions In Alkali-Halide Matrices. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1980, 869-871.
Porter, G. B. ; Sparks, R. H. Photoracemization Of Ru(Bipyridine)32+. Journal of Photochemistry 1980, 13, 123-131.
Brzezinska, Z. C. ; Cullen, W. R. ; Strukul, G. Polymeric Siloxyphosphine Rhodium(I) Complexes As Hydrogenation Catalysts. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1980, 58, 750-754.
Cheung, A. S. C. ; Merer, A. J. Predissociated Rotational Structure In The 2490-A Band Of 15No2. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1980, 80, 23-33.
Brzezinska, Z. C. ; Cullen, W. R. The Preparation Of Polymeric Siloxyphosphine Rhodium(I) Complexes. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1980, 58, 744-749.
Burtnick, L. D. ; Chan, K. W. Protection Of Actin Against Proteolysis By Complex-Formation With Deoxyribonuclease-I. Canadian Journal of Biochemistry 1980, 58, 1348-1354.
Adam, M. J. ; Hall, L. D. Proton Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rates Of Substituted Ferrocene Derivatives - Assignment Of Resonances And Determination Of Motional Correlation Times. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1980, 186, 289-296.
James, B. R. ; Morris, R. H. ; Einsten, F. W. B. ; Willis, A. Protonated Dimethylsulfoxide, [Me2So H Osme2]+ - Novel Hydrogen-Bridged Structure - X-Ray Crystal-Structure Of Trans-[H(Me2So)2][Rhcl4(Me2So)2]. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1980, 31-32.
Kutney, J. P. ; Trotter, J. ; Pauptit, R. A. ; Worth, B. R. ; Sierra, P. Raucubaine, A New Type Of Indole Alkaloid From Rauwolfia-Salicifolia-Griseb. Heterocycles 1980, 14, 1309-1311.
Cullen, W. R. ; Williams, M. The Reaction Of R2Pc=Ccl(Cf2)N With Iron Carbonyls - Unusual Complexes Formed By Ligand Cleavage Reactions. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1980, 58, 143-150.
James, B. R. ; Mahajan, D. Reactions Of Bis(Ditertiaryphosphine) Complexes Of Rhodium(I) With Carbon-Monoxide, Dioxygen, Dihydrogen, And Hydrogen-Chloride. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1980, 58, 996-1004.
Cullen, W. R. ; Fishman, M. The Reduction Of Trifluoroacetylferrocene By Fermenting Bakers-Yeast. Inorganica Chimica Acta-Bioinorganic Chemistry 1980, 46, L85-L85.
Herring, F. G. ; Phillips, P. S. Reorientational Correlation Times Of Spin Probes As Determined By Electron-Spin-Resonance. Journal of Molecular Structure 1980, 61, 29-32.
Nagai, K. ; Welborn, C. ; Dolphin, D. ; Kitagawa, T. Resonance Raman Evidence For Cleavage Of The Fe-N-Is-An-Element-Of(His-F8) Bond In The Alpha-Subunit Of The T-Structure Nitrosylhemoglobin. Biochemistry 1980, 19, 4755-4761.
Gordon, R. M. ; Merer, A. J. Rotational And Hyperfine-Structure In The A6Sigma+-X6Sigma+ Electronic-Transition Of Mno. Canadian Journal of Physics 1980, 58, 642-656.
Brooks, D. E. ; Greig, R. G. Shear Induced Concanavalin A Agglutination Of Human-Erythrocytes. Federation Proceedings 1980, 39, 2104-2104.
Chong, D. P. Shifted Hartree-Fock Eigenvalues And Slaters Transition-State Concept. Chemical Physics Letters 1980, 73, 181-185.
Pang, Y. C. ; Reid, P. E. ; Brooks, D. E. Solubility And Distribution Of Halothane In Human-Blood. British Journal of Anaesthesia 1980, 52, 851-862.
Hengrasmee, S. ; Mitchell, K. A. R. ; Watson, P. R. ; White, S. J. Some Observations On The Use Of Reliability Indexes In Leed Crystallography. Canadian Journal of Physics 1980, 58, 200-206.
Mikula, R. J. ; Garner, D. M. ; Fleming, D. G. Spin Exchange Cross-Sections For Mu+No And Mu+O2 From 295K To 478K. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 1980, 25, 1150-1150.
Berlinsky, A. J. ; Shizgal, B. Spin-Exchange Scattering Cross-Sections For Hydrogen-Atoms At Low-Temperatures. Canadian Journal of Physics 1980, 58, 881-885.
Haynes, J. S. ; Sams, J. R. ; Thompson, R. C. Structural Isomerism In Iron(Ii) Methanesulfonate. Chemical Physics Letters 1980, 75, 596-598.
Greenhough, T. J. ; Trotter, J. Structure Of 2,3,4A-Beta,6,7-Beta,8A-Beta-Hexamethyl-4A,7,8,8A-Tetrahydro-1,4-Naphtho Quinone. Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 1980, 36, 368-373.
Greenhough, T. J. ; Trotter, J. The Structure Of 5-Alpha,8Alpha-Dimethyl-4A-Beta,5,8,8Abeta-Tetrahydro-1-Naphthoquin-4Alp Ha-Ol. Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 1980, 36, 2091-2094.
Trotter, J. ; Mak, T. C. W. Structure Of Tricarbonyl[5-Ethyl-2-(5’-Ethyl-1’,2’,3’,6’-Tetrahydro-1’-Methyl-2’-Pyri Dyl)-1,6-Dihydro-1-Methylpyridine]Chromium. Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 1980, 36, 557-560.