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Wilson, W. W. ; Aubke, F. Synthesis And Vibrational-Spectra Of The Antimony(V) Fluoride-Fluorosulfates Sbf3(So3F)2,sbf4(So3F) And Sb2F9(So3F). Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 1979, 13, 431-445.
Adam, M. J. ; Hall, L. D. Synthesis Of Sugar Organometallic Conjugates - Ferrocenyl Derivatives. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1979, 865-866.
Marshall, A. G. ; Comisarow, M. B. ; Parisod, G. Theory Of Fourier-Transform Ion-Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectroscopy-Iii .1. Relaxation And Spectral-Line Shape In Fourier-Transform Ion Resonance Spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics 1979, 71, 4434-4444.
Cullen, W. R. ; McBride, B. C. ; Pickett, A. W. Transformation Of Arsenicals By Candida-Humicola. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 1979, 25, 1201-1205.
James, B. R. ; Preece, M. ; Robinson, S. D. Tricyclohexylphosphine Complexes Of Rhodium, Iridium And Ruthenium. Inorganica Chimica Acta 1979, 34, L219-L221.
Head, J. D. ; Mitchell, K. A. R. Use Of Xalpha-Sw Calculations For Parametrizing The Cndo Method For The Heavier Elements .2. Tests For The Elements Aluminum To Sulfur. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1979, 57, 1826-1838.
COOK, J. P. D. ; Brion, C. E. ; HAMNETT, A. Valence Shell Momentum Distributions, Binding-Energies, And Calculated Wavefunction Evaluation For H2S By Binary (E,2E) Spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA 1979, 15, 233-236.
Herring, F. G. ; Park, J. M. ; Rettig, S. J. ; Trotter, J. X-Ray Crystallographic Study Of Ni(Ii)Bis(Morpholine-N-Carbodithioate) And Epr Studies Of Cu(Ii)Bis(Morpholine-N-Carbodithioate) And Cu(Ii)Bis(Pyrrolidine-N-Carbodithioate). Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1979, 57, 2379-2385.
Herring, F. G. ; Park, J. M. ; Rettig, S. J. ; Trotter, J. X-Ray Crystallographic Study Of Ni(Ii)Bis(Morpholine-N-Carbodithioate) And Epr Studies Of Cu(Ii)Bis(Morpholine-N-Carbodithioate) And Cu(Ii)Bis(Pyrrolidine-N-Carbodithioate). Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1979, 57, 2379-2385.
Ball, R. G. ; James, B. R. ; Trotter, J. ; Wang, D. K. W. ; Dixon, K. R. X-Ray Crystal-Structure Of Trans-Chlorohydridobis(Diop)Ruthenium(Ii) - Octahedral Complex With Inequivalent Phosphorus Atoms. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1979, 460-461.
Ball, R. G. ; James, B. R. ; Trotter, J. ; Wang, D. K. W. ; Dixon, K. R. X-Ray Crystal-Structure Of Trans-Chlorohydridobis(Diop)Ruthenium(Ii) - Octahedral Complex With Inequivalent Phosphorus Atoms. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1979, 460-461.
Brion, C. E. ; Tan, K. H. ; VANDERLEEUW, P. E. ; VANDERWIEL, M. J. Absolute Oscillator-Strengths (10-60 Ev) For Photoabsorption, Photo-Ionization And Breakdown Of H2O. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 1978, 23, 143.
Tan, K. H. ; Brion, C. E. ; VANDERLEEUW, P. E. ; VANDERWIEL, M. J. Absolute Oscillator-Strengths (10-60Ev) For Photoabsorption, Photoionization And Fragmentation Of H2O. CHEMICAL PHYSICS 1978, 29, 299-309.
Comisarow, M. B. Application Of Rotating Electric Monopole Theory To Marginal Oscillators. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 1978, 26, 369-378.
Cullen, W. R. ; Sugi, Y. Asymmetric Hydrogenation Catalyzed By Diphosphinite Rhodium Complexes Derived From A Sugar. Tetrahedron Letters 1978, 1635-1636.
Tan, K. H. ; Brion, C. E. Branching Ratios And Partial Photo-Ionization Cross-Section For 3S Electron Of Argon. JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA 1978, 13, 77-84.
Chong, D. P. ; Langhoff, S. R. Calculation Of Vertical Ionization-Potentials By Configuration Interaction. Chemical Physics Letters 1978, 59, 397-402.
Chong, D. P. Calculation Of Vertical Ionization-Potentials Of Ketene By Perturbation Corrections To Koopmans Theorem. Theoretica Chimica Acta 1978, 50, 181-184.
Head, J. D. ; Mitchell, K. A. R. Calculations With Cndo Method On Clusters Of Silver Atoms. Molecular Physics 1978, 35, 1681-1695.
Olmsted, R. D. ; Snider, R. F. Center Of Mass Description Of Polymer Flow - Friction Approximation For Pressure Tensor With Antisymmetric Stress. Journal of Chemical Physics 1978, 68, 2477-2486.
Cullen, W. R. ; James, B. R. ; Strukul, G. Chemistry And Catalytic Properties Of Oxidized Rhodium Chlorocarbonyl Complexes, Rh4Cl4(Co)4(O2)2P2 - P = Tertiary Phosphine Ligands. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1978, 56, 1965-1969.
Brion, C. E. ; HAMNETT, A. Continuum Optical Oscillator-Strength Measurements By Electron Spectroscopy In The Gas Phase. Advances in Chemical Physics: The Excited State in Chemical Physics, Part II, Volume 45 1978, 1–80.
Carlson, R. E. ; Dolphin, D. ; Bernstein, M. Copper Coproporphyrin Excretion In Familial Coproporphyria. Clinical Chemistry 1978, 24, 2009-2012.
Mercer, A. ; Trotter, J. Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of 1,3,7-Trimethyl-2,6-Purinedione Hydrochloride Dihydrate (Caffeine Hydrochloride Dihydrate). Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 1978, 34, 450-453.
Mercer, A. ; Trotter, J. Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of 1-Acetyl-3-Benzamido-4-(2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-Acetyl- Beta-D-Glucopyranosyloxy)-Delta-3-2-Pyrrolinone. Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 1978, 34, 1596-1599.