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Patrick, B. O. ; Stevens, C. L. ; Storr, A. ; Thompson, R. C. Coordination Polymers Incorporating Copper(It) And Manganese(Ii) Centers Bridged By Pyridinedicarboxylate Ligands: Structure And Magnetism. Polyhedron 2005, 24, 2242-2249.
Patrick, B. O. ; Stevens, C. L. ; Storr, A. ; Thompson, R. C. Coordination Polymers Incorporating Copper(It) And Manganese(Ii) Centers Bridged By Pyridinedicarboxylate Ligands: Structure And Magnetism. Polyhedron 2005, 24, 2242-2249.
Suh, M. C. ; Samuels, A. L. ; Jetter, R. ; Kunst, L. ; Pollard, M. ; Ohlrogge, J. ; Beisson, F. Cuticular Lipid Composition, Surface Structure, And Gene Expression In Arabidopsis Stem Epidermis. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 2005, 139, 1649-1665.
Chong, D. P. Density Functional Calculation Of K-Shell Spectra Of Small Molecules. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 2005, 148, 115-121.
Sammis, G. M. ; Flamme, E. M. ; Xie, H. ; Ho, D. M. ; Sorensen, E. J. Design, Synthesis, And Reactivity Of 1-Hydrazinodienes For Use In Organic Synthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127, 8612 - 8613.
Hu, T. Q. ; Williams, T. ; Pikulik, I. I. ; Schmidt, J. A. Design, Synthesis And Studies Of Yellowing Inhibitor With High Affinity To Mechanical Pulps. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science 2005, 31, 109-115.
Vocadlo, D. J. ; Withers, S. G. Detailed Comparative Analysis Of The Catalytic Mechanisms Of Beta-N-Acetylglucosaminidases From Families 3 And 20 Of Glycoside Hydrolases. BIOCHEMISTRY 2005, 44, 12809-12818.
Gardiennet, C. ; Marica, F. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Tekely, P. Determining The Geometry Of Strongly Hydrogen-Bonded Silanols In A Layered Hydrous Silicate By Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Journal of Chemical Physics 2005, 122, 10.
Gardiennet, C. ; Marica, F. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Tekely, P. Determining The Geometry Of Strongly Hydrogen-Bonded Silanols In A Layered Hydrous Silicate By Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Vol 122, Pg 054705, 2005). Journal of Chemical Physics 2005, 122, 1.
Kaftory, M. ; Shteiman, V. ; Lavy, T. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Yang, M. ; Enkelmann, V. Discrimination In The Solid-State Photodimerization Of 1-Methyl-5,6-Diphenylpyrazin-2-One. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2005, 847-853.
Morrison, J. P. ; Read, J. A. ; Coleman, W. G. ; Tanner, M. E. Dismutase Activity Of Adp-L-Glycero-D-Manno-Heptose 6-Epimerase: Evidence For A Direct Oxidation/reduction Mechanism. Biochemistry 2005, 44, 5907-5915.
Escobar-Cabrera, E. ; Venkatesan, M. ; Desautels, M. ; Hemmingsen, S. M. ; McIntosh, L. P. Dissecting The Domain Structure Of Cdc4P, A Myosin Essential Light Chain Involved In Schizosaccharomyces Pombe Cytokinesis. Biochemistry 2005, 44, 12136-12148.
Blackmore, I. J. ; Jin, X. ; Legzdins, P. Distinctive Properties Of Cp ’ M(No)(Alkyl)(2) (M = Mo, W) Complexes. Organometallics 2005, 24, 4088-4098.
Williams, D. E. ; Patrick, B. O. ; Behrisch, H. W. ; Van Soest, R. ; Roberge, M. ; Andersen, R. J. Dominicin, A Cyclic Octapeptide, And Laughine, A Bromopyrrole Alkaloid, Isolated From The Caribbean Marine Sponge Eurypon Laughlini. Journal of Natural Products 2005, 68, 327-330.
Gordon, E. B. ; Kumada, T. ; Ishiguro, M. ; Aratono, Y. ; Momose, T. ; Nakashima, N. Doped Helium Crystals Growth And Study. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 2005, 138, 805-810.
von Ahsen, B. ; Bach, C. ; Balzer, G. ; Bley, B. ; Bodenbinder, M. ; Hagele, G. ; Willner, H. ; Aubke, F. Dynamic C-13 Nmr Studies Of Ligand Exchange In Linear (D(10)) Silver(I) And Gold(I) And Square-Planar (D(8)) Rhodium(I) Homoleptic Metal Carbonyl Cations In Superacidic Media. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 2005, 43, 520-527.
Hu, Q. J. ; Hepburn, J. W. Dynamics And Energetics Of Photoion-Pair Formation In Hf/df. In DR2004: Sixth International Conference on Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiments and Applications; Wolf, A. ; Lammich, L. ; Schmelcher, P. ; DR2004: Sixth International Conference on Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiments and Applications; Iop Publishing Ltd: Bristol, 2005; Vol. 4, pp. 267-271.
Tian, W. Q. ; Wang*, Y. A. Dynamics Of The Staudinger Reaction. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2005, 1, 353-362.
Miki, K. ; Westh, P. ; Nishikawa, K. ; Koga, Y. Effect Of An "ionic Liquid" Cation, 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium, On The Molecular Organization Of H2O. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2005, 109, 9014-9019.
Robb, D. B. ; Blades, M. W. Effects Of Solvent Flow, Dopant Flow, And Lamp Current On Dopant-Assisted Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization (Da-Appi) For Lc-Ms. Ionization Via Proton Transfer. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 2005, 16, 1275-1290.
Read, J. A. ; Ahmed, R. A. ; Tanner, M. E. Efficient Chemoenzymatic Synthesis Of Adp-D-Glycero-Beta-D-Manno-Heptose And A Mechanistic Study Of Adp-L-Glycero-D-Manno-Heptose 6-Epimerase. Organic Letters 2005, 7, 2457-2460.
Krems, R. V. ; Buchachenko, A. A. Electronic Interaction Anisotropy Between Open-Shell Lanthanide Atoms And Helium From Cold Collision Experiment. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2005, 123, 101101.
Mullegger, J. ; Jahn, M. ; Chen, H. M. ; WARREN, R. A. J. ; Withers, S. G. Engineering Of A Thioglycoligase: Randomized Mutagenesis Of The Acid-Base Residue Leads To The Identification Of Improved Catalysts. PROTEIN ENGINEERING DESIGN & SELECTION 2005, 18, 33-40.
Pang, P. ; Koska, J. ; Coad, B. R. ; Brooks, D. E. ; Haynes, C. A. Entropic Interaction Chromatography: Separating Proteins On The Basis Of Size Using End-Grafted Polymer Brushes. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2005, 90, 1-13.
Fang, N. ; Chen, D. D. Y. Enumeration Algorithm For Determination Of Binding Constants In Capillary Electrophoresis. Analytical Chemistry 2005, 77, 2415-2420.