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Dauth, A. ; Love, J. A. Reactivity By Design-Metallaoxetanes As Centerpieces In Reaction Development. CHEMICAL REVIEWS 2011, 111, 2010-2047.
Broderick, E. M. ; Guo, N. ; Vogel, C. S. ; Xu, C. ; Sutter, J. ; Miller, J. T. ; Meyer, K. ; Mehrkhodavandi, P. ; Diaconescu, P. L. Redox Control Of A Ring-Opening Polymerization Catalyst. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133, 9278 - 9281.
Perera, M. ; Tom, B. A. ; Miyamoto, Y. ; Porambo, M. W. ; Moore, L. E. ; Evans, W. R. ; Momose, T. ; McCall, B. J. Refractive Index Measurements Of Solid Parahydrogen. OPTICS LETTERS 2011, 36, 840-842.
Muise, S. S. R. ; Severin, H. A. ; Koivisto, B. D. ; Robson, K. C. D. ; Schott, E. ; Berlinguette, C. P. Regioselective C-H Activation Of Cyclometalated Bis-Tridentate Ruthenium Complexes. ORGANOMETALLICS 2011, 30, 6628-6635.
Shopsowitz, K. ; Lelj, F. ; MacLachlan, M. J. Regioselectivity In The Nitration Of Dialkoxybenzenes. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2011, 76, 1285-1294.
Webb, H. ; Tynan-Connolly, B. Mary; Lee, G. M. ; Farrell, D. ; O'Meara, F. ; Sondergaard, C. R. ; Teilum, K. ; Hewage, C. ; McIntosh, L. P. ; Nielsen, J. Erik Remeasuring Hewl Pk(A) Values By Nmr Spectroscopy: Methods, Analysis, Accuracy, And Implications For Theoretical Pk(A), Calculations. PROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICS 2011, 79, 685-702.
Addison, C. J. ; Konorov, S. O. ; H. Schulze, G. ; Turner, R. F. B. ; Blades, M. W. Residual Benzamide Contamination In Synthetic Oligonucleotides Observed Using Uv Resonance Raman Spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 2011, 42, 349 - 354.
Leung, B. O. ; Chou, K. C. Review Of Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy For Biology. Applied Spectroscopy 2011, 65, 967-980.
Wallis, A. O. G. ; Krems, R. V. Rotational Predissociation Of Extremely Weakly Bound Atom-Molecule Complexes Produced By Feshbach Resonance Association. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2011, 135, 124313.
Saadaoui, H. ; Morris, G. ; Salman, Z. ; Song, Q. ; Chow, K. ; Hossain, M. ; Levy, C. ; Parolin, T. ; Pearson, M. ; Smadella, M. ; Wang, D. ; Greene, L. ; Hentges, P. ; Kiefl, R. ; MacFarlane, W. Search For Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry Near The Surface Of Superconducting Yba₂Cu₃O$_{7-Δ$ Films Using $\beta$-Detected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Phys. Rev. B 2011, 83, 054504.
Inoyatov, A. K. ; Perevoshchikov, L. L. ; Gorozhankin, V. M. ; Kovalík, A. ; Radchenko, V. I. ; Filosofov, D. V. Searching For Influence Of The “Atomic Structure Effect” On The Kll And Lmm Auger Transition Energies Of Zn (Z=30) And Gd (Z=64). Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 2011, 184, 457 - 462.
Kwan, D. H. ; Chen, H. - M. ; Ratananikom, K. ; Hancock, S. M. ; Watanabe, Y. ; Kongsaeree, P. T. ; A. Samuels, L. ; Withers, S. G. Self-Immobilizing Fluorogenic Imaging Agents Of Enzyme Activity. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2011, 50, 300-303.
W. Algar, R. ; Susumu, K. ; Delehanty, J. B. ; Medintz, I. L. Semiconductor Quantum Dots In Bioanalysis: Crossing The Valley Of Death. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2011, 83, 8826-8837.
Burnell, E. E. ; Dong, R. Y. ; Weber, A. C. J. ; Yang, X. ; Yethiraj, A. Separation Of Nematic And Smectic-A Potential Effects On Solute Ordering In A Series Of Binary 6Ocb–8Ocb Mixtures. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 2011, 89, 900 - 908.
Zheng, P. ; Cao, Y. ; Bu, T. ; Straus, S. K. ; Li, H. Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy Reveals That Electrostatic Interactions Affect The Mechanical Stability Of Proteins. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2011, 100, 1534-1541.
Cao, Y. ; Li, H. Single-Molecule Force-Clamp Spectroscopy: Dwell Time Analysis And Practical Considerations. LANGMUIR 2011, 27, 1440-1447.
Aioanei, D. ; Lv, S. ; Tessari, I. ; Rampioni, A. ; Bubacco, L. ; Li, H. ; Samori, B. ; Brucale, M. Single-Molecule-Level Evidence For The Osmophobic Effect. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2011, 50, 4394-4397.
Roy, X. ; Hui, J. K. - H. ; Rabnawaz, M. ; Liu, G. ; MacLachlan, M. J. Soluble Prussian Blue Nanoworms From The Assembly Of Metal-Organic Block Ionomers. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2011, 50, 1597-1602.
Othman, N. ; Acosta-Ramírez, A. ; Mehrkhodavandi, P. ; Dorgan, J. R. ; Hatzikiriakos, S. G. Solution And Melt Viscoelastic Properties Of Controlled Microstructure Poly(Lactide). Journal of Rheology 2011, 55, 987.
Gao, C. ; Mao, D. ; Konenkov, N. ; Douglas, D. J. Space Charge Effects With Mass Selective Axial Ejection From A Linear Quadrupole Ion Trap. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2011, 25, 3509-3520.
Win-Mason, A. L. ; Jongkees, S. A. K. ; Withers, S. G. ; Tyler, P. C. ; Timmer, M. S. M. ; Stocker, B. L. Stereoselective Total Synthesis Of Aminoiminohexitols Via Carbamate Annulation. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2011, 76, 9611-9621.
Bomben, P. G. ; Theriault, K. D. ; Berlinguette, C. P. Strategies For Optimizing The Performance Of Cyclometalated Ruthenium Sensitizers For Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2011, 1806-1814.
Larsbrink, J. ; Izumi, A. ; Ibatullin, F. M. ; Nakhai, A. ; Gilbert, H. J. ; Davies, G. J. ; Brumer, H. Structural And Enzymatic Characterization Of A Glycoside Hydrolase Family 31 Α-Xylosidase From Cellvibrio Japonicus Involved In Xyloglucan Saccharification. Biochemical Journal 2011, 436, 567 - 580.
Lee, H. Jun; Lairson, L. L. ; Rich, J. R. ; Lameignere, E. ; Wakarchuk, W. W. ; Withers, S. G. ; Strynadka, N. C. J. Structural And Kinetic Analysis Of Substrate Binding To The Sialyltransferase Cst-Ii From Campylobacter Jejuni. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2011, 286, 35922-35932.
Kim, K. H. ; Kang, H. - S. ; Okon, M. ; Escobar-Cabrera, E. ; McIntosh, L. P. ; Paetzel, M. Structural Characterization Of Escherichia Coli Bame, A Lipoprotein Component Of The Beta-Barrel Assembly Machinery Complex. BIOCHEMISTRY 2011, 50, 1081-1090.