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Karunanithy, S. ; Aubke, F. Electrical-Conductivity Measurements On Fluorosulfate-Containing Graphite-Intercalation Compounds. Materials Science and Engineering 1983, 61, 261-265.
Reimer, K. J. ; Sibley, C. A. ; Sams, J. R. Electric-Field Gradient At Iron In Dicarbonyl Complexes Of (Tetraphenylporphyrinato)Iron(Ii) And (Octamethyltetrabenzoporphyrinato)Iron(Ii). Journal of the American Chemical Society 1983, 105, 5147-5149.
Shizgal, B. Electron Thermalization In Gases. Journal of Chemical Physics 1983, 78, 5741-5744.
Legzdins, P. ; Nurse, C. R. ; Rettig, S. J. Electrophile-Induced Reduction Of Coordinated Nitrogen Monoxide - Sequential Conversion Of A Mu-3-No Group To Mu-3-Noh And Mu-3-Nh Ligands By Protonic Acids. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1983, 105, 3727-3728.
Bates, G. S. ; Ramaswamy, S. Enamines Of 2,2-Bis(Ethylthio)Ethanal - A Convenient Route To Gamma-Keto Crotonate Derivatives. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1983, 61, 2466-2475.
Shizgal, B. Energy Relaxation Of Electrons In Helium. Chemical Physics Letters 1983, 100, 41-44.
Wijesekera, T. P. ; Paine, J. B. ; Dolphin, D. ; Einstein, F. W. B. ; Jones, T. Enforced Deformation Of Porphyrins By Short-Strap Bridging. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1983, 105, 6747-6749.
Brooks, D. E. ; Trust, T. J. Enhancement Of Bacterial Adhesion By Shear Forces - Characterization Of The Hemagglutination Induced By Aeromonas-Salmonicida Strain 438. Journal of General Microbiology 1983, 129, 3661-3669.
Chan, S. O. ; Comisarow, M. B. Exact Interpolation And Integration Of Fourier-Transform Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance Spectra. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 1983, 51, 252-263.
Giancaspro, C. ; Comisarow, M. B. Exact Interpolation Of Fourier-Transform Spectra. Applied Spectroscopy 1983, 37, 153-166.
Trick, C. G. ; Andersen, R. J. ; Price, N. M. ; Gillam, A. ; Harrison, P. J. Examination Of Hydroxamate-Siderophore Production By Neritic Eukaryotic Marine-Phytoplankton. Marine Biology 1983, 75, 9-17.
LEUNG, K. T. ; Brion, C. E. Experimental Investigation Of The Valence Orbital Momentum Distributions And Ionization Energies Of The Noble-Gases By Binary (E,2E) Spectroscopy. CHEMICAL PHYSICS 1983, 82, 87-111.
Butler, I. R. ; Cullen, W. R. ; Reglinski, J. ; Rettig, S. J. Ferrocenyllithium Derivatives - Lithiation Of Alpha-N,n-Dimethylaminoethylferrocene And The Single-Crystal X-Ray Structure Of [(Eta-5-C5H4Li)Fe(Eta-5-C5H3Lich(Me)Nme2)]4[Lioet]2(Tmed)2. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1983, 249, 183-194.
Mukherjee, P. K. ; Minato, T. ; Chong, D. P. Finite-Field Calculations Of Molecular Polarizabilities Using Field-Induced Polarization Functions .2. 2Nd-Order And 3Rd-Order Perturbation Correlation Corrections To The Coupled Hartree-Fock Polarizability Of Hf. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 1983, 23, 447-457.
Mackay, A. L. ; Burnell, E. E. ; Bienvenue, A. ; Devaux, P. F. ; Bloom, M. Flexibility Of Membrane-Proteins By Broad-Line Proton Magnetic-Resonance. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta 1983, 728, 460-462.
Burtnick, L. D. ; Chan, K. W. Fluorescence Of Actin-Bound Hydrophobic Molecules. Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 1983, 61, 981-988.
Burtnick, L. D. ; Chan, K. W. Fluorescence Of Actin-Bound Hydrophobic Probes. Biophysical Journal 1983, 41, A100-A100.
Fleming, D. G. ; Mikula, R. J. ; Senba, M. ; Garner, D. M. ; Arseneau, D. J. The Formation And Reactivity Of The Mu+-Molecular Ion Nemu+. Chemical Physics 1983, 82, 75-86.
Secco, A. S. ; Trotter, J. Gamma-(2,3-Dimethylphenyl)-Gamma-Butyrolactone, C12H14O2. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications 1983, 39, 910-912.
Ariel, S. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. ; Wong, Y. F. High-Resolution C-13 Nmr-Spectroscopy Of Oxygenated Hexalin, Octalin And Decalin Derivatives In Solution And The Solid-State - Conformational-Analysis And Crystal-Lattice Effects. Tetrahedron Letters 1983, 24, 4555-4558.
Ariel, S. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. ; Wong, Y. F. High-Resolution C-13 Nmr-Spectroscopy Of Oxygenated Hexalin, Octalin And Decalin Derivatives In Solution And The Solid-State - Conformational-Analysis And Crystal-Lattice Effects. Tetrahedron Letters 1983, 24, 4555-4558.
Brooks, D. E. ; Trust, T. J. Interactions Of Erythrocytes With Bacteria Under Shear. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1983, 416, 319-331.
Jiang, Z. Q. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Secco, A. S. ; Trotter, J. ; Wong, Y. F. Interannular Dehydration As A Route To Novel Polycyclic Ring-Systems. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1983, 773-774.
Jiang, Z. Q. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Secco, A. S. ; Trotter, J. ; Wong, Y. F. Interannular Dehydration As A Route To Novel Polycyclic Ring-Systems. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1983, 773-774.
Karunanithy, S. ; Aubke, F. The Intercalation Of Bromine Fluorosulfates Into Graphite. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1983, 61, 2638-2642.