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Cachia, P. ; Darby, N. ; Eck, C. R. ; Money, T. Further Observations On Bromination Of Camphor. Journal of the Chemical Society-Perkin Transactions 1 1976, 359-362.
James, B. R. ; Wang, D. K. W. Hydrido-Ditertiary Phosphine, Ditertiary-Arsine, And Ditertiary-Chiral Phosphine Complexes Of Ruthenium(Ii). Inorganica Chimica Acta 1976, 19, L17-L18.
Paine, J. B. ; Kirshner, W. B. ; Moskowitz, D. W. ; Dolphin, D. Improved Synthesis Of Octaethylporphyrin. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1976, 41, 3857-3860.
Jones, G. I. L. ; Lister, D. G. ; Owen, N. L. ; Gerry, M. C. L. ; Palmieri, P. Infrared And Microwave-Spectra, Molecular-Conformation And Electric-Dipole Moment Of Methyl Thiolformate. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1976, 60, 348-360.
Dalziel, J. R. ; Carter, H. A. ; Aubke, F. Iodine-Oxygen Compounds .2. Iodosyl And Iodyl Fluorosulfates And Trifluoromethanesulfonates. Inorganic Chemistry 1976, 15, 1247-1251.
HAMNETT, A. ; STOLL, W. ; BRANTON, G. ; Brion, C. E. ; VANDERWIEL, M. J. Kinematic And Experimental Investigation Of (E,2E) Simulation Of Photoelectron-Spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS 1976, 9, 945-957.
Rainwater, J. C. ; Snider, R. F. Landau Theory Of A Moderately Dense Boltzmann Gas. Physical Review A 1976, 13, 1190-1199.
Wilson, W. W. ; Winfield, J. M. ; Aubke, F. Low-Temperature Infrared-Spectra Of Some Halogen Fluorosulfates And Related Compounds. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 1976, 7, 245-259.
Cutler, A. R. ; Dolphin, D. Mechanistic Study Of Metal Template Syntheses Of Dibenzo-Tetraaza(14)Annulene Macrocyclic Complexes. Journal of Coordination Chemistry 1976, 6, 59-61.
Ozier, I. ; Lees, R. M. ; Gerry, M. C. L. Microwave Q Branch Of Distortion Moment Spectrum Of Ch-13(4). Journal of Chemical Physics 1976, 65, 1795-1799.
Davis, R. W. ; Gerry, M. C. L. Microwave-Spectrum And Centrifugal-Distortion Constants Of Propiolic Acid. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1976, 59, 407-412.
Hocking, W. H. ; Gerry, M. C. L. Microwave-Spectrum Of Cyanogen Isocyanate (Ncnco). Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1976, 59, 338-354.
Davis, R. W. ; Gerry, M. C. L. Microwave-Spectrum, Structure, Chlorine Nuclear-Quadrupole Coupling-Constants, Dipole-Moment, And Centrifugal-Distortion Constants Of Dichlorosilane. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1976, 60, 117-129.
Silverman, R. B. ; Dolphin, D. Model Studies For Coenzyme-B12 Dependent Enzyme-Catalyzed Rearrangements - Evidence For Cobalt(Iii)-Olefin Pi-Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1976, 98, 4626-4633.
Silverman, R. B. ; Dolphin, D. Model Studies For Coenzyme-B12 Dependent Enzyme-Catalyzed Rearrangements - Kinetics And Mechanism Of Decomposition Of Formylmethylcobalamin And Its Acetals. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1976, 98, 4633-4639.
Fleming, D. G. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Garner, D. M. ; Pifer, A. E. ; Bowen, T. ; Delise, D. A. ; Crowe, K. M. Muonium Chemistry In Gases - Mu+Br-2. Journal of Chemical Physics 1976, 64, 1281-1287.
Wong, T. C. ; Burnell, E. E. ; Weiler, L. Nmr-Study Of Tetrathiofulvalene And Tetracyanoquinodimethane - Relative Proton Geometries And Order Parameters Using Nematic Solvents - Carbon-Proton Spin Spin Coupling-Constants For Ttf. Chemical Physics Letters 1976, 42, 272-274.
Wong, T. C. ; Burnell, E. E. Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance Study Of Benzoyl Fluoride Partially Oriented In Nematic Phases - Molecular-Structure, Barrier To Rotation, And Order Matrix. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 1976, 22, 227-234.
Braithwaite, M. ; Davidson, J. A. ; Ogryzlo, E. A. O-2(1Sigmag(+) Relaxation In Collisions .1. Influence Of Long-Range Forces In Quenching By Diatomic-Molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics 1976, 65, 771-778.
Braithwaite, M. ; Ogryzlo, E. A. ; Davidson, J. A. ; Schiff, H. I. O-2(1Sigmag(+)) Relaxation In Collisions .2. Temperature-Dependence Of Relaxation By Hydrogen. Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions Ii 1976, 72, 2075-2081.
Braithwaite, M. ; Ogryzlo, E. A. ; Davidson, J. A. ; Schiff, H. I. O2(Sigma-1(G)+) Relaxation In Collisions - Temperature-Dependence Of Interaction With Hbr. Chemical Physics Letters 1976, 42, 158-161.
Dzakpasu, A. A. ; Phillips, S. E. V. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. Organic-Photochemistry .17. Intramolecular Photochemical Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions In Solid-State - Correlation With X-Ray Crystal-Structure Data. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1976, 98, 6049-6051.
Dzakpasu, A. A. ; Phillips, S. E. V. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. Organic-Photochemistry .17. Intramolecular Photochemical Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions In Solid-State - Correlation With X-Ray Crystal-Structure Data. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1976, 98, 6049-6051.
Chang, C. K. ; Dolphin, D. Oxygen Binding To Mercaptide-Heme Complexes - Models For Reduced Cytochrome-P-450. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1976, 98, 1607-1609.
VANDERWIEL, M. J. ; STOLL, W. ; HAMNETT, A. ; Brion, C. E. Partial Oscillator-Strengths (25-50Ev) Of One-Electron States Of Ch-4(+) Measured In An (E,2E) Experiment. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 1976, 37, 240-242.