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Head, J. D. ; Mitchell, K. A. R. ; Noodleman, L. Xalpha-Scattered Wave Calculations For Adsorption Of Iodine Atoms On (111) Surface Of Silver. Surface Science 1976, 61, 661-666.
Brand, J. C. D. ; Hardwick, J. L. ; Humphrey, D. R. ; Hamada, Y. ; Merer, A. J. Zeeman Effects In A1A2]-X1A1 Band System Of Sulfur-Dioxide. Canadian Journal of Physics 1976, 54, 186-196.
Ngan, Y. M. ; Rettig, S. J. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. 2-Step Synthesis And Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of Tetracyclo[,11.04,9]Dodec-6-Ene-3,10-Dione. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1975, 53, 2068-2075.
Ngan, Y. M. ; Rettig, S. J. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. 2-Step Synthesis And Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of Tetracyclo[,11.04,9]Dodec-6-Ene-3,10-Dione. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1975, 53, 2068-2075.
Bear, C. A. ; Trotter, J. (-)-3,3,4-Trimethyl-1,7-Dibromonorbornan-2-One. Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 1975, B 31, 904-905.
Rendle, D. F. ; Trotter, J. 3,9,9-Tribromocamphor. Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 1975, 31, 2512-2514.
Bear, C. A. ; Trotter, J. (+)-8-Bromocamphor. Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 1975, B 31, 903-904.
Rosenthal, A. ; Cliff, B. Branched-Chain Glycos-3-Yl-Alpha-Amino Acids .6. Synthesis Of L-2-(1,2-5,6-Di-O-Isopropylidine-Alpha-D-Allofuranos-3-Yl) Glycine. Journal of Carbohydrates-Nucleosides-Nucleotides 1975, 2, 263-269.
Chong, D. P. ; Herring, F. G. ; McWilliams, D. Calculation Of Vibrational Structure In Molecular Photoelectron-Spectra. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 1975, 7, 429-443.
James, B. R. ; Wang, D. K. W. ; Voigt, R. F. Catalytic Asymmetric Hydrogenation Using Ruthenium(Ii) Chiral Phosphine Complexes. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1975, 574-575.
Chia, L. S. ; Cullen, W. R. ; Gerry, M. C. L. ; Lerner, E. C. Cobalt-59 Nuclear-Quadrupole Resonance Of Derivatives Of Dicobalt Octacarbonyl. Inorganic Chemistry 1975, 14, 2975-2980.
Dickinson, A. S. ; Shizgal, B. Comparison Of Classical And Quantum Continuum Expectation Values. Molecular Physics 1975, 30, 1221-1228.
Busby, C. A. ; Dinello, R. K. ; Dolphin, D. Convenient Preparation Of Meso-Tetra(4-Sulfonatophenyl)Porphyrin. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1975, 53, 1554-1555.
James, B. R. ; McMillan, R. S. Convenient Synthesis Of Potassium Hexachlororuthenate(Iii), And Potassium Tetrachloromono(Bipyridine)Ruthenate(Iii) And Analogous Mono(Phenanthroline) Complex. Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry Letters 1975, 11, 837-839.
Koga, Y. Critical Behavior Of Cooperative Interactions. Chemical Physics Letters 1975, 31, 571-573.
Rendle, D. F. ; Trotter, J. Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of 17Beta-Hydroxy-17Alpha-Methyl-2-Oxa-5Alpha-Androstan-3-One. Journal of the Chemical Society-Perkin Transactions 2 1975, 1361-1365.
Rettig, S. J. ; Trotter, J. Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of 2,5-Bis(2’-Hydroxyethylamino)-1,4-Benzoquinone. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1975, 53, 777-783.
Rettig, S. J. ; Trotter, J. Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of (+-)-7,7-(2’,2’-Dimethyl)Pentamethylene-1-Methyl-Norbornane-2-Oxime. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1975, 53, 765-776.
Rettig, S. J. ; Storr, A. ; Trotter, J. Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of A Novel Polycyclic Ga, O, N Cage Compound - (Gah)6(Gah2)2(Mu3-O)2(Mu3-Nch2Ch2Nme2)4(Mu-Nhch2Ch2Nme2)2. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1975, 53, 753-764.
Rettig, S. J. ; Storr, A. ; Trotter, J. Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of A Novel Polycyclic Ga, O, N Cage Compound - (Gah)6(Gah2)2(Mu3-O)2(Mu3-Nch2Ch2Nme2)4(Mu-Nhch2Ch2Nme2)2. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1975, 53, 753-764.
Rendle, D. F. ; Trotter, J. Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of A Novel Steroidal Rearrangement Product, C19H26O5.h2O. Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 1975, 31, 1678-1683.
Rendle, D. F. ; Storr, A. ; Trotter, J. Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of Bis[Dimethylbis(Pyrazol-1-Yl)Gallato]-Nickel(Ii). Journal of the Chemical Society-Dalton Transactions 1975, 176-178.
Rendle, D. F. ; Storr, A. ; Trotter, J. Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of Bis[Dimethylbis(Pyrazol-1-Yl)Gallato]-Nickel(Ii). Journal of the Chemical Society-Dalton Transactions 1975, 176-178.
Rettig, S. J. ; Trotter, J. Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of B-Phenyl-Diptychboroxazolidine, C6H5Bn(Ch2Ch2O)2. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1975, 53, 1393-1401.
Mercer, A. ; Trotter, J. Crystal And Molecular-Structure Of Dichlorotetrakis (Dimethyl Sulfoxide)-Ruthenium (Ii). Journal of the Chemical Society-Dalton Transactions 1975, 2480-2483.