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Heterogeneous Nucleation Drives Particle Size Segregation In Sequential Ozone And Nitrate Radical Oxidation Of Catechol. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2021, 55, 15637-15645.
High Denticity Oxinate-Linear-Backbone Chelating Ligand For Diagnostic Radiometal Ions [111In]In3+ And [89Zr]Zr4+. Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 3874-3886. Invited for 50th Volume.
Humidity-Dependent Viscosity Of Secondary Organic Aerosol From Ozonolysis Of Β-Caryophyllene: Measurements, Predictions, And Implications. ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY 2021, 5, 305-318.
Hydrocarboxyl Radical As A Product Of Α-Alanine Ultraviolet Photolysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2021, 12, 11992–11997.
Imaging Heterogeneous Electrocatalyst Stability And Decoupling Degradation Mechanisms In Operating Hydrogen Fuel Cells. ACS Energy Letters 2021, 6, 2742–2749.
Improved Thermal Stability And Homogeneity Of Low Probe Density Dna Sams Using Potential-Assisted Thiol-Exchange Assembly Methods. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93, 15973–15981.
Inorganic Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry Of Oxine. Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 16451-16458. Invited Frontiers article. HOT article.
Interfacial Acid–Base Equilibria And Electric Fields Concurrently Probed By In Situ Surface-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143, 10778-10792.
Large Anharmonic Effects On Tunneling And Kinetics: Reaction Of Propane With Muonium. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2021, 12, 4154-4159.
Level Crossing Resonance Studies Of The Muoniated Cyclohexadienyl Radical (Muċ6H6) Interacting With Uncapped Gold Nanoparticles In Porous Silica Hosts. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2021, 125, 21410–21423.
Level Crossing Resonance Studies Of The Muoniated Cyclohexadienyl Radical (Muċ6H6) Interacting With Uncapped Gold Nanoparticles In Porous Silica Hosts. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2021, 125, 21410-21423.
Marginal Zone B Cells Have Higher Basal Bcr Signaling That Correlates With Altered Mobility And Spatial Organization Of Igm-Bcrs. Journal of Immunology 2021, 206.
Matrix Isolation Spectroscopy And Conformational Analysis Of Epichlorohydrin In Solid Parahydrogen. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 2021, 378, 111451.
Measurement Report: Ice Nucleating Abilities Of Biomass Burning, African Dust, And Sea Spray Aerosol Particles Over The Yucatan Peninsula. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 2021, 21, 4453-4470.
Molecular Profiles Of Naphthenic Acid Fraction Compounds From Mine Lease Wetlands In The Athabasca Oil Sands Region. Chemosphere 2021, 272, 129892.
Molecular Property-Tailored Soy Protein Extraction Process Using A Deep Eutectic Solvent. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2021, 9, 10083-10092.
Molecular Simulations Of Feldspar Surfaces Interacting With Aqueous Inorganic Solutions: Interfacial Water/iion Structure And Implications For Ice Nucleation. ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY 2021, 5, 2169-2183.
Multiresponsive Cyclometalated Crown Ether Bearing A Platinum (Ii) Metal Center. Inorganic Chemistry 2021, 61, 2999–3006.
[Nat/89Zr][Zr(Pypa)]: Thermodynamically Stable And Kinetically Inert Binary Nonadentate Complex For Radiopharmaceutical Applications. Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 18082-18093.
Next-Generation Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System Based On The Internet-Of-Things And Microfluidic Technique. Acs Sensors 2021, 6, 3477-3484.
N-Glycan Degradation Pathways In Gut- And Soil-Dwelling Actinobacteria Share Common Core Genes. ACS Chem. Biol. 2021, 16.