Title | Controlling collisional spin relaxation of cold molecules with microwave laser fields |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2009 |
Authors | Alyabyshev, SV, Krems, RV |
Volume | 80 |
Pagination | 033419 |
Date Published | SEP |
ISSN | 1050-2947 |
Abstract | We explore the effects of microwave laser fields on spin-changing transitions in collisions of polar molecules in a (2)Sigma electronic state with atoms in the presence of a static magnetic field. We use the dressed-state formalism of quantum optics to describe the interaction of the radiation field with the collision complex and perform rigorous scattering calculations to study spin-changing transitions in collisions of CaH molecules with He atoms at temperatures below 1 K. Our calculations demonstrate that collision-induced spin relaxation of (2)Sigma molecules is enhanced near avoided crossings between different Zeeman levels. We show that the positions of the avoided crossings can be modified by varying the frequency and the intensity of the microwave laser field and discuss the mechanisms of microwave field control of spin-dependent interactions in cold open-shell molecules. |
DOI | 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.033419 |