Research & Teaching Faculty

Dynamics of dissociative recombination versus electron ejection in single rovibronic resonances of BH

TitleDynamics of dissociative recombination versus electron ejection in single rovibronic resonances of BH
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsViteri, CR, Gilkison, AT, Grant, ER
JournalJournal of Chemical Physics
Date PublishedFeb
ISBN Number0021-9606

Optical-optical-optical triple resonance spectroscopy isolates transitions to vibrationless Rydberg states of BH with principal quantum numbers from n=7 to 50. Corresponding resonances appear in the excitation spectrum of excited boron atoms produced by the dissociative relaxation of these states. The decay to neutral products occurs on a nanosecond time scale. Yet, corresponding resonances show Fano coupling widths that approach 1 cm(-1). Above threshold, spontaneous ionization dominates, but line shapes match for resonances with the same electron orbital quantum numbers built on v(+)=0 and v(+)=1 cores. This striking feature-for-feature similarity in predissociation and autoionization line shapes affirms that inelastic electron-cation scattering pathways leading to electron ejection and dissociative recombination proceed through a common continuum. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.

URL<Go to ISI>://000244530900010