Research & Teaching Faculty

Early Transition Metal-Catalyzed Hydroaminoalkylation

TitleEarly Transition Metal-Catalyzed Hydroaminoalkylation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsManßen, M, Schafer, LL
JournalTrends in Chemistry.
Start Page428-429

Hydroaminoalkylation was first reported for homoleptic early transition metal complexes by Clerici and Maspero in 1980. After these observations, hydroaminoalkylation was overlooked for decades due to low catalytic activity. A breakthrough by Herzon and Hartwig in 2007, using Ta(NMe2)5 as a catalyst, showed promising reactivity with N-alkylarylamines and unactivated alkenes. Since 2008, the Doye and Schafer groups and others have improved catalytic activity and expanded the substrate scope of early transition metal-catalyzed hydroaminoalkylation.