Title | Identification and interpretation of generalized two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy features through decomposition of the perturbation domain |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2003 |
Authors | Schulze, G, Jirasek, A, Blades, MW, Turner, RFB |
Journal | Applied Spectroscopy |
Volume | 57 |
Pagination | 1561-1574 |
Date Published | Dec |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0003-7028 |
Keywords | coefficient maps, COMPONENT ANALYSIS, correlation, FT-IR SPECTROSCOPY, INFRARED CORRELATION SPECTROSCOPY, INTENSITY CHANGES, MONOLAYER FILMS, perturbation domain decomposition, RAMAN-SPECTRA, reference patterns, SAMPLE-SAMPLE, SECONDARY STRUCTURE, SIMULATIONS, SPECTRA, trajectory peaks, two-dimensional correlation spectra |
Abstract | Generalized two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy offers great scope for revealing the behavior of relationships between components of a system under empirical study. We have developed methods that aid in the interpretation of two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy. These methods include reference patterns for two-dimensional correlation and correlation coefficient maps, their superposition and joint interpretation, and the use of delta functions to decompose them in the perturbation domain. We show how their joint use permits discrimination between similar two-dimensional correlation map features on the basis of different correlation coefficients. We also show how the decomposition of maps into the perturbation domain reflects the dynamic behavior of spectral features over the course of the perturbation and permits discrimination between otherwise highly similar two-dimensional correlation crosspeaks. These approaches simplify the interpretation of two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy maps and facilitate access to their rich information content. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000187234800014 |