Research & Teaching Faculty

Isomorphous substitution of silicon by boron or aluminum in layered silicates

TitleIsomorphous substitution of silicon by boron or aluminum in layered silicates
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsSchwieger, W, Pohl, K, Brenn, U, Fyfe, CA, Grondey, H, Fu, G, Kokotailo, GT
EditorBeyer, HK, Karge, HG, Kiricsi, I, Nagy, JB
Book TitleCatalysis by Microporous Materials
Series TitleStudies in Surface Science and Catalysis
PublisherElsevier Science Publ B V
ISBN Number0-444-82049-3

In order to systematically change the properties of layered silicate materials, we have investigated the possibility of isomorphous substitution of silicon by aluminum or boron. It is demonstrated that addition of boron and/or aluminum compounds to the reaction mixture leads directly to boron and aluminum containing layered materials in a hydrothermal crystallization process without further treatment. The layered materials obtained were identified as hectorite types, magadiite and kenyaite-like types. The isomorphous substitutions were pr-oven by B-11, Al-27, and Si-29 solid state MMR spectroscopy.

URL<Go to ISI>://A1995BE31J00005