Research & Teaching Faculty

Letter to the Editor: Chemical shift and secondary structure conservation of the PNT/SAM domains from the Ets family of transcription factors

TitleLetter to the Editor: Chemical shift and secondary structure conservation of the PNT/SAM domains from the Ets family of transcription factors
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsMackereth, CD, Scharpf, M, Gentile, LN, McIntosh, LP
JournalJournal of Biomolecular Nmr
Date PublishedSep
Type of ArticleLetter
ISBN Number0925-2738
KeywordsErg, Ets-1, GABP alpha, PNT domain, PROTEINS, SAM domain, secondary chemical shift, STEREOSPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT
URL<Go to ISI>://000178550700008