Research & Teaching Faculty

LXCat: an Open-Access, Web-Based Platform for Data Needed for Modeling Low Temperature Plasmas

TitleLXCat: an Open-Access, Web-Based Platform for Data Needed for Modeling Low Temperature Plasmas
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsPitchford, LC, Alves, LL, Bartschat, K, Biagi, SF, Bordage, M-C, Bray, I, Brion, CE, Brunger, MJ, Campbell, L, Chachereau, A, Chaudhury, B, Christophorou, LG, Carbone, E, Dyatko, NA, Franck, CM, Fursa, DV, Gangwar, RK, Guerra, V, Haefliger, P, Hagelaar, GJM, Hoesl, A, Itikawa, Y, Kochetov, IV, McEachran, RP, W. Morgan, L, Napartovich, AP, Puech, V, Rabie, M, Sharma, L, Srivastava, R, Stauffer, AD, Tennyson, J, de Urquijo, J, van Dijk, J, Viehland, LA, Zammit, MC, Zatsarinny, O, Pancheshnyi, S
JournalPlasma Processes and Polymers
Keywordscold plasma, modeling, on-line databases, scattering cross sections, transport coefficients