Research & Teaching Faculty

Methylantimony compound formation in the medium of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis cultures: (CD3)-C-13-L-methionine as a source of the methyl group

TitleMethylantimony compound formation in the medium of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis cultures: (CD3)-C-13-L-methionine as a source of the methyl group
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsAndrewes, P, Cullen, WR, Feldmann, J, Koch, I, Polishchuk, E
JournalApplied Organometallic Chemistry
Date PublishedOct
Type of ArticleProceedings Paper
ISBN Number0268-2605
KeywordsANTIMONY, APIOTRICHUM-HUMICOLA, BIOMETHYLATION, biotransformation, CHROMATOGRAPHY MASS-SPECTROMETRY, COMPOUNDS, L-methionine, methylantimony, potassium antimony tartrate, S-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, SPECIATION, species

The filamentous fungus Scopulariopsis brevicaulis produces nonvolatile methylantimony compounds (found in the medium) when grown in antimony(III)-rich medium. To investigate the methyl source, (CD3)-C-13-labelled L-methionine was added to the growth medium. After one month sodium borohydride reduction of media samples produced dimethylstibine and trimethylstibine. The methylstibines were separated on a packed GC column and obtained as gaseous fractions. Analysis of the methylstibines, in the gaseous fractions, by CGC-MS (lion-trap) established (CD3)-C-13 incorporation in both the trimethyl-and dimethyl-antimony compounds. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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