Research & Teaching Faculty

Molecular insights into gas-particle paritioning and viscosity of atmospheric brown carbon

TitleMolecular insights into gas-particle paritioning and viscosity of atmospheric brown carbon
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsXie, Q, Gerrebos, NGA, Calderon-Arrieta, D, Morton, IS, Halpern, ER, Li, C, Zeng, MF, Bertram, AK, Rudich, Y, Laskin, A
Date PublishedOCT 2024

Biomass burning organic aerosol (BBOA), containing brown carbon chromophores, plays a critical role in atmospheric chemistry and climate forcing. However, the effects of evaporation on BBOA volatility and viscosity under different environmental conditions remain poorly understood. This study focuses on the molecular characterization of laboratory-generated BBOA proxies from wood pyrolysis emissions. The initial mixture, “pyrolysis oil (PO1)”, was progressively evaporated to produce more concentrated mixtures (PO1.33, PO2, and PO3) with volume reduction factors of 1.33, 2, and 3, respectively. Chemical speciation and volatility were investigated using temperature-programmed desorption combined with direct analysis in real-time ionization and high-resolution mass spectrometry (TPD-DART-HRMS). This novel approach quantified saturation vapor pressures and enthalpies of individual species, enabling the construction of volatility basis set distributions and the quantification of gas–particle partitioning. Viscosity estimates, validated by poke-flow experiments, showed a significant increase with evaporation, slowing particle-phase diffusion and extending equilibration times. These findings suggest that highly viscous tar ball particles in aged biomass burning emissions form as semivolatile components evaporate. The study highlights the importance of evaporation processes in shaping BBOA properties, underscoring the need to incorporate these factors into atmospheric models for better predictions of BBOA aging and its environmental impact.
