Our Department

NMR Sample Submissions during Phase 1 Return-to-Research

NMR Sample Submissions during Phase 1 Return-to-Research:


1). Sample service request forms (https://groups.chem.ubc.ca/stools/index.php/916413/lang-en) should be filed and submitted on-line for each sample. Special handing and safety precautions, if needed, should be clearly stated in the service request forms.

2). To ensure high quality spectra, samples should be prepared in 600ul clear solution whenever possible in an NMR tube graded at the corresponding field strength to the intended spectrometer.

For VT experiments, the NMR tube that meets ASTM Type 1 Class A standard, such as Wilmad’s Precision NMR sample tubes, should be used. The economy or high throughput NMR tubes have limited thermal shock resistance and may break at higher or lower temperatures than ambient.

3). Sample tubes must be clearly and concentrically

labelled with the same name as in your service request

form. For your convenience, Chem Store carriescommercial NMR labels (Part No. EQ000366) forpurchasing. Only IPA-resistant marker should be usedfor labelling on sample tubes to prevent ink fromdisappearing due to disinfection. Removable labels arediscouraged to avoid sample tubes getting mixed up in the NMR lab.

4). Sample tubes should be disinfected before submitting for services.

5). To minimize traffic in the hallway areas in the Department buildings:

a. Samples should be grouped together for submission whenever possible.

b. Samples for routine 1H, 13C, 19F and 31P experiments from users in D- and E-wing should be submitted to D126. They will be collected on AV400sp.c. Samples for routine 1H, 13C, 19F and 31P experiments from users in A- and B- and C Wing should be submitted to B353. They will be collected on sifAV300.d. Samples for all other experiments and from users in all other campus locations should be submitted to B460. They will be collected on a 400MHz or 600MHz spectrometer.e. All early morning samples (8:30AM-9:00AM) will be delivered to D126, and late afternoon samples (4:30PM-5:00PM) to SIF.

6). Samples should be dropped on the NMR sample holders/racks in front of each lab (B460, D126 and SIF) half an hour before lab closes. Specifically, the time for sample dropping for each location is as follows:

D126: 8:30AM - 4:00PM (Mon – Fri)B460: 9:00AM - 4:30PM (Mon - Fri)SIF: 9:30AM - 5:00PM (Mon – Fri)

7). Raw data will be emailed to you after service completion. After data downloading to your own computers, you are advised to remove your data from the email server promptly to keep your mailbox below the quota limit. For 2D data that requires a large disk space, instructions will be provided for you to retrieve the data from our NMR data server.

8). Samples should be removed promptly by service requesters after service completion. Our technicians will disinfect them before leaving them out for pick-up.

9). All NMR labs are closed during off-work hours. You are advised not to use the spectrometers yourselves during lab closure time. All NMR user accounts are locked and inaccessible except for NMR technicians and users carrying out COVID-19 related research.

10). Please E-mail Paul ( ) for any questions and/or further assistance regarding the lab operations during Phase I return-to-research.

(Image from http://chem.ch.huji.ac.il/ is acknowledged.)