Research & Teaching Faculty

Pulse optimization for Raman spectroscopy with cross-correlation frequency resolved optical gating

TitlePulse optimization for Raman spectroscopy with cross-correlation frequency resolved optical gating
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsKonorov, SO, Xu, XG, Turner, RFB, Blades, MW, Hepburn, JW, Milner, V
JournalOptics Express
Date PublishedJun
ISBN Number1094-4087

We propose to employ the technique of femtosecond pulse shaping for improving the performance of the recently suggested method of complete characterization of molecular vibrations, in which both the amplitude and phase of the laser induced vibrational coherence are detected with high resolution. The amplitude-phase information is retrieved from the cross-correlation frequency resolved optical gating of Raman modes. By creating rich interference pattern in the measured two-dimensional spectrogram of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering we enhance the accuracy of the retrieved spectral and temporal response and increase the robustness of the method against noise. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.

URL<Go to ISI>://000248359700056