Title | General approach to high-efficiency simulation of affinity capillary electrophoresis |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2005 |
Authors | Fang, N, Chen, DDY |
Journal | Analytical Chemistry |
Volume | 77 |
Pagination | 840-847 |
Date Published | Feb |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0003-2700 |
Abstract | The differential equation describing electrophoretic migration can be evaluated with various finite difference schemes (FDSs). However, the accuracy and efficiency can be dramatically different depending on the FDS chosen and the way the algorithm is implemented in a computer simulation program. The monotonic transport scheme is used as the algorithm for the hyperbolic part of the differential equation, and the first-order fully explicit scheme is used for the parabolic part of the equation. The combination of these algorithms minimizes the errors and maintains high efficiency. A circular arrangement of the cells in the computer’s memory is used in the implementation of the algorithms, and the use of concentration thresholds to enable and disable cells along the capillary makes the new algorithm highly efficient. Either thermodynamic or kinetic constants can be used in this program to simulate binding interactions between two species for equilibrium and nonequilibrium affinity CE. Simulation results with various parameters are presented. The simulated peak with proper parameters for an equilibrium affinity CE experiment has shape and position similar to that of the experimental peak. The simulated electropherograms for a nonequilibrium affinity CE experiment also show characteristics of the experimental electropherograms. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000226759000024 |