Research & Teaching Faculty

Bioaccessibility and excretion of arsenic in Niu Huang Jie Du Pian pills

TitleBioaccessibility and excretion of arsenic in Niu Huang Jie Du Pian pills
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsKoch, I, Steven, S, Lai, VWM, Owen, A, Reimer, KJ, Cullen, WR
JournalToxicology and Applied Pharmacology
Date PublishedAug
ISBN Number0041-008X

Traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) often contain significant levels of potentially toxic elements, including arsenic. Niu Huang Jie Du Pian pills were analyzed to determine the concentration, bioaccessibility (arsenic fraction soluble in the human gastrointestinal system) and chemical form (speciation) of arsenic. Arsenic excretion in urine (including speciation) and facial hair were studied after a one-time ingestion. The pills contained arsenic in the form of realgar, and although the total arsenic that was present in a single pill was high (28 mg), the low bioaccessibility of this form of arsenic predicted that only 4% of it was available for absorption into the bloodstream (1 mg of arsenic per pill). The species of arsenic that were solubilized were inorganic arsenate (As(V)) and arsenite (As(III)) but DMAA and MMAA were detected in urine. Two urinary arsenic excretion peaks were observed: an initial peak several (4-8) hours after ingestion corresponding to the excretion of predominantly As(III), and a larger peak at 14 h corresponding predominantly to DMAA and MMAA. No methylated As(III) species were observed. Facial hair analysis revealed that arsenic concentrations did not increase significantly as a result of the ingestion. Arsenic is incompletely soluble under human gastrointestinal conditions, and is metabolized from the inorganic to organic forms found in urine. Bioaccessible arsenic is comparable to the quantity excreted. Facial hair as a bio-indicator should be further tested. Crown Copyright (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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