Title | Electrospray ionization of alkali and alkaline earth metal species. Electrochemical oxidation and pH effects |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2000 |
Authors | Ross, ARS, Ikonomou, MG, Orians, KJ |
Journal | Journal of Mass Spectrometry |
Volume | 35 |
Pagination | 981-989 |
Date Published | Aug |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 1076-5174 |
Keywords | cell, COMPLEXES, electrochemical oxidation, ELECTROPHORESIS, electrospray ionization, ION-TRAP, MASS-SPECTROMETRY, metal speciation, OLIGONUCLEOTIDES, PEPTIDES, pH effects, PROTEINS, STOICHIOMETRY, thiol ligands, WATER |
Abstract | The utility of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) for characterizing dissolved metal species has generated considerable interest in the use of this technique for metal speciation, However, the development of accurate speciation methods based on ESI-R;IS requires a detailed understanding of the mechanisms by which dissolved metal species are ionized during electrospray. We report how the analysis of alkali and alkaline earth metal species pro,ides new information about some of the processes that affect electrospray ion yield. Selected metal ions and organic ligands were combined in 50:50 water-acetonitrile buffered with acetic acid or ammonium acetate and analyzed by flow injection ESI-MS using mild electrospray conditions. Species formed by alkali metal ions with thiol and oxygen-donating ligands were detected in acidic and neutral pH solutions. Electrochemical oxidation of N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate and glutathione during electrospray was indicated by detection of the corresponding disulfides as protonated or alkali metal species, The extent of ligand oxidation depended on solution pH and the dissociation constant of the thiol group, Tandem mass spectrometric experiments suggested that radical cations such as [NaL](+.) (where L = N,N -diethyldithiocarbamate) can be generated by in-source fragmentation of disulfide species. Greater complexation of alkali metals at neutral pH tvas indicated by a corresponding decrease in the relative abundance of the free metal ion, The number of alkali metal ions bound by glutathione and phthalic acid also increased with increasing pH, in accordance with thermodynamic equilibrium theory. Alkaline earth metal species were detected only in acidic solutions, the absence of 8-hydroxyquinoline complexes being attributed to their relative instability and subsequent dissociation during electrospray, Hence, accurate speciation by ESI-MS depends on experimental conditions and the intrinsic properties of each analyte, Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley &; Sons, Ltd. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000088934400006 |