Research & Teaching Faculty

A polycyclic condensate of phenylboronic and boric acids with N-hydroxypiperidine

TitleA polycyclic condensate of phenylboronic and boric acids with N-hydroxypiperidine
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsKliegel, W, Druckler, K, Patrick, BO, Rettig, SJ, Trotter, J
JournalActa Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online
Date PublishedApr
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number1600-5368

1-Hydroxypiperidinium 16-hydroxy-6,6-pentamethylene-11,-13,19-triphenyl-19-(1-piperidiniumoxy) -8,10,12,14,15,17,18,-20-octaoxa-6-azonia-11,13,16-tribora-7,9,19-tribor atatrispiro-[]icosane diethyl ether hemisolvate, C33H49B6-N3O11.0.5C(4)H(10)O, contains a tetracyclic ring system, with two boroxine, a BOBON, and a piperidinium ring spiro-fused; the diethyl ether solvent molecule is disordered over an inversion centre.

URL<Go to ISI>://000174727400032