Research & Teaching Faculty

Rate constants and kinetic isotope effects for H-atom abstraction reactions by muonium in the Mu + propane and Mu + n-butane reactions from 300 K to 435 K: challenges for theory

TitleRate constants and kinetic isotope effects for H-atom abstraction reactions by muonium in the Mu + propane and Mu + n-butane reactions from 300 K to 435 K: challenges for theory
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsFleming, DG, Arseneau, DJ, Cottrell, SP, Peck, JNT
JournalPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys.

This paper reports measurements of the temperature dependence of the rate constants for H-atom abstraction reactions from propane and n-butane by the light isotopic H-atom muonium (Mu){,} kMu(T){,} over temperatures in the range 300 K to 435 K. Simple Arrhenius fits to these data yield activation energies{,} EMua{,} that are some 2–4 times lower than EHa found from corresponding fits for the H + propane and H + n-butane reactions studied elsewhere{,} both experimentally and theoretically{,} and fit over a similar temperature range. These activation energies EMua are also much lower than estimated from zero-point-energy corrected vibrationally adiabatic potential barriers{,} both results suggesting that quantum tunneling plays an important role in determining kMu(T) and for the Mu + propane reaction in particular. The results are expected to pose a considerable challenge to reaction rate theory for isotopic H-atom reactions in alkane systems.
