Title | Recent developments towards a unified theory for separation science |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1998 |
Authors | Bowser, MT, Chen, DDY |
Journal | Electrophoresis |
Volume | 19 |
Pagination | 1586-1589 |
Date Published | Jul |
Type of Article | Review |
ISBN Number | 0173-0835 |
Keywords | CAPILLARIES, HIGH-PERFORMANCE ELECTROPHORESIS, individual capacity factors, INTERPLAY, LIQUID-CHROMATOGRAPHY, mass balance equation, resolution equation, separation science, virtual migration distances |
Abstract | Various techniques for chemical separation can be described using a generally applicable theory. There are several schools of thought on how a unified separation science should be developed. The theories described include the mass balance equation (i.e. moving boundary), virtual migration distances, and the use of individual capacity factors. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000075290300010 |