Research & Teaching Faculty

The safe and convenient preparation of bis(fluorosulfuryl) peroxide (S2O6F2) on a large scale

TitleThe safe and convenient preparation of bis(fluorosulfuryl) peroxide (S2O6F2) on a large scale
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsZhang, D, Wang, C, Mistry, F, Powell, B, Aubke, F
JournalJournal of Fluorine Chemistry
Date PublishedJan
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number0022-1139
KeywordsAgF2 catalysis, bis(fluorosulfuryl), catalytic fluorination, DERIVATIVES, flow reactor design, FLUOROSULFATE, FOSO2F, peroxide synthesis

The design and construction of a catalytic reactor (AgF2 on copper turnings as support) for the fluorination of SO3 in a flow reaction to produce bis(fluorosulfuryl) peroxide (S2O6F2) are described in detail. An operating procedure is developed that allows the production of S2O6F2 in substantial quantities (80-120 g h(-1)) and avoids the accidental production of fluorine fluorosulfate (FOSO2F) as a hazardous byproduct. Also described are purification methods and disposal procedures for highly reactive byproducts (F-2 or FOSO2F) in a safe and environmentally friendly manner, as well as the long-term storage of S2O6F2.

URL<Go to ISI>://A1996TW37300016