Research & Teaching Faculty

Scalarane-based metabolites isolated from the antimitotic extract of the marine sponge Hyrtios erectus

TitleScalarane-based metabolites isolated from the antimitotic extract of the marine sponge Hyrtios erectus
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsDiaz-Marrero, AR, Matainaho, T, Van Soest, R, Roberge, M, Andersen, RJ
JournalNatural Product Research
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number1478-6419
KeywordsAGENTS, ANTICANCER DRUGS, cell-based assay, CYTOTOXIC SESTERTERPENES, cytotoxicity, scalarane framework, seterterpenoids

Two novel sesterterpenes, 1 and 3, containing a scalarane-based framework, have been isolated from the sponge Hyrtios erectus collected in Papua New Guinea. Their structures and relative stereochemistry have been elucidated by analysis of their spectroscopic data.

URL<Go to ISI>://000261336900003