Title | Studying a slow polymerization: A kinetic investigation of the living anionic polymerization of P=C bonds |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2008 |
Authors | Noonan, KJT, Gates, DP |
Journal | Macromolecules |
Volume | 41 |
Pagination | 1961-1965 |
Date Published | Mar |
ISBN Number | 0024-9297 |
Abstract | {The n-butyllithium-initiated living anionic polymerization of MesP=CPh2 (Mes = 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl) was studied at a variety of temperatures (T = 296.3, 301.8, 307.4, 313.0, 318.6, and 324.2 K) with a fixed monomer-to-initiator ratio (50: 1). The consumption of monomer and formation of polymer Bu-n[MesP-CPh2](n)Li was monitored by P-31 NMR spectroscopy, and the conversion data obtained were analyzed using first-order kinetics. Up to 50% conversion, the plot of In [M]0[M] vs time was linear, and apparent propagation rate constants (k(p)) were extracted (kp = 21-150 L mol(-1) h(-1) |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000254133200012 |