Research & Teaching Faculty

Synthesis and characterization of homoleptic ruthenium(II) imidazole complexes, and a carbonyl species derived by CO abstraction from DMF

TitleSynthesis and characterization of homoleptic ruthenium(II) imidazole complexes, and a carbonyl species derived by CO abstraction from DMF
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsBaird, IR, Rettig, SJ, James, BR, Skov, KA
JournalCanadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie
Date PublishedOct
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number0008-4042
KeywordsABSTRACTION, AQUATION, CHEMISTRY, CO, COORDINATION, crystal structures, CRYSTAL-STRUCTURES, hexakis(imidazole)ruthenium(II) triflates, PORPHYRIN

{[Ru(II)(L)(6)](2+) complexes were synthesized from [Ru(DMF)(6)][CF3SO3](3); DMF = dimethylformamide

URL<Go to ISI>://000078002800008