Title | A thermodynamic study of 1-propanol-glycerol-H2O at 25 degrees C: Effect of glycerol on molecular organization of H2O |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2001 |
Authors | Parsons, MT, Westh, P, Davies, JV, Trandum, C, To, ECH, Chiang, WM, Yee, EGM, Koga, Y |
Journal | Journal of Solution Chemistry |
Volume | 30 |
Pagination | 1007-1028 |
Date Published | Nov |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0095-9782 |
Keywords | 1-propanol-glycerol-H2O, AQUEOUS-SOLUTIONS, CHEMICAL-POTENTIALS, effect of glycerol on H2O, enthalpy of 1-propanol, ENTROPIES, excess chemical potential, fluctuations, interactions, INTERMOLECULAR, INTERMOLECULAR INTERACTIONS, MIXING SCHEMES, partial molar, PARTIAL MOLAR ENTHALPIES, partial molar volume of 1-propanol, TERT-BUTANOL, VOLUMES, WATER |
Abstract | The excess chemical potential, partial molar enthalpy, and volume of 1-propanol were determined in ternary mixtures of 1-propanol-glycerol-H2O at 25degreesC. The mole fraction dependence of all these thermodynamic functions was used to elucidate the effect of glycerol on the molecular organization of H2O. The glycerol molecules do not exert a hydrophobic effect on H2O. Rather, the hydroxyl groups of glycerol, perhaps by forming clusters via its alkyl backbone with hydroxyl groups pointing outward, interact with H2O so as to reduce the characteristics of liquid H2O. The global hydrogen bond probability and, hence, the percolation nature of the hydrogen bond network is reduced. In addition, the degree of fluctuation inherent in liquid H2O is reduced by glycerol perhaps by participating in the hydrogen bond network via OH groups. At infinite dilution, the pair interaction coefficients in enthalpy were evaluated and these data suggest a possibility that the interaction is mediated through H2O. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000173433400005 |