Title | Transport Properties of Gases with Rotational States. II |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1965 |
Authors | McCourt, FR, Snider, RF |
Journal | Journal of Chemical Physics |
Volume | 43 |
Pagination | 2276-2283 |
Date Published | Oct |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0021-9606 |
Abstract | When a single-component gas possesses a nonzero but small local angular-momentum density, the left-hand side of the Boltzmann equation used for calculation of the transport coefficients must be modified in order to take into account the noncommutative properties of the internal angular-momentum pseudovector operator J. Such a modified Boltzmann equation is herein obtained and a tensorial expansion of the perturbation function phi in terms of irreducible Cartesian tensors is carried out. Expressions are obtained for the various transport coefficients connected with the pressure tensor, angular-momentum flux tensor, and heat-flux vector in terms of certain tensorial expansion coefficients. In particular, a nonzero local angular-momentum density is found to lead to a number of cross terms in the expressions for the macroscopic fluxes. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000207315100021 |