Research & Teaching Faculty

Uridine diphospho-alpha-D-gluco-hexodialdose: Synthesis and kinetic competence in the reaction catalyzed by UDP-glucose dehydrogenase

TitleUridine diphospho-alpha-D-gluco-hexodialdose: Synthesis and kinetic competence in the reaction catalyzed by UDP-glucose dehydrogenase
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsCampbell, RE, Tanner, ME
JournalAngewandte Chemie-International Edition in English
Date PublishedAug
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number0570-0833
Keywordscarbohydrates, enzyme catalysis, GROUP-A STREPTOCOCCI, intermediates, nucleotides, VIRULENCE
URL<Go to ISI>://A1997XR04200042