Research & Teaching Faculty

Use of the Strong Collision Model to Calculate Spin Relaxation

TitleUse of the Strong Collision Model to Calculate Spin Relaxation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsWang, D, Chow, KH, Smadella, M, Hossain, MD, MacFarlane, WA, Morris, GD, Ofer, O, Morenzoni, E, Salman, Z, Saadaoui, H, Song, Q, Kiefl, RF
JournalPhysics Procedia
Pagination38 - 41

The strong collision model is used to calculate spin relaxation of a muon or polarized radioactive nucleus in contact with a fluctuating environment. We show that on a time scale much longer than the mean time between collisions (fluctuations) the longitudinal polarization decays exponentially with a relaxation rate equal to a sum of Lorentzians-one for each frequency component in the static polarization function ps(t).
