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Kiefl, R. F. ; MacFarlane, W. A. ; Amaudruz, P. ; Arseneau, D. ; Baartman, R. ; Beals, T. R. ; Behr, J. ; Brewer, J. ; Daviel, S. ; Hatakeyama, A. ; Hitti, B. ; Kreitzman, S. R. ; Levy, C. D. P. ; Miller, R. ; Olivo, M. ; Poutissou, R. ; Morris, G. D. ; Dunsiger, S. R. ; Heffner, R. ; Chow, K. H. ; Hirayama, Y. ; Izumi, H. ; Bommas, C. ; Dumont, E. ; Greene, L. H. Low Energy Spin Polarized Radioactive Beams As A Probe Of Thin Films And Interfaces. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 2003, 204, 682 - 688.
Kiefl, R. F. ; MacFarlane, W. A. ; Morris, G. D. ; Amaudruz, P. ; Arseneau, D. ; Azumi, H. ; Baartman, R. ; Beals, T. R. ; Behr, J. ; Bommas, C. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Chow, K. H. ; Dumont, E. ; Dunsiger, S. R. ; Daviel, S. ; Greene, L. ; Hatakeyama, A. ; Heffner, R. H. ; Hirayama, Y. ; Hitti, B. ; Kreitzman, S. R. ; Levy, C. D. P. ; Miller, R. I. ; Olivo, M. ; Poutissou, R. Low-Energy Spin-Polarized Radioactive Beams As A Nano-Scale Probe Of Matter. Physica B 2003, 326, 189 - 195.
Zechel, D. L. ; Reid, S. P. ; Stoll, D. ; Nashiru, O. ; WARREN, R. A. J. ; Withers, S. G. Mechanism, Mutagenesis, And Chemical Rescue Of Beta-Mannosidase From Cellulomonas Fimi. BIOCHEMISTRY 2003, 42, 7195-7204.
Koga, Y. Mixing Schemes In Binary Aqueous Solutions Of Non-Electrolytes. An Invited Review. Netsu Sokutei (J. Jpn. Soc. Calor. Therm. Anal.) 2003, 30.
Clot, O. ; Akahori, Y. ; Moorlag, C. ; Leznoff, D. B. ; Wolf, M. O. ; Batchelor, R. J. ; Patrick, B. O. ; Ishii, M. Model Complexes For Metallated Polythiophenes: Gold(I) And Palladium(Ii) Complexes Of Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Oligothiophenes. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2003, 42, 2704-2713.
Galbusera, C. ; Chen, D. D. Y. Molecular Interaction In Capillary Electrophoresis. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2003, 14, 126-130.
Bussiere, G. ; Reber, C. ; Neuhauser, D. ; Walter, D. A. ; Zink, J. I. Molecular Properties Obtained By Analysis Of Electronic Spectra Containing Interference Dips. Comparisons Of Analytical Equations And Exact Models Based On Coupled Potential Energy Surfaces. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 2003, 107, 1258-1267.
Sherman, J. Molecules That Can’T Resist Templation. Chemical Communications 2003, 1617-1623.
Hurley, P. B. ; Dake, G. R. N-Bromosuccinimide Promoted Ring Expansion Reactions: Diastereoselective Formation Of Functionalized Azaspirocyclic Cyclopentanones. Synlett 2003, 2131-2134.
Jahn, M. ; Withers, S. G. New Approaches To Enzymatic Oligosaccharide Synthesis: Glycosynthases And Thioglycoligases. BIOCATALYSIS AND BIOTRANSFORMATION 2003, 21, 159-166.
Britton, R. ; Roberge, M. ; Brown, C. ; Van Soest, R. ; Andersen, R. J. New Okadaic Acid Analogues From The Marine Sponge Merriamum Oxeato And Their Effect On Mitosis. Journal of Natural Products 2003, 66, 838-843.
Merer, A. J. ; Yamakita, N. ; Tsuchiya, S. ; Stanton, J. F. ; Duan, Z. C. ; Field, R. W. New Vibrational Assignments In The (A)Over-Tilde(1) A(U)-(X)Over-Tilde (1)Sigma(+)(G) Electronic Transition Of Acetylene, C2H2: The Nu(’)(1) Frequency. Molecular Physics 2003, 101, 663-673.
Chow, K. H. ; Salman, Z. ; Kiefl, R. F. ; MacFarlane, W. A. ; Levy, C. D. P. ; Amaudruz, P. ; Baartman, R. ; Chakhalian, J. ; Daviel, S. ; Hirayama, Y. ; Hatakeyama, A. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Hitti, B. ; Kreitzman, S. R. ; Morris, G. D. ; Poutissou, R. ; Reynard, E. The New Β-Nmr Facility At \triumf\ And Applications In Semiconductors. Physica B 2003, 340–342, 1151 - 1154.
Xiao, Z. W. ; Patrick, B. O. ; Dolphin, D. Ni(Iii) Complex Of An N-Confused Porphyrin Inner C-Oxide. Inorganic Chemistry 2003, 42, 8125-8127.
Henriksson, H. ; Denman, S. E. ; Campuzano, I. D. G. ; Ademark, P. ; Master, E. R. ; Teeri, T. T. ; Brumer, H. N-Linked Glycosylation Of Native And Recombinant Cauliflower Xyloglucan Endotransglycosylase 16A. BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2003, 375, 61-73.
Burnell, E. E. ; de Lange, C. A. Nmr Of Ordered Liquids; Kluwer Academic: Dordrecht, 2003.
Walker, D. C. ; Karolczak, S. ; Porter, G. B. ; Gillis, H. A. No "delayed" Muonium-Formation In Organic Liquids. Journal of Chemical Physics 2003, 118, 3233-3236.
Walker, D. C. ; Karolczak, S. ; Porter, G. B. ; Gillis, H. A. No ’Delayed’ Muonium-Formation In Organic Liquids (Vol 118, Pg 3233, 2003. Journal of Chemical Physics 2003, 118, 7148-7148.
Ralloff, K. P. G. ; Westh, P. ; Purssell, R. A. ; Pudek, M. ; Koga, Y. Non-Ideality Of Methanol Solution’S Of Artificial Serum In The Mole Fraction Range From 5 X 10(-4) To 5 X 10(-3) At 25 Degrees C. Fluid Phase Equilibria 2003, 207, 301-317.
Arseneau, D. J. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Fyfe, C. A. ; Senba, M. Observation Of Muonium In Zeolites. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2003, 326, 64-67.
Qi, D. F. ; Kwong, K. ; Rademacher, K. ; Wolf, M. O. ; Young, J. F. Optical Emission Of Conjugated Polymers Adsorbed To Nanoporous Alumina. NANO LETTERS 2003, 3, 1265-1268.
Grob, M. K. ; O’Brien, K. ; Chu, J. J. ; Chen, D. D. Y. Optimization Of Cellular Nucleotide Extraction And Sample Preparation For Nucleotide Pool Analyses Using Capillary Electrophoresis. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 2003, 788, 103-111.
Khorasani-Motlagh, M. ; Safari, N. ; Pamplin, C. B. ; Patrick, B. O. ; James, B. R. Oxidative Addition Of Halogens To Moru(Co)(6)(Dppm)(2). Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2003, 6, 1175-1179.
Steimle, T. C. ; Bousquet, R. R. ; Merer, A. J. ; Rixon, S. J. The Permanent Electric Dipole Moments Of The (B)Over-Tilde(2)Sigma(+) And (X)Over-Tilde(2)Sigma(+) States Of Lanthanum Imide, Lanh. Journal of Chemical Physics 2003, 118, 1266-1271.
Scheffer, J. R. ; Vishnumurthy, K. The Photochemistry Of Trans-1,4,4,4-Tetraphenylbut-2-En-1-One: A Highly Efficient Aryl Migration (Type B) Enone Photorearrangement. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 2003, 81, 705-708.