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Joshi, A. M. ; Macfarlane, K. S. ; James, B. R. Kinetics And Mechanism Of H-2-Hydrogenation Of Styrene Catalyzed By [Rucl(Dppb)(Mu-Cl)](2) (Dppb=1,4-Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Butane) - Evidence For Hydrogen-Transfer From A Dinuclear Molecular-Hydrogen Species. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1995, 488, 161-167.
Elzey, J. W. ; Meharg, P. F. A. ; Ogryzlo, E. A. Kinetic-Study Of Atomic-Hydrogen Etching Of Gaas(100). Journal of Applied Physics 1995, 77, 2155-2159.
Gu, G. ; Li, H. J. ; Ogryzlo, E. Kinetic-Study Of The Effects Of H, O, N, S, No, No2 And O-2 On The Surface-States Of Ingaas And Gaas. Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions 1995, 91, 3021-3026.
Barnes, M. ; Hajigeorgiou, P. G. ; Kasrai, R. ; Merer, A. J. ; Metha, G. F. Laser-Induced Fluorescence Of Gaseous Vanadium Methylidyne, Vch - A Triatomic Organometallic Molecule. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1995, 117, 2096-2097.
Wang, Y. M. ; Li, Y. S. ; Mitchell, K. A. R. Leed Analyses Revisited For 2 Structures Formed By Zr(0001) - The Surface When Clean And When Containing Sufficient Oxygen To Just Extinguish The Half-Order Beams. Surface Science 1995, 343, L1167-L1173.
Wang, Y. M. ; Li, Y. S. ; Mitchell, K. A. R. A Leed Crystallographic Analysis For The Half Monolayer Structure Formed By O At The Zr(0001) Surface. Surface Science 1995, 342, 272-280.
Liu, W. ; Vu, D. T. ; Mitchell, K. A. R. Leed Crystallographic Determination For The Restructured Surface Formed By Phosphorus Bonded At Cu(110). Chemical Physics 1995, 198, 235-243.
Legzdins, P. ; McNeil, W. S. ; Batchelor, R. J. ; Einstein, F. W. B. Ligand Control Of Electronic Stability Of Cpcr(No)(Ligand)(2) Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1995, 117, 10521-10530.
Graziani, E. I. ; Allen, T. M. ; Andersen, R. J. Lovenone, A Cytotoxic Degraded Triterpenoid Isolated From Skin Extracts Of The North-Sea Dorid Nudibranch Adalaria-Loveni. Tetrahedron Letters 1995, 36, 1763-1766.
MacFarlane, W. A. ; Kiefl, R. F. ; Dunsiger, S. ; Sonier, J. E. ; Fischer, J. E. Magnetism In $\mathrmrbc_60$ Studied By Muon-Spin Rotation. Phys. Rev. B 1995, 52, R6995–R6998.
Namchuk, M. N. ; Withers, S. G. Mechanism Of Agrobacterium Beta-Glucosidase: Kinetic Analysis Of The Role Of Noncovalent Enzyme/substrate Interactions. BIOCHEMISTRY 1995, 34, 16194-16202.
BRAUN, C. ; BRAYER, G. D. ; Withers, S. G. Mechanism-Based Inhibition Of Yeast Alpha-Glucosidase And Human Pancreatic Alpha-Amylase By A New Class Of Inhibitors - 2-Deoxy-2,2-Difluoro-Alpha-Glycosides. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 1995, 270, 26778-26781.
Cui, F. T. ; Dolphin, D. Metallophthalocyanines As Possible Lignin Peroxidase Models. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 1995, 3, 471-477.
Simpson, C. D. ; Cullen, W. R. ; Quinlan, K. B. ; Reimer, K. J. Methodology For The Determination Of Priority Pollutant Polycyclic Aromatic-Hydrocarbons In Marine-Sediments. Chemosphere 1995, 31, 4143-4155.
Ma, L. F. ; Dolphin, D. Michael-Type Addition Of 1,8-Diazabicyclo[5.4.0]Undec-7-Ene To Dimethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1995, 2251-2252.
Jager, W. ; Gerry, M. C. L. Microwave Millimeter-Wave Double-Resonance Experiments On Ar-Co. Journal of Chemical Physics 1995, 102, 3587-3592.
Fu, T. Y. ; Olovsson, G. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. Modification Of Host Photobehavior By Formation Of Crystalline Host-Guest Assemblies. Tetrahedron Letters 1995, 36, 4353-4356.
Fu, T. Y. ; Olovsson, G. ; Scheffer, J. R. ; Trotter, J. Modification Of Host Photobehavior By Formation Of Crystalline Host-Guest Assemblies. Tetrahedron Letters 1995, 36, 4353-4356.
Melzak, K. A. ; Brooks, D. E. Modification Of Silica With A Covalently Attached Antigen For Use In Immunosorbent Assays. In Proteins at Interfaces Ii - Fundamentals and Applications; Horbett, T. A. ; Brash, J. L. ; Proteins at Interfaces Ii - Fundamentals and Applications; Amer Chemical Soc: Washington, 1995; Vol. 602, pp. 420-433.
Petersen, J. M. ; Skalicky, J. J. ; Donaldson, L. W. ; McIntosh, L. P. ; Alber, T. ; Graves, B. J. Modulation Of Transcription Factor Ets-1 Dna-Binding - Dna-Induced Unfolding Of An Alpha-Helix. Science 1995, 269, 1866-1869.
NOWICK, J. S. ; ABDI, M. ; BELLAMO, K. A. ; Love, J. A. ; MARTINEZ, E. J. ; NORONHA, G. ; SMITH, E. M. ; ZILLER, J. W. Molecular Scaffolds .2. Intramolecular Hydrogen-Bonding In 1,2-Diaminoethane Diureas. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1995, 117, 89-99.
Rolke, J. ; CANN, N. ; Zheng, Y. ; Hollebone, B. P. ; Brion, C. E. ; Wang, Y. A. ; Davidson, E. R. Momentum Profiles For Open-Shell Molecules - Studies Of The Homos Of No, O-2, And No2 By Electron Momentum Spectroscopy And Scf, Post-Hartree-Fock And Dft Calculations. CHEMICAL PHYSICS 1995, 201, 1-21.
Rolke, J. ; Cann, N. ; Zheng, Y. ; Hollebone, B. P. ; Brion*, C. E. ; Wang, Y. A. ; Davidson, E. R. Momentum Profiles For Open-Shell Molecules: Studies Of The Homo's Of No, O2, And No2 By Electron Momentum Spectroscopy And Scf, Post-Hartree-Fock And Dft Calculations. Chem. Phys. 1995, 201, 1-21.
Pan, J. J. ; Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Gonzalez, A. C. ; Kempton, J. R. ; Fleming, D. G. Mu+No - Kinetic Isotope Effects In Unimolecular Dissociation. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1995, 99, 17160-17168.
Senba, M. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Pan, J. J. ; Shelley, M. ; Fleming, D. G. Mu-Sr Studies Of Free-Radicals In The Gas-Phase. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry-Articles 1995, 190, 493-503.