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Graham, P. M. ; Buschhaus, M. S. A. ; Baillie, R. A. ; Semproni, S. P. ; Legzdins, P. Hydroperoxide-Initiated Intramolecular Insertions Of No Into Metal-Carbon Bonds. Organometallics 2010, 29, 5068 - 5072.
Phenix, C. P. ; Rempel, B. P. ; Colobong, K. ; Doudet, D. J. ; Adam, M. J. ; Clarke, L. A. ; Withers, S. G. Imaging Of Enzyme Replacement Therapy Using Pet. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2010, 107, 10842 - 10847.
Phenix, C. P. ; Rempel, B. P. ; Colobong, K. ; Doudet, D. J. ; Adam, M. J. ; Clarke, L. A. ; Withers, S. G. Imaging Of Enzyme Replacement Therapy Using Pet. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2010, 107, 10842-10847.
Cheng, J. T. J. ; Hale, J. D. ; Kindrachuk, J. ; Jessen, H. ; Elliott, M. ; Hancock, R. E. W. ; Straus, S. K. Importance Of Residue 13 And The C-Terminus For The Structure And Activity Of The Antimicrobial Peptide Aurein 2.2. Biophysical Journal 2010, 99, 2926 - 2935.
Oksanen, A. ; Timo, R. ; Retulainen, E. ; Salminen, K. ; Brumer, H. Improving Wet Web Runnability And Paper Quality By An Uncharged Polysaccharide. In RESEARCH PROGRESS IN PAPER INDUSTRY AND BIOREFINERY (4TH ISETPP), VOLS 1-3; Sun, R. C. ; Fu, S. Y. ; RESEARCH PROGRESS IN PAPER INDUSTRY AND BIOREFINERY (4TH ISETPP), VOLS 1-3; 2010; pp. 1444-1447.
Oksanen, A. ; Timo, R. ; Retulainen, E. ; Salminen, K. ; Brumer, H. Improving Wet Web Runnability And Paper Quality By An Uncharged Polysaccharide; 2010; pp. 1444-1447.
Green, D. E. ; Bowen, M. L. ; Scott, L. E. ; Storr, T. ; Merkel, M. ; Boehmerle, K. ; Thompson, K. H. ; Patrick, B. O. ; Schugar, H. J. ; Orvig, C. In Vitro Studies Of 3-Hydroxy-4-Pyridinones And Their Glycosylated Derivatives As Potential Agents For Alzheimer’S Disease. Dalton Transactions 2010, 39, 1604 - 1615.
Lai, B. F. L. ; A Creagh, L. ; Janzen, J. ; Haynes, C. A. ; Brooks, D. E. ; Kizhakkedathu, J. N. The Induction Of Thrombus Generation On Nanostructured Neutral Polymer Brush Surfaces. Biomaterials 2010, 31, 6710-8.
, ; Acosta-Ramirez, A. ; Mehrkhodavandi, P. ; Signorell, R. Influence Of Polydispersity Of Poly(Lactic Acid) On Particle Formation By Rapid Expansion Of Supercritical Co2 Solutions. Journal of Supercritical Fluids 2010, 51, 376 - 383.
Lai, B. F. L. ; Zou, Y. ; Brooks, D. E. ; Kizhakkedathu, J. N. The Influence Of Poly-N-[(2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-Dioxolane)Methyl]Acrylamide On Fibrin Polymerization, Cross-Linking And Clot Structure. Biomaterials 2010, 31, 5749-58.
Spohr, H. V. ; Patey, G. N. The Influence Of Water On The Structural And Transport Properties Of Model Ionic Liquids. Journal of Chemical Physics 2010, 132, 234510/1 - 234510/13.
Kuma, S. ; Slipchenko, M. N. ; Momose, T. ; Vilesov, A. F. Infrared Spectra And Intensities Of Ar-H2O And O-2-H2O Complexes In The Range Of The Nu(3) Band Of H2O. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 2010, 114, 9022-9027.
Bodsworth, A. ; Zobrist, B. ; Bertram, A. K. Inhibition Of Efflorescence In Mixed Organic-Inorganic Particles At Temperatures Less Than 250 K. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2010, 12, 12259 - 12266.
Zou, Y. ; Lai, B. F. L. ; Kizhakkedathu, J. N. ; Brooks, D. E. Inhibitory Effect Of Hydrophilic Polymer Brushes On Surface-Induced Platelet Activation And Adhesion. Macromolecular bioscience 2010, 10, 1432-43.
Wasylenko, D. J. ; Ganesamoorthy, C. ; Koivisto, B. D. ; Henderson, M. A. ; Berlinguette, C. P. Insight Into Water Oxidation By Mononuclear Polypyridyl Ru Catalysts. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2010, 49, 2202-2209.
Moiseev, D. V. ; Patrick, B. O. ; James, B. R. ; Hu, T. Q. Interactions Of Tertiary Phosphines With P-Benzoquinones; X-Ray Structures Of [Ho(Ch2)3]3P+C6H2(O-)(Oh)(Meo) And Ph3P+C6H3(O-)(Oh). Inorganica Chimica Acta 2010, 363, 3569 - 3574.
Moiseev, D. V. ; Patrick, B. O. ; James, B. R. ; Hu, T. Q. Interactions Of Tertiary Phosphines With P-Benzoquinones; X-Ray Structures Of [Ho(Ch2)3]3P+C6H2(O-)(Oh)(Meo) And Ph3P+C6H3(O-)(Oh). Inorganica Chimica Acta 2010, 363, 3569 - 3574.
Perrin, D. M. ; May, J. P. Internal Savige-Fontana Tryptathionylation In The Synthesis Of Bicyclic Peptide Toxins And An Unexpected Chemical Entree From Hpi-Containing Phakellistatin/omphalotin-Like Macrolactams. In; American Chemical Society, 2010; p. ORGN-476.
Lam, C. H. ; Perrin, D. M. Introduction Of Guanidinium-Modified Deoxyuridine Into The Substrate Binding Regions Of Dnazyme 10-23 To Enhance Target Affinity: Implications For Dnazyme Design. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2010, 20, 5119 - 5122.
Gibelli, L. ; Shizgal, B. D. ; Yau, A. W. Ion Energization By Wave-Particle Interactions: Comparison Of Spectral And Particle Simulation Solutions Of The Vlasov Equation. COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS 2010, 59, 2566-2581.
Carmichael, C. D. ; Fryzuk, M. D. Ortho -Phenylene-Bridged Aryloxy Phosphine Ligands And Their Coordination Chemistry With Tantalum(V). Canadian Journal of Chemistry 2010, 88, 667 - 675.
Leitch, D. C. ; Turner, C. S. ; Schafer, L. L. Isolation Of Catalytic Intermediates In Hydroamination Reactions: Insertion Of Internal Alkynes Into A Zirconium-Amido Bond. Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 2010, 49, 6382 - 6.
Kleifeld, O. ; Doucet, A. ; Keller, Uauf dem; Prudova, A. ; Schilling, O. ; Kainthan, R. K. ; Starr, A. E. ; Foster, L. J. ; Kizhakkedathu, J. N. ; Overall, C. M. Isotopic Labeling Of Terminal Amines In Complex Samples Identifies Protein N-Termini And Protease Cleavage Products. Nature biotechnology 2010, 28, 281-8.
Segala, M. ; Chong, D. P. K-Shell Core-Electron Binding Energies For Phosphorus- And Sulfur-Containing Molecules Calculated By Density Functional Theory. JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA 2010, 182, 141-144.
Bates, J. I. ; Patrick, B. O. ; Gates, D. P. A Lewis Acid-Mediated Synthesis Of P-Alkyl-Substituted Phosphaalkenes. New Journal of Chemistry 2010, 34, 1660 - 1666.