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Wang, J. ; Jing, W. ; Tian, H. ; Liu, M. ; Yan, H. ; Bi, W. ; Chen, D. D. Y. Investigation Of Deep Eutectic Solvent-Based Microwave-Assisted Extraction And Efficient Recovery Of Natural Products. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8, 12080–12088.
Ticknor, J. O. ; Umegaki, I. ; McFadden, R. M. L. ; Chatzichristos, A. ; Fujimoto, D. ; Karner, V. L. ; Kiefl, R. F. ; Kobayashi, S. ; Levy, C. D. Philip; Li, R. ; Morris, G. D. ; Pearson, M. R. ; Yoshimura, K. ; Sugiyama, J. ; W. MacFarlane, A. Investigation Of Ionic And Anomalous Magnetic Behavior In Crse2 Using 8Li Β-Nmr. RSC Adv. 2020, 10, 8190-8197.
Ahmadi, M. ; Alves, B. X. R. ; Baker, C. J. ; Bertsche, W. ; Capra, A. ; Carruth, C. ; Cesar, C. L. ; Charlton, M. ; Cohen, S. ; Collister, R. ; Eriksson, S. ; Evans, A. ; Evetts, N. ; Fajans, J. ; Friesen, T. ; Fujiwara, M. C. ; Gill, D. R. ; Granum, P. ; Hangst, J. S. ; Hardy, W. N. ; Hayden, M. E. ; Hunter, E. D. ; Isaac, C. A. ; Johnson, M. A. ; Jones, J. M. ; Jones, S. A. ; Jonsell, S. ; Khramov, A. ; Knapp, P. ; Kurchaninov, L. ; Madsen, N. ; Maxwell, D. ; McKenna, J. T. K. ; Menary, S. ; Michan, J. M. ; Momose, T. ; Munich, J. J. ; Olchanski, K. ; Olin, A. ; Pusa, P. ; Rasmussen, C. Ø. ; Robicheaux, F. ; Sacramento, R. L. ; Sameed, M. ; Sarid, E. ; Silveira, D. M. ; So, C. ; Starko, D. M. ; Stutter, G. ; Tharp, T. D. ; Thompson, R. I. ; van der Werf, D. P. ; Wurtele, J. S. ; Collaboration, T. A. L. P. H. A. Investigation Of The Fine Structure Of Antihydrogen. Nature 2020, 578, 375–380.
Walters, C. M. ; Boott, C. E. ; Nguyen, T. - D. ; Hamad, W. Y. ; MacLachlan, M. J. Iridescent Cellulose Nanocrystal Films Modified With Hydroxypropyl Cellulose. Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 1295–1302.
Song, Y. - C. ; Bé, G. ; Martin, S. T. ; Geiger, F. M. ; Bertram, A. K. ; Thomson, R. J. ; Song, M. Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation In Organic Particles Consisting Of Α-Pinene And Β-Caryophyllene Ozonolysis Products And Mixtures With Commercially-Available Organic Compounds. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 2020, 20, 11263-11273.
Leung, K. K. ; Martens, I. ; Yu, H. Zhong; Bizzotto, D. Measuring And Controlling The Local Environment Of Surface-Bound Dna In Self-Assembled Monolayers On Gold When Prepared Using Potential-Assisted Deposition. Langmuir 2020, 36, 6837–6847.
Wang, H. ; Li, H. Mechanically Tightening, Untying And Retying A Protein Trefoil Knot By Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy. CHEMICAL SCIENCE 2020, 11, 12512-12521.
Kuzuyama, T. ; Ryan, K. S. Mechanistic Biology In The Biosynthesis Of Specialized Metabolites. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2020, 59, A1-A3.
Li, L. ; Zheng, X. ; Zhou, Q. ; Villanueva, N. ; Nian, W. ; Liu, X. ; Huan, T. Metabolomics-Based Discovery Of Molecular Signatures For Triple Negative Breast Cancer In Asian Female Population. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020, 10, 370.
Li, L. ; Zheng, X. ; Zhou, Q. ; Villanueva, N. ; Nian, W. ; Liu, X. ; Huan, T. Metabolomics-Based Discovery Of Molecular Signatures For Triple Negative Breast Cancer In Asian Female Population. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020, 10, 370.
Hao, H. ; Schafer, L. L. Metal–Ligand Cooperativity In Titanium-Catalyzed Anti-Markovnikov Hydroamination. ACS Catalysis 2020, 10, 7100-7111.
Teixeira, M. H. ; Curtolo, F. ; Camilo, S. R. G. ; Field, M. J. ; Zheng, P. ; Li, H. ; Arantes, G. M. Modeling The Hydrolysis Of Iron-Sulfur Clusters. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING 2020, 60, 653-660.
LI, L. I. L. Y. ; Jaraquemada-Pelaez, Mde Guadalu; Aluicio-Sarduy, E. ; Wang, X. ; Jiang, D. ; Sakheie, M. ; Kuo, H. - T. ; Barnhart, T. E. ; Cai, W. ; Radchenko, V. ; Schaffer, P. ; Lin, K. - S. ; Engle, J. W. ; Bénard, F. ; Orvig, C. [Nat/44Sc(Pypa)]−: Thermodynamic Stability, Radiolabeling, And Biodistribution Of A Prostate-Specific-Membrane-Antigen-Targeting Conjugate. Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 1985-1995.
Voth, C. N. ; Dake, G. R. Nickel-Catalyzed Arylative Additions On 2-Alkynyl-N-Arylsulfonylanilides To Construct Functionalized Indoles. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2020, 2020, 744-748.
Dehn, M. H. ; Shenton, J. K. ; Holenstein, S. ; Meier, Q. N. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Cortie, D. L. ; Hitti, B. ; Fang, A. C. Y. ; MacFarlane, W. A. ; McFadden, R. M. L. ; Morris, G. D. ; Salman, Z. ; Luetkens, H. ; Spaldin, N. A. ; Fechner, M. ; Kiefl, R. F. Observation Of A Charge-Neutral Muon-Polaron Complex In Antiferromagnetic Cr2O3. Phys. Rev. X 2020, 10, 011036.
Zhang, J. Jia; Tang, X. ; Huan, T. ; Ross, A. C. ; Moore, B. S. Pass-Back Chain Extension Expands Multimodular Assembly Line Biosynthesis. NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 2020, 16, 42+.
Zhang, J. Jia; Tang, X. ; Huan, T. ; Ross, A. C. ; Moore, B. S. Pass-Back Chain Extension Expands Multimodular Assembly Line Biosynthesis. NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 2020, 16, 42+.
Dai, Y. ; Wang, H. ; Liu, S. ; MacLachlan, M. J. ; Wolf, M. O. ; Smith, K. J. Pdo Nanoparticles Supported On Mno2 Nanowire Aerogels As Catalysts For Low-Temperature Methane Combustion. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2020, 3, 6972–6978.
Zhao, T. ; Wang, L. ; Chen, D. D. Y. Quantification Of Imatinib And Related Compounds Using Capillary Electrophoresis-Tandem Mass Spectrometry With Field-Amplified Sample Stacking. ELECTROPHORESIS 2020, 41, 1843-1850.
Xu, Z. ; Liu, Q. T. ; Wang, X. Z. ; Liu, Q. ; Hean, D. ; Chou, K. C. ; Wolf, M. O. Quinoline-Containing Diarylethenes: Bridging Between Turn-On Fluorescence, Rgb Switching And Room Temperature Phosphorescence. Chemical Science 2020, 11, 2729-2734.
Wang, X. ; Jiang, Q. ; Li, H. ; Chen, D. D. Y. Rapid Determination Of Chemical Composition In The Particulate Matter Of Cigarette Mainstream Smoke. Talanta 2020, 217, 121060.
Kostelnik, T. I. ; Wang, X. ; Southcott, L. ; Wagner, H. K. ; Kubeil, M. ; Stephan, H. ; Jaraquemada-Pelaez, Mde Guadalu; Orvig, C. Rapid Thermodynamically Stable Complex Formation Of [Nat/111In]In3+, [Nat/90Y]Y3+, And [Nat/177Lu]Lu3+ With H6Dappa. Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 7238-7251.
Fleming, D. G. ; Arseneau, D. J. ; Cottrell, S. P. ; Peck, J. N. T. Rate Constants And Kinetic Isotope Effects For H-Atom Abstraction Reactions By Muonium In The Mu + Propane And Mu + N-Butane Reactions From 300 K To 435 K: Challenges For Theory. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2020, 22, 6326-6334.
Sun, T. ; Huang, J. ; Xu, Y. ; Verma, V. ; Jing, B. ; Sun, Y. ; Orduna, A. Ruiz; Tian, H. ; Huang, X. ; Xia, S. ; Schafer, L. ; Jetter, R. ; Zhang, Y. ; Li, X. Redundant Camta Transcription Factors Negatively Regulate The Biosynthesis Of Salicylic Acid And N-Hydroxypipecolic Acid By Modulating The Expression Of Sard1 And Cbp60G. Molecular Plant 2020, 13, 144 - 156.
Frka-Petesic, B. ; Kelly, J. A. ; Jacucci, G. ; Guidetti, G. ; Kamita, G. ; Crossette, N. P. ; Hamad, W. Y. ; MacLachlan, M. J. ; Vignolini, S. Retrieving The Coassembly Pathway Of Composite Cellulose Nanocrystal Photonic Films From Their Angular Optical Response. Advanced Materials 2020, 32, 1906889.