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Anslow, S. E. ; Chong, K. S. ; Rettig, S. J. ; Storr, A. ; Trotter, J. Manganese, Molybdenum, And Tungsten Carbonyl Derivatives Incorporating The Dimethylbis(1-Pyrazolyl)Gallate Ligand, [Me2Ga(N2C3H3)2]. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1981, 59, 3123-3135.
Anslow, S. E. ; Chong, K. S. ; Rettig, S. J. ; Storr, A. ; Trotter, J. Manganese, Molybdenum, And Tungsten Carbonyl Derivatives Incorporating The Dimethylbis(1-Pyrazolyl)Gallate Ligand, [Me2Ga(N2C3H3)2]. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1981, 59, 3123-3135.
Brooks, D. E. ; Greig, R. G. Mechanistic Studies On The Shear-Enhanced Agglutination Of Erythrocytes Induced By Lectins. Biorheology 1981, 18, 273-274.
Ozler, I. ; Gerry, M. C. L. ; Robiette, A. G. Microwave-Spectra Of Molecules Of Astrophysical Interest .20. Methane. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 1981, 10, 1085-1095.
Duckett, J. A. ; Robiette, A. G. ; Gerry, M. C. L. The Microwave-Spectrum Of Silyl Isocyanate, Sih3Nco - Spectra Of Isotopically Substituted Species And Correction Of The Rs Structure. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1981, 90, 374-393.
MINCHINTON, A. ; Brion, C. E. ; Weigold, E. Momentum Distributions And Binding-Energies For The Valence Orbitals Of Methanol. CHEMICAL PHYSICS 1981, 62, 369-375.
Fleming, D. G. ; Mikula, R. J. ; Garner, D. M. Mu+ Thermalization And Muonium Formation In Noble-Gases. Hyperfine Interactions 1981, 8, 307-314.
Fleming, D. G. ; Mikula, R. J. ; Garner, D. M. Mu+-E- Hyperfine Interactions And Muonium Spin Exchange In Low-Pressure Gases. Hyperfine Interactions 1981, 9, 207-212.
Brewer, J. H. ; Spencer, D. P. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Coope, J. A. R. Muonium Hyperfine Matrix In Quartz. Hyperfine Interactions 1981, 8, 405-408.
Fryzuk, M. D. New Binuclear Bis(Diphenylphosphino)Methane Complexes Of Rhodium(I) Incorporating 2-Methylallyl Ligands. Inorganica Chimica Acta-Letters 1981, 54, L265-L266.
Brooks, D. E. ; Levine, S. ; Levine, M. ; Sharp, K. A New Theory Of Cell Electrophoresis. Biophysical Journal 1981, 33, A175-A175.
Shizgal, B. Non-Equilibrium Time-Dependent Theory Of Hot Atom Reactions .3. Comparison With Estrup-Wolfgang Theory. Journal of Chemical Physics 1981, 74, 1401-1408.
Cheung, A. S. C. ; Hansen, R. C. ; Lyyra, A. M. ; Merer, A. J. A Novel Electronic-Hyperfine Perturbation In The C-4-Sigma- State Of Vo. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 1981, 86, 526-533.
Welborn, C. H. ; Dolphin, D. ; James, B. R. One-Electron Electrochemical Reduction Of A Ferrous Porphyrin Dioxygen Complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1981, 103, 2869-2871.
Brooks, D. E. Oral Contraception - Consequences For Blood Rheology And Related Parameters. Biorheology 1981, 18, 273-273.
Hames, B. W. ; Kolthammer, B. W. S. ; Legzdins, P. Organometallic Nitrosyl Chemistry .15. New Cyclopentadienylnitrosyl Complexes Of Manganese. Inorganic Chemistry 1981, 20, 650-656.
Jean, Y. C. ; Ng, B. W. ; Brewer, J. H. ; Fleming, D. G. ; Walker, D. C. Origin Of The Residual Polarization In Muon Chemistry Studies Of Solvent Mixtures. Journal of Physical Chemistry 1981, 85, 451-454.
Bates, G. S. ; Odoherty, J. Phase-Transfer Catalyzed-Hydrolysis Of Thioacetals Using Pyridinium Hydrobromide Perbromide. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1981, 46, 1745-1747.
Brion, C. E. ; Tan, K. H. Photoelectron Branching Ratios And Partial Oscillator-Strengths For The Photo-Ionization Of No (20-60 Ev). JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA 1981, 23, 1-11.
Larsen, F. L. ; Katz, S. ; Roufogalis, B. D. ; Brooks, D. E. Physiological Shear Stresses Enhance The Ca-2+ Permeability Of Human-Erythrocytes. Nature 1981, 294, 667-668.
Gallicano, K. D. ; Paddock, N. L. ; Rettig, S. J. ; Trotter, J. The Preparation And Crystal-Structure Of Eta-2-Nitrato(Eta-4-Hexadecamethylcyclooctaphosphazene (N1,n2,n4,n5))Cobalt(Ii)Nitrate. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1981, 59, 2435-2440.
Dolphin, D. ; Sivasothy, R. The Preparation Of Porphyrin S-411 (Dehydrocoproporphyrin) And Harderoporphyrin From Protoporphyrin-Ix. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1981, 59, 779-785.
Ogryzlo, E. A. ; Paltenghi, R. ; Bayes, K. D. The Rate Of Reaction Of Methyl Radicals With Ozone. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 1981, 13, 667-675.
Sharma, R. D. ; Aubke, F. ; Paddock, N. L. The Reaction Of Tetrasulfur Tetranitride With Bis(Fluorosulfuryl) Peroxide - The Electronic-Structure Of The Tetrathiazyl Dication. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1981, 59, 3157-3161.
Barley, M. ; Becker, J. Y. ; Domazetis, G. ; Dolphin, D. ; James, B. R. Redox Chemistry Of Ruthenium Porphyrins - Evidence For Internal Electron-Transfer And The Characterization Of [Ruiii(Oep+)] Species. Journal of the Chemical Society-Chemical Communications 1981, 982-983.