Description: CHEM 111 offers a 4-credit hour course (3 lecture; 1 lab) focused on atomic and molecular electronic structure and bonding.
Instructors: Dr. Ed Grant, . Office Hours: Wednesdays, 3:00-4:00, D336
Textbooks: Chemistry 110/111 and 120/121: Integrated Resource Package (ChIRP), 2024-2025 ed.
Course Outline (Subject to Change):
ChIRP Appendix A1 A6 Chemistry Review
ChIRP Ch. 2 Chemical Bonding and Lewis Structures
ChIRP Ch. 3 Shapes and Polarity of Chemical Species
ChIRP Ch. 4 Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
ChIRP Ch. 5 Electronic Structure of Atoms and Ions
ChIRP Ch. 6 Interactions Between Light and Matter
ChIRP Ch. 7 Multi-Electron Species and Periodic Properties
ChIRP Ch. 8 Introduction to Molecular Orbital Theory
ChIRP Ch. 9 Introduction to Valence Bond Theory
ChIRP Ch. 10 Conjugated Systems
ChIRP Ch. 11 Intermolecular Forces