Description: CHEM 121 is a 4-credit hour course (3 lecture; 1 lab) that focuses on bonding theories and structural chemistry with applications relevant to modern society.
Textbook: The textbook required for the course is the custom Chemistry 111, 121 and 141: Integrated Resource Package, 2024-2025 ed. (known as the “ChIRP”). Older editions are not acceptable because the current version has been updated. You are encouraged to write notes directly in the ChIRP during lectures.
Outline: (Subject to Change)
ChIRP Appendix A - Chemistry Basics (Review of the Atom and Structure of the Periodic Table)
(Pages A.1 - A.6)
ChIRP Chapter 2 - Chemical Bonding and Lewis Structures
ChIRP Chapter 3 - Shapes and Polarity of Chemical Species
ChIRP Chapter 4 - Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
ChIRP Chapter 5 - Electronic Structure of Atoms and Ions
ChIRP Chapter 6 - Interactions Between Light and Matter
ChIRP Chapter 7 - Multi-electron Species and Periodic Properties
ChIRP Chapter 8 - Molecular Orbital Theory
ChIRP Chapter 9 - Valence Bond Theory
ChIRP Chapter 10 - Conjugation and Colour
ChIRP Chapter 11 - Properties of Molecules and Macromolecules
ChIRP Chapter 12 - Chemistry and Society: Chemicals in Our World