Chemistry 260 covers organic chemistry for Chemical Engineers and other students of Applied Science. Also for Forestry students in Business Management & Marketing and Industrial Processing Technology options. A description of the properties and reactions of organic compounds with emphasis on compounds and reactions of industrial importance.
Organic Chemistry, Eighth Edition, by John McMurray, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Pacific Grove, CA, 2012.
Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry, Fourth Edition, by Susan McMurray, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Pacific Grove, CA, 1992.
This course will include a description of the important functional groups with emphasis on the following aspects of the subject: (a) reactions of industrial importance, (b) the relationship between common and IUPAC nomenclatures, and (c) the relationship between structure and physical properties. The important reactions of functional groups and the fundamentals of mechanism will be considered.
1. Structure and bonding in organic molecules: Lewis dot structures, hybridization and geometry about atoms in organic molecules, polar covalent bonds, acids and bases, dipole moments, formal charges, pKa considerations, resonance.
2. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes: isomers, IUPAC nomenclature, cycloalkanes, properties of hydrocarbons, other functional groups, conformational analysis, torsional, steric, and angle strain, chair cyclohexane, axial and equatorial substituents.
3. Stereochemistry; enantiomers, optical activity, R &S nomenclature, diastereomers, meso compounds, cis-trans stereoisomerism.
4. Reactions of alkyl halides: nucleophilic substitutions and eliminations, SN2, SN1, E2, and E1 reactions with stereochemical consequences, mechanisms, transition states, and intermediates.
5. Alkenes: structure and reactivity, nomenclature, stability, electrophilic addition, Markovnikov rule, halogenation, hydration, hydrogenation; polymerization
6. Benzene and Aromaticity: aromatic stability, 4n+2 rule, electrophilic aromatic substitution.
7. Alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones: oxidation of alcohols, carbonyl reduction, grignard additions, organic synthesis, acetal formation and hydrolysis, carbohydrates.
8. Carboxylic acids and derivatives: acid chlorides, amide and ester synthesis, amide and ester hydrolysis, saponification.