
Chemistry 419: Establishing a Career in Chemical Research

Course Level: 
Fourth Year
Academic Year: 

This (pass/fail) course is intended to familiarise students with what it means to establish a career in research…be this in academia, large company, start-up, government institute etc. The structure of the course is intended to be loose and to match the needs and interests of those enrolled, thus will vary from year to year.  It is intended to be a highly interactive, discussion-based

Areas likely to be covered include:

Discussions of modern chemistry research.

Choosing a graduate school and supervisor.

The process of research…individual and group funding efforts and their pros and cons.

How is research funded and how are grants and fellowships applied for and adjudicated?

What is the process for publication of research…how are papers constructed, refereed and funded?

What does a career in academia mean…teaching, research and service and their balance at different types of institution. What is tenure, and what are the expectations?

What about careers in industry…large companies, small companies etc?

What about starting up my own company…as an entrepreneur?

What is “intellectual property” and the whole issue of patenting?

Alternative career paths such as in regulatory agencies, patent law, education (all levels), funding agencies (e.g., NSERC, MITACS), consulting, and science journalism. 

I also plan to bring in experienced people to present and discuss on these topics.