Research & Teaching Faculty

Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of bis(trifluorophosphinyl)-gold(I) undecafluorodiantimonate(V) [Au(PF3)(2)][Sb2F11]

TitleSynthesis and spectroscopic characterization of bis(trifluorophosphinyl)-gold(I) undecafluorodiantimonate(V) [Au(PF3)(2)][Sb2F11]
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsBley, B, Bodenbinder, M, Balzer, G, Willner, H, Hagele, G, Mistry, F, Aubke, F
JournalCanadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie
Date PublishedNov
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number0008-4042
KeywordsCHEMISTRY, F-19 NMR, gold(I) complex, gold(I) PF3 complex, linear, P-31 NMR, SPECTRA, vibrational spectra

The synthesis of [Au(PF3)(2)][Sb2F11], the first trample of a linear, thermally stable metal bis(trifluorophosphine) complex is achieved by CO substitution of [Au(CO)(2)][Sb2F11] by PF3. The [A(PF3)(2)](+) cation can also be generated by reductive phosphorylation by an excess of PF3 in fluorosulfuric acid. Spectroscopic characterization involves F-19 and P-31 NMR in HSO3F and SO2 solution including spectral simulation by the WIN-DAISY method and FT-IR and Raman spectra. Spectroscopic evidence suggests that the metal-ligand bond involves predominantly sigma-bonding with drastically reduced pi-back-donation.

URL<Go to ISI>://A1996WC12400054